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1/26 Dr. Seuss and the Sneetches of Death vanilla game 1/26 Dr. Seuss and the Sneetches of Death vanilla game

01-26-2012 , 12:29 PM

Now the Star-bellied Sneetches had bellies with stars.
The Plain-bellied Sneetches had none upon thars.
The stars weren't so big; they were really quite small.
You would think such a thing wouldn't matter at all.
But because they had stars, all the Star-bellied Sneetches
would brag, ""We're the best kind of Sneetch on the beaches."

With their snoots in the air, they would sniff and they'd snort,
"We'll have nothing to do with the plain-bellied sort."
And whenever they met some, when they were out walking,
they'd hike right on past them without even talking.

When the Star-bellied children went out to play ball,
could the Plain-bellies join in their game? Not at all!
You could only play ball if your bellies had stars,
and the Plain-bellied children had none upon thars.

When the Star-bellied Sneetches had frankfurter roasts,
or picnics or parties or marshmallow toasts,
they never invited the Plain-bellied Sneetches.
Left them out cold in the dark of the beaches.
Kept them away; never let them come near,
and that's how they treated them year after year.

Then one day, it seems, while the Plain-bellied Sneetches
were moping, just moping alone on the beaches,
sitting there, wishing their bellies had stars,
up zipped a stranger in the strangest of cars.

"My friends, " he announced in a voice clear and keen,
"My name is Sylvester McMonkey McBean.
I've heard of your troubles; I've heard you're unhappy.
But I can fix that; I'm the fix-it-up chappie.
I've come here to help you; I have what you need.
My prices are low, and I work with great speed,
and my work is one hundred per cent guaranteed."

This announcement got the Plain-bellies attention.
They walked over and looked at McBean’s invention.
He smiled and showed them the way to the door.
But the Sneetches, they pulled him right to the floor!
They bit and they hit and they kicked his poor head!
They kept on beating until Sylvester McMonkey McBean was dead!

They sat on the corpse and plotted and schemed.
“WE’LL FIX THOSE STAR-BELLIED F*CKERS!” one of them screamed.
“We’ll paste on fake stars and go in disguise
And during the day, we’ll smile and tell lies!
But when night comes, we’ll fill them with dread
For everyone morning, one of them will be dead!

The Plain-bellied Sneetches cheered there at the big yellow machine.
Then they dined on the bones of poor Sylvester McMonkey McBean.
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01-26-2012 , 12:34 PM
1st, just because i liked this for some reason
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01-26-2012 , 12:37 PM
POG Rules
Do not attack or insult other players in the game.
I want a fun game, m'k?

A little bit can be overlooked; if it becomes excessive, or contravenes 2+2 site rules, then Moderator action may be taken. You should focus on attacking a persons ideas, actions or logic - not the poster as an individual. If you feel someone is crossing the line with namecalling, you should PM a POG Mod (Legend42, gtpitch, Zurvan or ElliotR) who is not currently playing in the game. Post reports should be avoided if mods are playing the game, as it may provide them additional unfair information based on who is reporting. Standard 2+2 rules violations (ie, telling someone to perish in a oily conflagration, inline nudity) can be reported with the Post Notification button.

Wagering on the game is not allowed.

2+2 Terms of Service and site rules are to be observed at all times

One account per player - you may not play in a game with multiple accounts, nor should you attempt to use a well known account to extract information from other players while you play on a gimmick account.

Basic Rules

No editing posts

No deleting posts

Do not copy/paste, screen shot, or otherwise post your Role PM.

Any other PMs or private communication with the Game mod is not to be posted in the thread

Any time you have rule questions - be it general questions, or those about specific game rules - contact the Mod in private. Do not post the question in thread, and do not expect the mod to see any questions posted.

No communication outside the game thread with ANY other players in the game about the game, unless it is specifically allowed by your role, and only within such times as are specified in the role PM.

A dead post is "gg villa" or "yay wolves" NOT game information.


Each day, each player is allowed (and encouraged) to vote to lynch a player. To do so, type the name of the player in bold; if you want to be sure the moderator sees it, you could be so kind as to write something like "vote: Zurvan", but it is not required.You may abbreviate the name of the player, provided it is clear to other players (and the moderator) whom you mean.

You may remove your vote by posting "unvote". You may change your vote simply by voting the new player; you do not need to unvote.

At the end of the scheduled game day, the player with the most votes is lynched, and his role revealed in the thread. If two or more players are tied for the most votes, one of the tied players is chosen randomly by the moderator.

I suck at majorities and prefer not to do them unless it speeds the game long near the end.


Villagers and seers may not communicate with any other player in the game, other than by posting in this thread. Any communication about the substance of the game (i.e., anything beyond the fact that the game is being played and that you are in it) is prohibited.

Wolves may communicate with each other by any means they desire during a 24-hour wolf chat.

Questions and Confirmation

Any questions regarding the rules should be submitted to the moderator by PM.

Other Rules


Werewolf is a participatory game. While it may be good strategy simply never to post, it is not fun for other players when people play that way. Accordingly, everyone is expected to participate on a regular basis.

This means that everyone is expected to post something every day, but it means more than that. Popping into the thread once a day to say "posting to avoid modkill" is an excellent way to get modkilled.

If you aren't going to be able to post at all on a given game day, tell me beforehand. Life happens; we get that. Once or twice is not an enormous problem, but if it's going to be an ongoing issue, we'll have to find you a substitute.


Lying is not only allowed, it is expected.

Quoting or paraphrasing communications with or PMs from the mod is not allowed.

Player assistance with vote counts will be greatly appreciated when the moderator is not available. If you make a mistake while doing one, that's to be expected. Do not intentionally make any, though.

If you are ever unsure about whether something is or is not allowed PM the game mod and ask.

Posting after day has ended, whether I have called "night" or not, is not allowed.

Discussing the game outside the thread is not allowed. Sometimes this comes up when someone is in two games at once; basically, the most you can say outside this thread is that the game is going on, and so-andso was or is in it.
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01-26-2012 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by RightbutmadeWrong
1st, just because i liked this for some reason
It's still night, dopey.
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01-26-2012 , 12:39 PM

captain binkles
Felix the Cat
well named

(NOW you post, Right)
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01-26-2012 , 12:39 PM
first for real?
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01-26-2012 , 12:40 PM
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01-26-2012 , 12:40 PM
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01-26-2012 , 12:40 PM
awwwwww yeaahhhhhhhh
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01-26-2012 , 12:41 PM
This game is gonna be awesome. Thank god I'm villa cuz phone skype would be aids.
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01-26-2012 , 12:42 PM
I'm so glad to be a villager this game. Wolfing on loopy pills is hard, yo.
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01-26-2012 , 12:42 PM
sup bros?

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01-26-2012 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by HiFi
I'm so glad to be a villager this game. Wolfing on loopy pills is hard, yo.
Lol same

Plus I can't afford to feel more psychotic right now
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01-26-2012 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by well named
sup bros?

hai wn
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01-26-2012 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Lol same

Plus I can't afford to feel more psychotic right now
I'm not sure what's in your bloodstream atm but I'm full of muscle relaxers from getting rear-ended (the bad kind) yesterday after work.
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01-26-2012 , 12:47 PM
nothing funny about that!
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01-26-2012 , 12:48 PM
I'm trying not to post too much because I haven't actually gotten my role PM and as far as I know I could be a wolf

so it's best to stay UTR

But if I am a wolf I'm hoping my partners are captain binkles, mcavoy, luckayluck, and VMF

And hopefully that's the right number of wolves
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01-26-2012 , 12:48 PM
I'm a big ouch but the pills help a LOT and now this game will give me something to do today besides watch SVU reruns.
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01-26-2012 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I'm trying not to post too much because I haven't actually gotten my role PM and as far as I know I could be a wolf

so it's best to stay UTR

But if I am a wolf I'm hoping my partners are captain binkles, mcavoy, luckayluck, and VMF

And hopefully that's the right number of wolves
oh i also hope that is the wolf team
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01-26-2012 , 12:50 PM
in b4 vmf and wn are both woofs
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01-26-2012 , 12:50 PM
My company just got acquired so I'm hoping to be receiving the offers of continued employment
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01-26-2012 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by HiFi
in b4 vmf and wn are both woofs
id like to think me and well named would do that as wolves
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01-26-2012 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
id like to think me and well named would do that as wolves
that's what i meant

i think you would, too. nomsayin?
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01-26-2012 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by HiFi
that's what i meant

i think you would, too. nomsayin?
anything i do on day 1 is role neutral
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01-26-2012 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
oh i also hope that is the wolf team
We're gonna wreck these fools

I think felix is probably teh seer
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