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01-06-2013 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Confirmed going to a movie

Do not lynch
annie (unless he shows up and hard claims a wolf peek or something)

Probably some others I forgot.

I'll leave my vote on Jim or change to starrazz. And if someone realllllllllllllllllllllly wants me to I'll vote for crossnerd. I won't vote for LKJ or hardcore, although I don't have either as super lock clear just now. Hardcore could be on the no lynch list but eh.

I got ~25 mins left.
Pretty convincing reason for Vix to be nk'd if KruZe is a villager, just btw

Originally Posted by JimHalpert
ok heres something to chew on

Wagons: Crossnerd and Starazz

Starazz makes video

noah, hardcore, annie scream hes obv villa get off

Monkey and lkj say it doesnt mean anything, he didnt say anything, they arent convinced


1. The alternate wagon is crossnerd - a wolf - and they dont want it to shift to her
2. Starazz is a wolf and they are like lolwutareyousmoking and trying to look good for later
3. its v/v wagons and they dont want it to shift
They're not bussing Starr though. The way LKJ is voting him isn't a bus, in fact he switched off Crossnerd by saying they're probably w/w. And Monkey is voting Crossnerd, so they can't be looking for cred.

Originally Posted by JimHalpert
and the important thing about that snipe is that it was still like 4-4-4 right? i moved off of starazz and so either lkj saw that and sniped crosswolf (a bad snipe because hed get more credit sniping monkey there) or tried to save the wolf bro

hardcore was only pushing her because he thought i was a wolf for fake claiming and it only made sense for me to be a wolf if cross was one too. he said she couldnt be a wolf with anyone else.

im pretttttty sure im going kruze -> starazz and then vomiting if im wrong
Hardcore made a few posts talking about monkey/cross being w/w long before the seer claim. If Monkey wasn't peeked and Crosswolf gets lynched there over monkey, they're both set up nicely for a huge endgame run. Whether they do that or not I'm unsure, but there's certainly motive.

Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I wasnt feeling too up for the game on d1, I took a semi lazy approach considering i could only use the Internet sporadically and was just tone reading ftmp and looking for someone i could trust to sponge for a bit and try to draw the nk. I almost always go after anyone who calls me wolfy early in a game, monkey came in and just threw out these comments about me after I'd said itt I was feeling ****ty and wouldn't be around much. I'm used to monkeybanana from the good old days when he was dr zen and I just felt something was off with him, he's super emotional player and in the past any kind of pissing contest was enough for him to start up, so when i was hassling him, I expected him to hassle me runt back. the more i felt i could press him, the more obvious it would be if I was right or wrong about it, so i asked to borrow votes. I jut couldn't stay in the internet long enough to follow through the way i wanted.

The "plan" I was referring to was just me peeking Jim and voting him and an attempting to be seery bc drawing an early nk in this game would have been ideal for me. :/

My level of confidence was pretty high at first but I couldn't keep up with the game or make notes the way I wanted and when i came back for eod I just didn't feel like I could or *should* be swaying things heavily in the game when I wasn't sure of my reads on most of the players at the time. I wasn't really thinking then about whether or not I was forcing Noah or hardcore to possibly be bussing mb mainly bc my focus wasn't on them at all and I wasn't worried about their roles yet, they were on my people I wasn't going to lynch on d1 list. I don't think i really "dropped" anything at eod, I was getting threatened with the lynch and I knew i wouodnt be around at eod to vote to save myself, I had to let it go and get on a counter wagon or risk myself getting killed bc I'm not there to defend myself.
Okay, thanks for this. It makes some sense. I assume you felt the same about LKJ pushing you?
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01-06-2013 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
i didnt see an audio thing
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01-06-2013 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Okay, everyone with the ability to download and listen to this needs to:

hardcoreinvitational.mp3 - 25.0 Mb

it's about half an hour long but please take the time for it, I think it's really important

I'll write up some cliffs later
Originally Posted by captain binkles
  • 100% villager
  • Very natural posting, his progressions on everyone are great
  • Pushed LKJ in a nice, natural way on d1
  • Wouldn't claim seer to protect xnerd on d1 as a wolf, I can see him protecting her but not to this extent, it leads to too many awkward situations
  • WN cleared him
  • I'm clearing him, you should too
  • He can't post the way he did yesterday as a wolf


  • Almost certainly a villager
  • Wolves, despite being on the counterwagon, didn't give a **** if starrazz was lynched or not
  • LKJ made crucial switching vote at spot where he couldn't bus for cred
  • Wolves didn't use starr's video to either push or defend him
  • Nobody is brazen enough to post the way he did yesterday as a wolf
  • Him being fairly aggressively wrong on WN and Jim early has a villagery touch of paranoia and willingness to believe in himself
  • One point against him: no real interactions with known wolves


  • Literally every person in the thread cleared him d1
  • Gameflow/soah theorem makes him a villager an overwhelming % of the time
  • Good villagery thought process
  • Both wolves cleared him d1 in the way wolves clear villagers
  • Good posts towards EOD, excellent levels of speed, thread connectness and depth of detail
  • Biggest point against him, yesterday. idk if it's that compelling
  • Fairly spazzy d2 in a good way too


  • Unnatural push of Monkey, the evidence didn't merit the push
  • The simultaneous push of Hardcore was way softer
  • This makes no sense contextually, if she's so sure Monkey is a wolf then she should really be wondering to herself if Hardcore is bussing when he lends her his vote, etc.
  • None of that is apparent, huge logical disconnect
  • Given the strength of her read the confidence in it is lacking
  • She comes back to the thread, unvotes, joke votes me and then leaves on starrazz saying she isn't happy about it. Why isn't she asking after Monkey?
  • The only person she pushed at all like Monkey was LKJ
  • Given her availability issues I think bussing her for cred makes a lot of sense
  • Both wolves were on Cross early, two wolves basically never vote the same villager early in the game
  • That whole day 1, both of them were voting her (LKJ switched to Starr saying he and cross were w/w!!!) but never really made an attempt to get her lynched
  • If Monkey was seerhunting for reals you better believe he'd be hard-defending that starr wagon
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by KruZe

did it really hurt your feelings that I called you a "****ing idiot* enough for you to actually report the post and get me infracted?

I was told that me calling you an idiot was a "personal attack". It wasn't.

I know you are probably not an 'idiot' irl. So me calling you a ****ing idiot in this situation was a reaction to you voting me. It's a common thing in these ww games... being called idiots morans mor0ns ******s ect.... HAPPENS ALL THE TIME STARRAZZ GROW THE **** UP.

Go to ANY werewolf long game, and do a search for the word 'idiot' most of the time you will get multiple pages of people calling each other idiots.

I know infraction stuff isn't suposed to be challenged in public places on forums so I am not bringing this up to cause discussion of the incident.

but FFS, get some thicker skin

I won't bring this up again.
The only posts I reported were from D1 and I got an infraction, too, which I deserved.
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:01 PM
thats your cue to relink it

im never lynching starazz
if hes a wolfthen whatever

im lynching kruze and crossnerd
and i might even be willing to lynch crossnerd first after seeing lkj always throw a wolf in the whole "if he flips wolf we have to look at x/y"
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Pretty convincing reason for Vix to be nk'd if KruZe is a villager, just btw
I'm not seeing your logic here at all.
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:03 PM
yeah i dont understand that either
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:06 PM
well his do not lynch list is 6/7 or 7/7 if kruze is a villager -> vix had amazing reads if kruze is a villager -> **** we should probably nk him soon
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
and the important thing about that snipe is that it was still like 4-4-4 right? i moved off of starazz and so either lkj saw that and sniped crosswolf (a bad snipe because hed get more credit sniping monkey there) or tried to save the wolf bro

hardcore was only pushing her because he thought i was a wolf for fake claiming and it only made sense for me to be a wolf if cross was one too. he said she couldnt be a wolf with anyone else.

im pretttttty sure im going kruze -> starazz and then vomiting if im wrong
Kruze flipping villager does not change the fact that I am a villager. It makes me more probable to be a wolf only in sheer terms of process of elimination numbers (1 in 4 not 1 in 6, not including SHC)
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:07 PM
I kinda feel like it's a bit of a leak that you're clearing starr on spew rather than his actual posts too
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:07 PM
i mean it really, really, really should just be kruze here :\
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
well his do not lynch list is 6/7 or 7/7 if kruze is a villager -> vix had amazing reads if kruze is a villager -> **** we should probably nk him soon
Having 1 wolf on the list would be equally awesome. I don't see how that clears Kruze at all.
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
I kinda feel like it's a bit of a leak that you're clearing starr on spew rather than his actual posts too
my sanity disagrees
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01-06-2013 , 07:13 PM
loading it up
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01-06-2013 , 07:14 PM
like, I mean, I feel like it *should* be, but I have my doubts that it is
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01-06-2013 , 07:14 PM
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:14 PM
no way Jim is wolfing for him to push me as villagery...not that he would necessarily be wolfly if he were pushing me, but if he is wolfing he would know Im villaging and would never try to dissuade RJ/Binkles from voting me.

My concern is, will I be punished with a lynch tomorrow if we vote KruZe and I'm wrong?

90% chance KruZe is wolfing. 7% chance crossnerd is wolfing. 2% chance Jim is wolfing. 1% chance I am wolfing. Obviously 0% chance I'm wolfing because I know I'm not but I'm trying to frame it for you. Substitute 0% for your numbers if youre crossnerd villaging or Jim villaging.
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:15 PM
I'm with you, bankles, but the weight of the evidence is more against Kruze than anyone else IMO.

If it's not him I don't envy the F3.
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:16 PM
i hope you say shrimp on the barbie once
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:16 PM
like the kruze poasts you quoted, compared to his posts here, are just night and day
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:16 PM
I'll listen to audio tomorrow
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01-06-2013 , 07:18 PM
why do you think there'll be a tomorrow?
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:18 PM
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 07:18 PM
on the kruZe thing obv
i dont need you to elaborate on why is there a tomorrow
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01-06-2013 , 07:20 PM
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