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1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! 1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread!

01-07-2012 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
well its a game with a lot of people adn a lot of dead villagers

so i hope thread consesus would start being very good

do u fear what ur doing will look like soft defending of wolfy players with no reason?
i dont really care what I look like this game.

So no
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
voted for a villager that no one else voted so it looked like he bussed him later

also jim, what do you think of the players u asked me about
im actually thinking captain is wolfing maybe. I know thats "cool story" but considering everyone else is clearing I think its noteworthy.

I have no opinion of aksdal.

Others we agree with
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
i dont really care what I look like this game.

So no
very interesting response

so what are ur reads on those players?
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:25 AM
i dont think captain is someone to think about now

if hes alive in final 3 then its like.......

but it wont get to there
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:27 AM
can you look through that post about nofear quoted, click through all the links, and tell me what seems noteworthy to you?
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
can you look through that post about nofear quoted, click through all the links, and tell me what seems noteworthy to you?
ugh i read his post but didnt click the links

i dont really like those type of formatted posts

can u just tell me?
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:28 AM
Never mind, I found what I was looking for.

Originally Posted by Evene

I've seen you in turboes, Wizard. Is this your first long game?
Originally Posted by Wizard-50
Yes it is. Who do I pm my vote for which villa I want to eat at night?

Felix is obv giving me pseudo villa advice!!
Originally Posted by Wizard-50
Had a date with Snorelax. No wolves caught yet? ruh roh.
I thought it was odd that he used the phrase 'ruh roh'. It's never really used in thread that I've ever noticed, I've found it's more of a wolf chat phrase specifically. And not really said in turbos as far as I've known cause night is short and not much time to talk other than looking for the seer.
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:28 AM
part deux

Originally Posted by J.D.
off the top of my head (i havent kept notes but should be)

Villa: Noah, VMF and to a less and less degree every post Moocher

Wolfy: Mac so far, I suck at finding wolves though.
villa leans align with might

his only wolf lean for the day seems to be mac

Originally Posted by J.D.
IMO the posts speak for themselves. I had almost no time yesterday to catch up on the thread, (met my first Pogger IRL yesterday, Atakdog!).

Soah made a case that made sense to me so I went with it.

As I was reading along his other post you quoted just struck me as odd, and commented on it.
Originally Posted by J.D.
At no point did I attack you Soah, I only asked why you choose to call out AKSpartan for not wolf-hunting when that case could have been made about any number of players. I also did not defend myself, I actually threw myself into the group I just mentioned. You noticed that enough to point out that I was also one of your targets....
his response to teh soah stuff, just so he doesn't have to repeat it again. seems reasonable I guess, but easily could not be honest and the whole thing is still weird. will be more valuable when we know spartan's role

There were more posts about mac being wolfy. at one point mac mad a MQ about JD and called him a wolf. JD called him out for skipping posts and said he was considering re-assessing mac but now wasnt going to, which is wolfy. Lookin for excuses to keep a villager as a wolf imo

Originally Posted by J.D.

his pop in / havent read, defend mac/cross / vote forsy string is just weird

Originally Posted by gder402
seee ya guys i think im dead

looks bad for us huh village
Originally Posted by J.D.
this is a bad post.


im tweenered. I like his reads aside from mac. I liked his thought process regarding moocher being a villager, because it mirrored mine to an extent. But there's also the consideration that lots of ppl think moocher is a villager so there's no reason a wolf shouldn't also.

JD, you have a ton of experience with mac, no? How would you characterize his wolf game in terms of confidence and ability to lead mislynches?
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Can you link me to where you started your voting for self-voters?
It's a sentiment I've had for a while, but I first did it in a turbo recently. I'm going through them now.

Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Let me answer your question with another one:

What are the motivations for gder to read and keep up with a thread as a villager but choose not to post until then?
I think you're misunderstanding me, I don't think gber has much motivation to do so as a villager, I'm not trying to suggest he is a villager. I'm suggesting that if gder is a wolf it's likely that JD flips wolf too. A thought that you haven't even commented upon yet.

Given you're answering my questions with more questions, I'll do you the courtesy of answer your question with an answer (above) and another question. If gder flips wolf, who is more likely to be w/w with gder, me or JD? Can we ever be w/w/w?
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
im actually thinking captain is wolfing maybe. I know thats "cool story" but considering everyone else is clearing I think its noteworthy.

I have no opinion of aksdal.

Others we agree with
Felix thinks I'm wolfin' too. What do you think of him? What do you think of my idea that he and Forsyth may be w/w?
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by Noah
Wizard, is this your first game ever? Sorry if that's been asked and answered already.
Yes, aside from a few turbos.
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
ugh i read his post but didnt click the links

i dont really like those type of formatted posts

can u just tell me?
remind me tomorrow i wanna see if anyone looks at it
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:36 AM
The Moocher 177
Gadarene 150
JimHalpert 143
TeacupVelociraptor 142
VarianceMinefield 102
Noah 100
AKSpartan 93
captain binkles 93
Forsythio 86
fanmail 84
LuckayLuck 83

necro 63
soah 58
shanks 51
Wizard-50 50
Alrighty Roo 50
J.D. 49
Crossnerd 46
McAvoy 45
chrja 44
Felix the Cat 38
Telcontar 37
Nofear3838 36

Debo9 35
vyk07 31
Aksdal 30
Monkeyphonics 29
W.Wallace 27
magic_gazz 23
Supine 21
sixfour 18

Evene 17
gder402 14
Montecore 14
KruZe 14
dryice420 8
NeVeR 5
NLSoldier 4
cakewalk 1

post counts so far. i bolded some of the more wolfier areas
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by Noah
I thought it was odd that he used the phrase 'ruh roh'. It's never really used in thread that I've ever noticed, I've found it's more of a wolf chat phrase specifically. And not really said in turbos as far as I've known cause night is short and not much time to talk other than looking for the seer.
'ruh roh' is mad wolfy
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Can you link me to where you started your voting for self-voters?
This is the first instance I found/could remember. You can click on the links for full context but I'll provide some itt anyway.

Originally Posted by vixticator
Originally Posted by captain binkles
vix lol at self voting
My vote there was a minute after EOD/majority. And Vix and I were w/w here.
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
The Moocher 177
Gadarene 150
JimHalpert 143
TeacupVelociraptor 142
VarianceMinefield 102
Noah 100
AKSpartan 93
captain binkles 93
Forsythio 86
fanmail 84
LuckayLuck 83

necro 63
soah 58
shanks 51
Wizard-50 50
Alrighty Roo 50
J.D. 49
Crossnerd 46
McAvoy 45
chrja 44
Felix the Cat 38
Telcontar 37
Nofear3838 36

Debo9 35
vyk07 31
Aksdal 30
Monkeyphonics 29
W.Wallace 27
magic_gazz 23
Supine 21
sixfour 18

Evene 17
gder402 14
Montecore 14
KruZe 14
dryice420 8
NeVeR 5
NLSoldier 4
cakewalk 1

post counts so far. i bolded some of the more wolfier areas
What makes those areas wolfy in particular?
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
remind me tomorrow i wanna see if anyone looks at it
I will have to remember to format those posts differently!
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:39 AM
the people combined with what theyd feel they have to do

the first bolded area is the good wolf area

the second is ok wolf category

last one is just under the radar, im busy this week wolf category

the top category would be jim halpert and gadarene, the sicko wolf post totals

jim will spam hard as a wolf and i rly expect him to be nked by now and gad as well. both very good.
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:40 AM
oh and i guess moocher could be a sicko wolf as well. i heard that i think? but dont think ive ever seen his wolf game
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
oh and i guess moocher could be a sicko wolf as well. i heard that i think? but dont think ive ever seen his wolf game
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
It's a sentiment I've had for a while, but I first did it in a turbo recently. I'm going through them now.

I think you're misunderstanding me, I don't think gber has much motivation to do so as a villager, I'm not trying to suggest he is a villager. I'm suggesting that if gder is a wolf it's likely that JD flips wolf too. A thought that you haven't even commented upon yet.

Given you're answering my questions with more questions, I'll do you the courtesy of answer your question with an answer (above) and another question. If gder flips wolf, who is more likely to be w/w with gder, me or JD? Can we ever be w/w/w?

Let me try this another way to show where my confusion stems from. Here is you at end of day:

Originally Posted by captain binkles
[u]Too late for a proper reads list[/b]


Captain Binkles

Villa Leans:




Wolf Leans


Should Post More Imo:

In alphabetical order


If I missed anyone it was purely accidental.
Bold is added by me.

Originally Posted by captain binkles
Jim you're my lowest wolf lean actually
This is after I ask you how Im your biggest wolf lean if youre talking so nice to me. However, what this blatantly implies is that the top is your lowest wolf reads and your bottom is your best wolf reads.

Gder is therefore your second best wolf read RIGHT NEAR EOD.

Originally Posted by captain binkles
Does gder defend JD as w/w there. If gder is a wolf why does he break cover to pop into the thread to save a villager?
Then with people choosing between gder and mcavoy you post a defense of gder. A soft defense. A "but would he really do this as a wolf cause it looks so wolfy" defense.

Originally Posted by captain binkles
McAvoy also allows me to continue voting for self-voters

And then you vote mcavoy.

Your end of day makes NO sense AT ALL for a villager from my perspective.

As per your question about you gder and jd: I see no reason why you cannot be w/w/w, but you being a wolf does not depend on it.
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:44 AM
getting caught up one person at a mother ****in time

Supine is a villager

this much is obvious
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:44 AM
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by Monkeyphonics
I will have to go into detail this evening as I have a card tournament to attend soon.
Why bother? You know you will scrub out :P
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:47 AM
wizard yo
1/5 vanilla+ POKEMON game thread! Quote
