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1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game 1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game

01-19-2012 , 06:19 PM
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:20 PM
I will try to get some VMF re-reading done
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I will try to get some VMF re-reading done
save me from my lazy
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Wizard-50

I'm getting frustrated with you

you refuse to reread VMF

yet you vote him twice

only to immediately unvote him

if you're in f3, we're going to lose, period
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Wizard-50
Ok i was biting my tongue earlier on this because I thought you were leveling and I wasn't going to ruin your tarb. Now I think you might actually be serious. At this point in the game never voting for anyone that is remaining is not a great stategy, and sharing that information is even worse. I hope you're leveling.
No. I'm not leveling. Montecore is clear as far as I'm concerned. I'm not leaving myself any flexibility in this regard. I refuse to believe that he's anything but a villager. If this means the wolf will nk him to manipulate the f3, I'll take that as it comes. I'M NEVER MAKING IT TO F3 REGARDLESS BECAUSE EVERYONE'S GOING TO INEVITABLY JUMP ON ME AT EOD TODAY ANYWAY, SO IT DOESN'T MATTER.
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:25 PM
i had a master plan going until I realized that you were serious about never voting Montecore. then I realized that my plan could potentially give the wolf a free win by POE if you were serious.
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:26 PM
Ignoring d1 for a second, I compiled a messy list of where everyone was on the top two wagons for each day. there were 3 days in which there were w/v wagons, day two (iversonian/CDL), day 3 (iversonian/luckay), and d4 (felix/mcavoy)

on day 3 and 4 VMF voted for the wolf over the villager. On day two, when he didn't, it seems pretty understandable to me why that would happen from a 50k foot view. Noah flipping wolf almost certainly makes you question whether or not iversonian is actually a wolf.

You and I gad look way worse in this respect. Obviously the fact I know I'm a villager gives me reason to doubt that this actually implicates you, but I do think VMF's voting is worth real villager points for him, possibilities for bussing notwithstanding. For one thing, VMF's wolf reads were fairly idiosyncratic the whole game, he would not have had trouble justifying voting other than how he did
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:26 PM
forgot the list.

I marked people alive by name, dead people just by count

noah - gadarene + 5v + 1w
iverson - VMF, Wizard, WN(V) + 2V

off-wagon - montecore, 2w, 2v

cdl - gad, monte, vmf, 1w, 4v
iversonian - wizard, 2v

off-wagon - well-named(wizard), 2v, 1w(Felix)

iversonian - wizard, monte, VMF, 3v
luckay - WN(V), 1v, 1w

off-wagon - gad(WN), 2v, 1w(Felix)

felix - monte, VMF, wizard, 2v
mcavoy - WN, Gad, 2v, 1w(felix)

off-wagon - 1v

luckay - monte, VMF, Wizard, 3v
mcavoy - gad, WN, 1v

mcavoy - monte, WN, wizard, 2v
gadarene - gad, VMF
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by well named
Ignoring d1 for a second, I compiled a messy list of where everyone was on the top two wagons for each day. there were 3 days in which there were w/v wagons, day two (iversonian/CDL), day 3 (iversonian/luckay), and d4 (felix/mcavoy)

on day 3 and 4 VMF voted for the wolf over the villager. On day two, when he didn't, it seems pretty understandable to me why that would happen from a 50k foot view. Noah flipping wolf almost certainly makes you question whether or not iversonian is actually a wolf.

You and I gad look way worse in this respect. Obviously the fact I know I'm a villager gives me reason to doubt that this actually implicates you, but I do think VMF's voting is worth real villager points for him, possibilities for bussing notwithstanding. For one thing, VMF's wolf reads were fairly idiosyncratic the whole game, he would not have had trouble justifying voting other than how he did
Gadarene then

I seriously hate this stupid, stupid game

start out exhausted from Pokemon

get f**king trolled and tilted by McAvoy for no f**king reason

stop having fun

get yelled at by Sun for doubting his ridiculous theory about Jim fakepeeking me wolf

stop having fun

get berated by people for not being good

stop having fun

get suspected by everyone on the theory that I could and would just completely change my super-successful wolf strategy IN ORDER TO BE WOLFIER THAN I WAS IN THE OTHER GAME because that would apparently be a genius play

VMF is nastily aggro to me

nobody bothers to listen to me

and we're probably gonna lose

just vote me out already and get to f3
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:32 PM
oh, yeah, get accused of faking my rage

and then get told not to take it personally

and then get asked the same questions over and over again that i've already answered

and get accused of faking my rage again

and get told not to take it personally again


and on top of all of it i'm probably wrong about vmf and well named is going to own everybody or whatever

my reads have been ass this game
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:33 PM
no self voting

You realize I'm voting montecore right now right?

I'm re-reading VMF

don't tilt, you have to work with me here.
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:35 PM
fwiw I still think there's like no chance gad is a wolf here.

Even though I think it's hard for vmf to be a wolf I feel like right now I'd vote him before gadarene.
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:35 PM
you've been really nice, well named, regardless of your role, and I appreciate it

I admire how you can maintain an even keel even when McAvoy tries to f**k with you

I wish I didn't wear my heart on my sleeve so much
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:35 PM
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:36 PM
your tilt is tilting me.
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:37 PM
oh, and on day 2 VMF voted a wolf over CDL

on day 1 VMF thought CDL was wolfier than iversonian and pushed CDL a bunch

what changed?
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:37 PM
haha I was super tilted at mcavoy. I really shouldn't have been. I guess I feel like I've worked really hard on this game and had good reads and I have an attachment to it at this point, so much so that mcavoy calling me a terrible villager while voting me was really pushing a button
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Wizard-50
your tilt is tilting me.
i don't care

call me an emo wolf again; that makes things better
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:38 PM
No, d2 VMF voted CDL over the wolf
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:39 PM
my hypothesis is that VMF decided at EOD d1 that he'd need to bus himself clear if necessary, given his team

my hypothesis is that this plan solidified when they nabbed the seer n2 and he could no longer be peeked

that's my hypothesis
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by well named
No, d2 VMF voted CDL over the wolf
whoops, reading comprehension fail

my hypothesis stands and, indeed, is strengthened
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:41 PM
and he's going to come on at 7:30 and rage at me and I'm probably not going to deal with it, fwiw, so I'll just leave my vote on him at some point and not post anymore after that
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:41 PM
tone-wise VMF did seem (and still does on re-erad) quite wolfy to me. I'll say that much
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:42 PM
on d1 I mean.

I'm afraid at this point I could be accused of being the wolf who is keeping his options open and it would be a fair point, but I don't really see anything to do about it. I think I'm happy clearing wizard still :P
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
01-19-2012 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by well named
on d1 I mean.

I'm afraid at this point I could be accused of being the wolf who is keeping his options open and it would be a fair point, but I don't really see anything to do about it. I think I'm happy clearing wizard still :P
which is why I am emphatically not keeping my options open

Montecore is a villager. I am never voting for Montecore.

Wizard is almost certainly a villager. I am never voting for Wizard over well named or VMF.

well named is either the hardest-working GOAT wolf or a villager. I am never voting for well named over VMF.

VMF is a wolf.
1/12 Apartments Vanilla WW Game Quote
