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Uncapped Poker in Florida in 2010 - HB7001 Uncapped Poker in Florida in 2010 - HB7001

04-02-2010 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by bigslickmark
Wow!!! I believe once the deal is signed and the compact is registered with the Federal government, then all poker limits will be lifted, including any tourny buy-in limits. SB 788 from last year automatically triggers the poker provisions allowing uncapped poker. I don't believe any more legislation is required.
Yes, probably. I'm waiting to see exactly what the compact contains before making that declaration.

The agreement gives the parimutuels extended betting limits for poker, extended hours, and it puts the tribe under similar regulation now required of casinos in Miami Dade and Broward, Galvano said. Legislators also expect to lower the tax rate for the Seminole's competitors in Miami-Dade and Broward in separate legislation.
I can't tell if they are leaving the SB788 provisions in place, plan to pass HB7001 or there will be some new hybrid from the compact and some new bill.

In any event, looks like we will indeed have uncapped poker this year by July 1 or thereabouts (absent some unforseen surprise contained in the compact terms).

Last edited by PokerXanadu; 04-02-2010 at 08:45 PM.
04-02-2010 , 08:43 PM
By may 1st one time?
04-02-2010 , 08:50 PM
Anyone playing home games care to comment on PLO popularity currently?
04-02-2010 , 09:05 PM
The politicians sold the state out again, caved in to the Seminoles.
This may be good for poker in the short term but it is really not good for the parimutuels or the state in the long term.
20 years again? I hope that was a misprint, what happened to the 5 years?
04-02-2010 , 09:13 PM
In five years the pari-mutuels can get table games (blackjack, etc.). In the meantime, they can get some forms of slots. The compact lasts for 20 years of exclusivity of Class III Vegas-style slots for the tribe (outside of South Florida) in exchange for revenue-sharing with the state. The other options will still be open for gaming expansion throughout the state. It would just end the revenue-sharing from the tribe. The other provisions of the compact would stay in effect (oversight, consumer protections, etc.). I think it's very well formulated, from what I can gather from the sparse news story info.
04-03-2010 , 04:07 AM
$5/hand is indeed the highest rake in the country. In order for it to equal $10/half hour you'd have to play 40 hands/hour. If that ever happened in a live game it would mean you're never seeing a flop and there would be no game anyway. Also, the $10-14 per half is only at Commerce which is the second highest rake in the country. Compare it to the Rio during WSOP or Biloxi that charge $5/half for all stakes!

Originally Posted by Gambit2300
Higher limits pay a time rake for one, it will be set on the limit they play and the $5 would be a savings since most time tables at higher limits are between $10-$14 per 1/2 hr

04-03-2010 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by mdom88
time to pitch a tentttttttttttttt
04-03-2010 , 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by mdom88
Anyone playing home games care to comment on PLO popularity currently?
it's not that big as far as i've seen, and even if it was like hell i'd tell you
04-03-2010 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by Fubster
it's not that big as far as i've seen, and even if it was like hell i'd tell you
if you really want to make money, get mdom in a juicy razz game where everybody's playing blind. He can't win.
04-03-2010 , 05:53 AM
can we play pot limit with 2-7 razz instead of A-5?
04-03-2010 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by Fubster
can we play pot limit with 2-7 razz instead of A-5?
sure, as long as nobody can look at their cards until showdown.
04-03-2010 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by aling
$5/hand is indeed the highest rake in the country. In order for it to equal $10/half hour you'd have to play 40 hands/hour. If that ever happened in a live game it would mean you're never seeing a flop and there would be no game anyway. Also, the $10-14 per half is only at Commerce which is the second highest rake in the country. Compare it to the Rio during WSOP or Biloxi that charge $5/half for all stakes!
FYI - In 2009 at the WSOP Cash tables, the time was $8/half.
In raked games it was max $5.
04-03-2010 , 07:49 AM
Any news on the part of the omnibus gambling bill that deals with opening up Internet Poker Intrastate for Florida residents (only)?
04-03-2010 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by Buz
Any news on the part of the omnibus gambling bill that deals with opening up Internet Poker Intrastate for Florida residents (only)?
The Senate Regulated Industries Committee didn't take up in committee the bill to create Florida intrastate poker when it was scheduled for review, which means it's dead for the time being. Might be resurrected next year.
04-03-2010 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by aling
$5/hand is indeed the highest rake in the country. In order for it to equal $10/half hour you'd have to play 40 hands/hour. If that ever happened in a live game it would mean you're never seeing a flop and there would be no game anyway. Also, the $10-14 per half is only at Commerce which is the second highest rake in the country. Compare it to the Rio during WSOP or Biloxi that charge $5/half for all stakes!
Considering that Caesars Palace is the only big room to both drop a jackpot dollar and rake at the 10%/$5 level,
out of over 50 rooms in Las Vegas, only 9 have a $5 rake, which is only about 16% of all poker rooms in Vegas
9 have moved up to the $5 rake already, it was just 2 or 3 years ago that Caesars was the first and only. The RIO is a Harrahs property like Caesars is so I really do not think the Vampires from Harrahs would give a discount during the WSOP, they do during the off season but no one plays there anyway other then the WSOP, there poker room is a joke.

Commerce Casino the largest poker room in the country charges $5 a hand flop or not, so $20 pot, they rake $5The higher blind no limit games charge a collection of $9 per half hour or more depending on the limits. I have watched the "Live at the Bike" show and they collected over $100 time charge in the collection pot so that is over $12 a 1/2 hr on a 20/40 NL game.

Beau Rivage in MS charges a $6 1/2 time charge on there lower limit games, I am not sure what they charge on the bigger games I am going from someone who plays the 1/2-2/5 limits.

So you everyone needs to stop bitching about the $5 rake, it isn't going down and no one has any say over it, the state then rakes there rake, was 50% but they are going to drop it to 35%, so the state is getting $1.75 out of the $5. They are still netting less then NV casinos that charge $4, they pay about 10% to the state. That is what the Sands said they want to give the state of Florida if they allow resort casinos.
04-03-2010 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Gambit2300
So you everyone needs to stop bitching about the $5 rake, it isn't going down and no one has any say over it, the state then rakes there rake, was 50% but they are going to drop it to 35%, so the state is getting $1.75 out of the $5. They are still netting less then NV casinos that charge $4, they pay about 10% to the state. That is what the Sands said they want to give the state of Florida if they allow resort casinos.
The state only takes 10% out of poker. The 35% only applies to slot machines. IMO rakes could possibly go down due to market forces. Once poker becomes the main draw of pari-mutuels they will be competeing much more than they do now. They will more have more games, tables and more hours and therefore total gross revenues will go up. In South Florida, cardrooms are pretty saturated. I have six cardrooms within a 10 mile drive of my house. One cardroom may lower the rake to $4 to try to capture a larger market share. I think one cardroom will step up to the plate and market itself as the main poker room of south Florida. They could easily do that by dropping rake, offering great promotions, and being player friendly.
04-03-2010 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by bigslickmark
The state only takes 10% out of poker. The 35% only applies to slot machines. IMO rakes could possibly go down due to market forces. Once poker becomes the main draw of pari-mutuels they will be competeing much more than they do now.
Hey, Man, what are you smokin'? Got any more of that?

Seriously, they aren't going try attracting grinders by offering a lower rake. They're going to try attracting tourists with bigger BBJ's, which is achieved by, you guessed it, raising the rake.
04-03-2010 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
Hey, Man, what are you smokin'? Got any more of that?

Seriously, they aren't going try attracting grinders by offering a lower rake. They're going to try attracting tourists with bigger BBJ's, which is achieved by, you guessed it, raising the rake.
Exactly ... the BBJ drops just went up everywhere because rooms keep trying to outdo the other with jackpot promotions. That's how they compete, not by lowering the rake. 90% of their customers pay no attention to rakes and jackpot drops--they pay attention to those BBJ and high-hand numbers.
04-03-2010 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by flafishy
Exactly ... the BBJ drops just went up everywhere because rooms keep trying to outdo the other with jackpot promotions. That's how they compete, not by lowering the rake. 90% of their customers pay no attention to rakes and jackpot drops--they pay attention to those BBJ and high-hand numbers.
Judging from the percentage of hands where at least three people proclaim that it's time for a BBJ hand (roughly 100%), I'd say that's the draw. You really think Florida players even notice the rake? They just know how pumped up they feel when they buy in for their fifth hundred and take down a $225 pot all in. WINNA WINNA!
04-03-2010 , 05:47 PM
Or when they buy in for $50 at the 1/2nl and $2 and $5 their stack down to $20 without ever rebuying and then get all in and win a $40 pot and tip the dealer $2. lol
04-03-2010 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
Hey, Man, what are you smokin'? Got any more of that?

Seriously, they aren't going try attracting grinders by offering a lower rake. They're going to try attracting tourists with bigger BBJ's, which is achieved by, you guessed it, raising the rake.
I don't know where you live but in South Florida many poker rooms are empty. Have you been to Dania or Calder? They are lucky to have more than one game going. Yeah, the big rooms like Isle and HR don't need to drop the rake. However the smaller rooms, like any other business, may need to drop the price and market a reduced rake. Much like they advertise the loosest slots in Las Vegas at crappy casinos, I wouldn't be surprised if Dania advertises $4 rakes to generate traffic.
04-03-2010 , 11:26 PM
Ive never been to dania, I live in Tampa. Isnt dania the ones who months ago were advertising getting free alcohol drinks while playing like in vegas?
04-04-2010 , 02:58 AM
So lawmakers have until April 30 to vote on this. I hope they get this to a vote on both floors next week.

PX, do you think they let the poker start immediately if they vote yes? May 1st would be nice?
04-04-2010 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by Pyramid_Scam
So lawmakers have until April 30 to vote on this. I hope they get this to a vote on both floors next week.

PX, do you think they let the poker start immediately if they vote yes? May 1st would be nice?
god, i'm not even ready for this. Need to start cashing out my online roll i guess.
04-04-2010 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by bigslickmark
I don't know where you live but in South Florida many poker rooms are empty. Have you been to Dania or Calder? They are lucky to have more than one game going. Yeah, the big rooms like Isle and HR don't need to drop the rake. However the smaller rooms, like any other business, may need to drop the price and market a reduced rake. Much like they advertise the loosest slots in Las Vegas at crappy casinos, I wouldn't be surprised if Dania advertises $4 rakes to generate traffic.
How much busier do you think the room will get if they drop it to $4? Do you think it will get twice the business? You are asking them to drop there rake 20%, how much more business do they need to make that the right move?

If the room has a average of 8 tables going how many more do you think it will get, 8 tables is 72-80 people. If say they get 10% more business that would be 1 extra table going, say they deal 30 hands per hr at full rake which is high, that would be $1200 an hr with the $5 rake, now with the extra table but a $4 rake that would be $1080 per hr, give them another table that goes up to $1200 per hr, the same as less business with the higher rake, now you are going to say it gives you 30% more business, that takes you up to $1320 per hr, add the extra help, between pay, SS, unemployment insurance and benefits in there it would come out to about $70-$80 more an hr, sounds great to you right? Well you are gambling $340 per hour to win $80 hr, that sir is a bad bet, but then again we are in Florida where people think the bad beats are good bets too.

If any director drops the rake he is going to fail and if I were his boss it would be time to look for a manager.

So this isn't Vegas, there are not 10,000 slot machines in Dania to bring in more revenue, no one is playing Jai alai anymore, there only source of income is the poker rake and you are asking them to drop it by 20% in hopes it brings in over 30% more business. You must be a fan of Obama.

Stop the MADNESS the rake isn't going down. If it does expect to see a poker directors job opening in the month that follows.
