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1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V 1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V

01-19-2016 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
I'm not saying they thought. I said what is Ben was lord peek and he tried to hide it and just vote him.

He did it one game to me and we killed him lol. He outed himself by voting me all day when I had no traction.
Anyways just a thought, it was a tinfoil, not gonna go down this road anyways.
I'm out got to leave for work.
LOL that would be amazing if the wolves thought that and killed one of the counter wagons
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits



Not sure on everyone else yet.

Let's bag us a bad guy today guys
No viggo on this list, despite being peeked villager.
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 11:49 AM
Then is worse. He pushed mesh all day bit know he's villa so he moved away from him just in case?
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 11:49 AM
Oh I'm dead! LOL Sorry.... well that didn't last long.
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Mor_Tilt4mePls
LOL that would be amazing if the wolves thought that and killed one of the counter wagons
U make no sense. I'm done
Not even sure which level u are on but I'm on a higher level remember that
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 11:51 AM
Lol ec. Yes we are all shocked too
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO
Lord is my heavy wolf lean, but Vig and Kes seem wolfy aswell

Xander, QB, Fray, Mor villagery
agree with most of this. A poor tone by a seer get's misinterpreted as wolfy and I agree with the other wolf reads and 3/4 of village reads. Mor could go either way for me.
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits
Can everybody please read spurs cryptic message please.

He said that his peek didn't have an E or a K in their name = he peeked viggo

why go to the point of leaving such a cryptic message if it is clearly not true. Looks suspect to me. Somebody works hard to figure out what he's saying and thinks "I cracked the code! Genius! He must be right, he must be the seer!"

Well guess what? He's not the seer. He's a wolf/NSK.

Now that I think about it I think that this leads me to believe that viggo is a wolf too.
na viggo is peeked

as for spurs being super cryptic and fpsing seer cover is something i dont see wolves doing often. unless hes has a history of fpsing as a wolf i dont really think its a wolf tell

but will look into all that after i grub might be something there but not seeing it atm
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 11:52 AM
BATM sounding even wolfier than xander today. 2/2 wolves.

with viggo, rtspurs, and myself as villagers, this game is halfway to solved.
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by keshaldra
No viggo on this list, despite being peeked villager.
he thinks viggo is a wolf and not adding him there hmm
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 11:53 AM
OK guys, so I may have something here.

At first EC2200 seemed like either a randed or silly NK, however he was the ONLY player in the game to not leave a peek, hence the ONLY player that the wolves can kill for sure without hitting a vest.

This is the kill they all agreed to.

The second kill must be the NSK, who is in wolfchat, but the other wolves would not know who he is killing. Obviously he wants to kill a villager n1, and ideally he would kill someone who he viewed as a threat while also not wanting to expose his identity to the other wolves.

The NSK killed benjamin. I believe he would do this for one of two reasons: benjamin pushed the NSK, OR, benjamin pushed a wolf the NSK wants the other wolves to suspect as the NSK. Either way, we can pin somebody in wolfchat from benjamin's pushes.

With this in mind, I searched benjamin and these stuck out:

Originally Posted by BenjaminAO
I've given more reads and reasoning than Xander, but I get wold read for this ****ty of a reason?

He can join Lord and Kesh
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO
So the people pushing me, for reasons that aren't alignment indicative, are wolves. These people are straight up ignoring Lord and Xander, so thanks for outing yourselves.

Lord Xander and 2 others, probably Spurs, QB might just be bad and not the last one
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO
Lord is better to leave alive because he can clear himself and be useful as villager, the other two give little as villa, and are the most likely wolves.

The three he focussed on the most were Lord, xander and kesh in that order.

I believe xander is def wolf/NSK.
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
U make no sense. I'm done
Not even sure which level u are on but I'm on a higher level remember that
i guess i didnt understand but still im trying teh levels!!
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 11:55 AM

We can analyze who the wolves are based on nk. I do not want to go into too much detail about this today
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 12:01 PM
Nk is some kind of fps. This points to aos imo. I think kesh, spurs aos and maybe someone who wasnt in wolf chat would make sense.. Aos could probably captain spurs and kesh on the nk.
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by rtspurs
OK guys, so I may have something here.

At first EC2200 seemed like either a randed or silly NK, however he was the ONLY player in the game to not leave a peek, hence the ONLY player that the wolves can kill for sure without hitting a vest.

This is the kill they all agreed to.

The second kill must be the NSK, who is in wolfchat, but the other wolves would not know who he is killing. Obviously he wants to kill a villager n1, and ideally he would kill someone who he viewed as a threat while also not wanting to expose his identity to the other wolves.

The NSK killed benjamin. I believe he would do this for one of two reasons: benjamin pushed the NSK, OR, benjamin pushed a wolf the NSK wants the other wolves to suspect as the NSK. Either way, we can pin somebody in wolfchat from benjamin's pushes.

With this in mind, I searched benjamin and these stuck out:

The three he focussed on the most were Lord, xander and kesh in that order.

I believe xander is def wolf/NSK.
this is interesting not sure what level the sk is on but the sk needs to get rid of the wolves as well but might not want to buss itt killing ben also opens the door for kesh to be lynched today almost always to resolve the wagons unless there is a claim or other aids. so that clears out a wolf but more likely not the sk so still 2 kills tonight

and xander and kesh are pushing each other today

damn is xander the sk?!?!

do we take a chance and yolo
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight

We can analyze who the wolves are based on nk. I do not want to go into too much detail about this today
wut so how about last night kills/eod/new reads based on eod/todays posts

you were pretty damn villagery yday and today you derped like kesh yday what the heck is going on here
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 12:04 PM
Lord bro wtf why didn't you at least show up and say something
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 12:07 PM
This page has delivered some comedy

Originally Posted by EC2200
I should be more active from here on out, was just very busy so far. Sorry fellow Vannilagers.

Originally Posted by xander biscuits
Can everybody please read spurs cryptic message please.

He said that his peek didn't have an E or a K in their name = he peeked viggo

why go to the point of leaving such a cryptic message if it is clearly not true. Looks suspect to me. Somebody works hard to figure out what he's saying and thinks "I cracked the code! Genius! He must be right, he must be the seer!"

Well guess what? He's not the seer. He's a wolf/NSK.

Now that I think about it I think that this leads me to believe that viggo is a wolf too.

Originally Posted by xander biscuits
agree with most of this. A poor tone by a seer get's misinterpreted as wolfy and I agree with the other wolf reads and 3/4 of village reads. Mor could go either way for me.
What a strange post to quote considering he completely U-turned and called you a wolf multiple times thereafter...

Originally Posted by fraleyight
Nk is some kind of fps. This points to aos imo. I think kesh, spurs aos and maybe someone who wasnt in wolf chat would make sense.. Aos could probably captain spurs and kesh on the nk.
Well you haven't been wrong about anything else today have you fraley??
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 12:08 PM
I voted Lord because the way BenjaminAO was screaming I thought he must be seer with a wolf peek on Lord. No idea why wolves killed Ben, I thought he was 100% to get lunched today
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 12:09 PM
Villagers, don't forget the wolves are almost on parity and will spend today muddying the waters and sending the thread in random directions.
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 12:10 PM

so today's lynch has to come from remaining players
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by rtspurs
Villagers, don't forget the wolves are almost on parity and will spend today muddying the waters and sending the thread in random directions.
lol after you just voted farley whos never getting lynched today? :P
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 12:11 PM
I agree ace's EoD looks terrible, but Lord should have done much more.

Would ace as a wolf put himself under the spotlight like that to save kesh if they are wolfbros?? I think he would just let him die if they are w/w

I don't like batman today
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Mor_Tilt4mePls
wut so how about last night kills/eod/new reads based on eod/todays posts

you were pretty damn villagery yday and today you derped like kesh yday what the heck is going on here
that's just fraley his trademark wtf this can't be a real thought (but it is) it is not role indicative for him to derp
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
01-19-2016 , 12:12 PM
kesh is always getting lynched today we can toss around votes here and there but we lynch kesh always

im wouldnt mind hearing thoughts on what spurs posted about the possible sk night kill and xander being a sk candidate
1/18 Vanilla+ 13er Game Thread - Grand Theft Auto V Quote
