Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
im asking everyone. if the wolf team involved captain and noah then i imagine the 2 other 2 wolves would vote noah last night and at critical times and push him.
also yoyo captain. im glad you read rats infestation, i think that was the best game ive had
I think if that was the case then I would have bussed Noah myself to make me look good. Or bussed Iversonian. So it doesn't really make sense unless the plan from the very beginning was to get me to f3 and do so by bussing two wolves in Iversonian and Noah, destroying my teams chances of winning if I'm ever peeked.
Yeah you absolutely killed it in Rats. It was such a fun read.
Originally Posted by Wizard-50
yeah he did that last night when him and I were w/w
Thanks for the clarification Wizard.
So to clarify, he actually made his self pres vote on a fellow wolf *after* the EOD1 in Apartments. If that changes anything.
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
binkles, why did you choose Rat Infestation?
what other games have you read?
I've played a few games on werewolf on a private poker forum, and while one was running a few months ago a friend of mine was telling me about this awesome person who was playing werewolf on 2p2. They were posting under the account 'Fluttershy' and posting as though they were a My Little Pony character. The friend linked me some of Luckay's posts and I thought they were amazing.
This eventually led me to reading Rats Infestation from start to finish (and to watch the first three episodes of My Little Pony) and become pretty addicted to werewolf.
I was talking to that same friend yesterday over AIM and I brought up that one of the most amazing bits of ww I've seen was when Sun Tzu managed to clear himself completely at f5 of Rats. It was just awesome. So I decided to re-read from f5 onwards last night for some fond memories and to try and think about it more critically. Like, because it was the first game I read I did a lot of reading and not much analysing. I still learned a lot, but I think re-reading again yesterday helped me pick up on some more stuff.
As to other games I've read. I have read both the MLP slow games, the vanilla that (I think) Jim Halpert ran - where the seer peeked Sun Tzu wolf n0 and was killed for it immediately, like a boss - and the recent all-seer game. I've also read parts of the Indiana Jones mishmash and the Diablo game where luckay made that video as a wolf and clowntable won as sk.