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Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee

11-08-2011 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by daveh07
New push to drive revenues. I don't think poker will be added to the super committee even after this because they have too much stuff to sort thru and Kyl will essentially kill any chance of a poker bill being passed.
+1 (unfortunately)
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-08-2011 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by DCal Zone
A very common misconception is that Sen. Kyl is a lone wolf poker-hater who is single handedly stopping the entire Congress from acting on passing poker legislation.

In reality, Sen. Kyl represents a majority of Congressmen who either flatly oppose the expansion of gambling, or are indifferent to the issue because virtually no one cares about it, and literally no one votes in elections based upon it. It's an unpopular issue, and the Congressmen who aren't taking advantage of the naivete of the PPA regard it as a complete waste of their time.

Sen. Kyl is simply the spokesman who has to swat this issue away anytime it seems like the pro-gambling side is getting a little too close to making progress.
This is true, and those that don't agree are either very naive or simply in denial. And Congress is just stage one in the process. Next it's the states which will be at least as hard to crack as Congress

That said, I still think something can get through if we look beyond ABC bill passage. We need help. The pie should be cut in a way that can get Horse Racing and the tribes on board, and the underlying model will probably need to change. I know that is unpopular with the grinders who actually are whining that their HUDs may have to be sacrificed, the least of our problems, but that is reality.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-08-2011 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by JohnWilkes
Simpson, who more than a decade ago signed a pledge from Americans for Tax Reform not to raise taxes, said additional revenues -- though not necessarily rates -- have to be part of the mix.
If that doesn't give hope, I don't know what will.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-08-2011 , 06:26 PM
"Additional revenue" is code for tax increases, not new revenue streams, and at the federal budget level poker revenues would be insignificant.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-08-2011 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Aruj Reis
"Additional revenue" is code for tax increases, not new revenue streams, and at the federal budget level poker revenues would be insignificant.
This is just not true. Online gaming revenue would represent over 3% of the $1.2 trillion they are trying to shave off of the deficit.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-08-2011 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by tangled
This is true, and those that don't agree are either very naive or simply in denial. And Congress is just stage one in the process. Next it's the states which will be at least as hard to crack as Congress ....
I strongly disagree that the States are harder to crack than Congress for many reasons, not the least of which is that almost every State, (45 or so) already have a multi-state presence in gaming among pooled player bases;
Powerball. States love revenue and gaming is a revenue source in almost every State.

Of the few States that do NOT participate in multi-state lotteries, one is Nevada .... which is steaming full speed toward legalization .... if not federal, than multi-state.

The market is there, the race will be to carve it up among enabling jurisidictions and, when the money is on the line, State will move quickly.

A federal grab for revenue, which was THE basis for legislation prior to early 2010 was NEVER going to pass. Nor was a Federal Poker Authority ever really in the cards. The best federal role is something enabling States to move quickly themselves, and believe me they WILL move quickly if a State-Interstate enabling bill becomes federal law and only less quickly even if it does not pass.

No State wants to be shut out of poker, as New Jersey finds itself with respect to sports-betting.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-08-2011 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by rwperu34
This is just not true. Online gaming revenue would represent over 3% of the $1.2 trillion they are trying to shave off of the deficit.
Why do you assume that the feds would get the lion's share of online poker revenue ?

Why would any State agree to forego its traditional hold on ALL gaming revenue ?

A SuperCommittee federal revenue grab would have to work out a "double-counting" and promise the revenue to States.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-09-2011 , 07:18 AM
personally I think it's very very unlikely they do anything at all. Who the hell came up with this super committee idea anyway, ya lets stick 12 people on this panel who won't agree on what color the sky is, and have them butt heads over issues they refuse to compromise on. And lets do it all in the name of saving 1.2 trillion over 10 years, when we go in debt more than that number in 1 year... weeeeeeeeeee

when it's all said and done, the "automatic" cuts will happen, but they will be repealed by the next congress, saying they can't cut defense spending that much.. so all this is a waste of time imo.

Last edited by prodonkey; 11-09-2011 at 07:30 AM.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-09-2011 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by DonkeyQuixote
I strongly disagree that the States are harder to crack than Congress for many reasons, not the least of which is that almost every State, (45 or so) already have a multi-state presence in gaming among pooled player bases;
Powerball. States love revenue and gaming is a revenue source in almost every State.

Of the few States that do NOT participate in multi-state lotteries, one is Nevada .... which is steaming full speed toward legalization .... if not federal, than multi-state.

The market is there, the race will be to carve it up among enabling jurisidictions and, when the money is on the line, State will move quickly.

A federal grab for revenue, which was THE basis for legislation prior to early 2010 was NEVER going to pass. Nor was a Federal Poker Authority ever really in the cards. The best federal role is something enabling States to move quickly themselves, and believe me they WILL move quickly if a State-Interstate enabling bill becomes federal law and only less quickly even if it does not pass.

No State wants to be shut out of poker, as New Jersey finds itself with respect to sports-betting.
I think, historically, most states have been much tougher on gambling than the federal government. The hundreds of casinos we see in state after state didn't exist in the early 80's (with the exception of Nevada and NJ). The legal maneuvers that most enabled the creation of all these casinos came from Washington (Cabezon and later IGRA), and were not welcomed by the states.

Generally, the more local the election, the greater the percentage moral busybodies make up of the voter turnout because they are more likely to get out and vote in these less celebrated elections.

However, your "enabling" suggestion is worthwhile. Something that allows the states to create their own interstate gambling activity would have a much greater chance of passing Congress than Reid-type bills... and is the kind of idea I was suggesting in my cited post.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-09-2011 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by prodonkey
personally I think it's very very unlikely they do anything at all. Who the hell came up with this super committee idea anyway, ya lets stick 12 people on this panel who won't agree on what color the sky is, and have them butt heads over issues they refuse to compromise on. And lets do it all in the name of saving 1.2 trillion over 10 years, when we go in debt more than that number in 1 year... weeeeeeeeeee

when it's all said and done, the "automatic" cuts will happen, but they will be repealed by the next congress, saying they can't cut defense spending that much.. so all this is a waste of time imo.
Actually, they are talking about repealing the automatic cuts even before they take effect. I just heard a story about it on NPR. The excuse is that they are afraid people will come to think Congress is broken and ineffectual if cuts take place that nobody wants (as if people don't already feel that way, lol).

Apparently, Dems are resisting repeal or even coming up with an agreement because many of the programs they support aren't subject to sequestration, so Dems will get big cuts in defense without sacrificing as much on their side.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-12-2011 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by daveh07
That guy is a ****ing ****** talking out of his ass about bots. Bots make up such a small % of players and are easily tracked. Not to mention all the contests that sites post to prove there is a winning bot and they will pay you money for the contest and nobody has yet to present one to them.
I disagree about bots being a small %. But I agree that he definitely misguided a lot of thoughts on the subject.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-14-2011 , 06:50 PM
Were facing a huge defecit and regulating online poker could bring them 4 billion plus in tax revenue a year but why the fu*k would they do that?? Pretty sure the people on this committee are ******ed and it should be the "super special committee".
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-15-2011 , 12:01 PM
I would like to point out (late) the thread title is still ambiguous. It can be interpreted as a statement that an unlikely bill will pass.

"Online poker regulation unlikely to pass through super committee"
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-15-2011 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by higher visions
Were facing a huge defecit and regulating online poker could bring them 4 billion plus in tax revenue a year but why the fu*k would they do that?? Pretty sure the people on this committee are ******ed and it should be the "super special committee".
You would think that their has never been a better time, unfortunately that is not always how politics work . On a side note, I think it is possible half this population has possibly never cared so much about politics, untill they lost there beloved online poker. If nothing more, it will be an invaluable learning process on it's way to legalization.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-15-2011 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by higher visions
Were facing a huge defecit and regulating online poker could bring them 4 billion plus in tax revenue a year but why the fu*k would they do that?? Pretty sure the people on this committee are ******ed and it should be the "super special committee".
Historically, gaming has always been a matter of State level regulation AND revenue.

WHY would any State concede gaming revenue streams to the federal government ?

There are HUGE deficits at the State level, too. If you are the Governor of X State, facing your own deficit, why would you want to send potential online gaming revenues generated in State X to DC ?

Look at California, for example. Why would California support sending online poker money to DC ?

Look, Harry Reid MAY pull out a last minute passage, I never bet against him. However, if nothing federal passes in 2011, what do you expect in 2012 ? In 2012, there will likely be a political theme of anti-DC/give power back to the States. State will still need money as well. Do you think any bill, beyond something to enable State level interstate compacts, stands a chance of passage ?
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-15-2011 , 03:51 PM
Honestly more concerned about losing the deduction for gambling losses than anything else regarding the Supercommittee at this point.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-15-2011 , 03:57 PM
Even if there are no direct taxes on poker sites by the federal government, they will still get corporate taxes.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by LastLife
Even if there are no direct taxes on poker sites by the federal government, they will still get corporate taxes.
It would be somewhat disconcerting if the SuperCommittee simply proposed a federal online poker tax provision, like 25% on say gross rake, and left all the mess of licensing and regulation to the States .... could happen, but unlikely to.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Honestly more concerned about losing the deduction for gambling losses than anything else regarding the Supercommittee at this point.
..... have you suggested to the PPA that THAT concern should be a message members should send to the SuperCommittee ?
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by higher visions
Were facing a huge defecit and regulating online poker could bring them 4 billion plus in tax revenue a year but why the fu*k would they do that?? Pretty sure the people on this committee are ******ed and it should be the "super special committee".
Where did you get this $4 billion number?

I've seen estimates of $5 to 6.5 billion in revenues. Is the government going to get 60-80% with no overhead? Do you think rake is (was) not high enough already?

The super committee is looking for 1.2 trillion over 10 years. 4 billion per year is 3.33%.

Also, the annual (not ten year) deficit is about 1.2 trillion, but nobody wants to try to change that number substantially because they'll never get reelected.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeyQuixote
It would be somewhat disconcerting if the SuperCommittee simply proposed a federal online poker tax provision, like 25% on say gross rake, and left all the mess of licensing and regulation to the States .... could happen, but unlikely to.
Poker sites would still be taxed like normal businesses no?
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Aruj Reis
Where did you get this $4 billion number?
Frank bill
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-15-2011 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by LastLife
Poker sites would still be taxed like normal businesses no?
Different strokes for different folks. Yes, they likely would be subject to the same federal income tax rates as any other business. However, there is nothing to say that is the only tax they would pay.

No reason why the Feds could not tack on some huge surtax, if the votes are there to do so. ......
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
11-15-2011 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeyQuixote
..... have you suggested to the PPA that THAT concern should be a message members should send to the SuperCommittee ?
What's the point of doing so?

EDIT: I dont think the gambling loss deduction will get eliminated entirely, but I am worried about it getting capped or reduced above a certain AGI which will kill the games for rec players above small stakes. Obama has proposed something similar for charitable donations, Tom Coburn came out today and specifically mentioned the gambling loss deduction as a potential revenue source. In practice, given the law is loosely adhered to, it will only **** over people who get big wins at the casino and now cant offset with losses and recreational poker players due to session laws.
Unlikely that online poker regulation will pass through super committee Quote
