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'07,'08,'09 REUNION: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters '07,'08,'09 REUNION: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: Battle of the Minor Characters

06-23-2020 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
It was announced to the world the state of things. No one is angleshooting, calm down
Oh come on.
06-23-2020 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
I don't think you know what an angleshoot is based on your assessment
well the mod agrees with me, so this feels like an argument you can't win

but if you are a wolf, by all means keep down this line
06-23-2020 , 10:50 AM
I'm fine policy lynching coordi at this point, if I am being honest
06-23-2020 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
Pretty sure you do

Its not like you haven't already been called out
i still have no idea what you're trying to claim
06-23-2020 , 10:50 AM
Birdman: I meant all those things.

Most immediately I meant are you a villager, and am pleased to see that I think you are one. But I hope life is good too.
06-23-2020 , 10:50 AM
Good Morning
06-23-2020 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by wdcbooks
How does wolf chat work these days? I am going to keep playing until I get to be a wolf, but this seems like a good time to ask. Facetime? Discord? TikTok videos?

Obviously I have incontrovertibly proven I am a villager by asking this question, but I am legit curious.
It’s via TikTok and you have to send the night kill by means of an interpretative Fortnite dance
06-23-2020 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by aaronk56
Good Morning
good morning. be careful, you're approaching your avg post count per day from last game already :|
06-23-2020 , 10:51 AM
I have to go for a few hours; y'all have oodles of fun voting me.

06-23-2020 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by aao
So, I get no points but I also get -1 points at the same time? Nice.

Also, it’s strange how you only have one read on one player so far from ~150 posts. Surely you can do better than that? Very strange.
I also don't like your new* avatar

*First I'm seeing of it
06-23-2020 , 10:53 AM
in for the event
06-23-2020 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by aao
It’s via TikTok and you have to send the night kill by means of an interpretative Fortnite dance
Makes sense. Thankfully I have an 11 year old son so I should be good there. The last time I was a wolf we were on AIM.
06-23-2020 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by aaronk56
in for the event
06-23-2020 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Birdman: I meant all those things.

Most immediately I meant are you a villager, and am pleased to see that I think you are one. But I hope life is good too.
Yes--life is good.

Was very happy to see you were in this game. Wouldn't feel like a reunion without atakdog.

While I am going down memory lane about Dustin, the one memory I have from our games together was once when I was seer in a game with you. I had 4 peeks, three of which were alive. I claimed and pretended I had peeked you wolf instead of the other person I had peeked who was dead. I did this because I had read you wolf all game and if I could get you to start posting lolcats the game would be locked up.

Well you weren't a wolf and then you tried to get my lynched and I couldn't walk it back. I don't remember what ended up happening. But lol me.
06-23-2020 , 11:16 AM
*****MOD NOTE***********

Upon the advice of forum mods who we respect, KM and I have decided to close this thread and rerand() the game. Thank you for playing and I hope you will join us at 2 pm server time for a short day. There will be no minimum posting requirement today. All role pms will be sent before the thread opens. Thank you for your patience, and next please remember that our one request this game was that you not talk about pms. If anyone wishes to "out" of the game due to the rerand() please let us know by no later than 1 pm server time.

I would like to add that VR has been killing herself to get this game ready for you guys. So let's cut us a little slack here. We're old and we're rusty. (OK - I'm old....VR not so much.) We dont think anyone was intentionally trying to angle-shoot, per se. But it happens and other mods are strongly encouraging us to stop the game. So we are. But if anyone tells me to "chill out" again....I'm personally going to join the game, make myself the vigilante, and shoot you. That may or may not be a joke.

*****MOD NOTE***********
06-23-2020 , 11:28 AM
******MOD NOTE*********

So that everyone is on the same playing field (ie wolves saw villagers posting earlier but villagers didnt "see" wolves posting, this will allow everyone to "see" how everyone was posting and puts everyone on the same playing field for when the new game opens up

Siegmund Village Seer: gets one alignment peek each night cycle, beginning night 1
aao Backup Village Seer: gets one alignment peek each night cycle, beginning when the original seer is killed; is told s/he is a vanilla villager; does not learn her/his identity until s/he is activated
Sun Tzu Village Angel: gets one protection each night, can not protect self, can not protect the same player on consecutive nights
Tokyo!! Village Peacekeeper: is given three day abilities which will have a minor impact on game play with a possible 4th and 5th action; if the village peacekeeper does not use her/his abilities before 6 pm on day 1; the mods will do it for her/him beginning on day 2 with random targets and actions
traz Village Vigilante: from nights 1-6, may target one player for death; on a random night predetermined by the game mods one of the first four nightkills will fail, as will one of the last two
Kruze Village No Downside Roleblocker:may target one player each night to lose their night action; may not target the same player upon consecutive nights; block will fail if used on a villager
JDalla Village Watcher/Tracker: competes with the wolf watcher/tracker in a daily puzzle contest, with the victor winning either a track (odd nights) or a watch (even nights)
Crossnerd vanilla
aaronk56 vanilla
atakdog vanilla
crackedquads vanilla
coordi vanilla
wdcbooks vanilla
mrs.jonnyd vanilla
Felix The Cat vanilla
sixfour vanilla
gusmahler vanilla
jonnyd vanilla
Nicholasp27 vanilla
BobOjedaFan vanilla
biggerboat Wolf Seer: each night may peek to identify the serial killer role only
shortline99 Wolf JOAT: may target one player each night with a kill/true role peek/track/angel (may not protect self); may not repeat her/his abilities; may only pass to the backup UNused abilities
riverfish1 Wolf Vigilante: from nights 1-4, may target one player for death; on a random night predetermined by the game mod, one of the kills will fail
Luckbox Inc Wolf Roleblocker: may target one player each night to lose her/his night action; may not target the same player upon consecutive nights
Kukraprout Wolf Watcher/Tracker: competes with the village watcher/tracker in a daily puzzle contest, with the victor winning either a track (odd nights) or a watch (even nights)
dmk Wolf Backup: replaces the first wolf power role to die and inherits any of their unused powers; is told he/she is a vanilla wolf, does not learn his/her identity until s/he is activated
YouKnowWho 1 vanilla wolf
Birdman10687 win condition: three successful non-overlapping kills without being lynched, nightkilled, or peeked,
if successful, exits the game a winner; if peeked by the village seer, joins the village team and permanently loses his kill; if peeked by the wolf team, dies and loses;
if peeked by both teams in the same night, the kill peek is determinedto have preceded the convert peek and s/he will exit the game a loser; if s/he targets the same player for death
as another killpower; that kill is deemed not to apply toward her/his win condition

******MOD NOTE*********
06-23-2020 , 11:29 AM
******MOD NOTE******

A new thread will be set up for the rerand.

******MOD NOTE******
