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THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker

12-03-2011 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
I'm just really disappointed there's only 45 people tweeting today. Thought we had a lot more people on board previously
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-03-2011 , 02:55 AM
Done 12/2
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-03-2011 , 03:14 AM
I watched the entire 3hr USA committee meeting a few weeks ago and really hope that they all work together to get this thing done and laws passed so that we all can get to playing the game we love.

I have joined up on twitter so i can follow.

keep it up Ya'll!!!!
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-03-2011 , 04:36 AM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-03-2011 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Dangotsnutz
I watched the entire 3hr USA committee meeting a few weeks ago and really hope that they all work together to get this thing done and laws passed so that we all can get to playing the game we love.
meeeeeeee threeeeeee
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-03-2011 , 04:10 PM
Done with the Friday plan.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-03-2011 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
Friday, December 2, 2011

These will take you just a few minutes! Thank you for participating. Let's get round three of pro-poker tweets to GOP House and Senate leadership today, as they need to hear from us. Many anti-gaming types claim the American people wish to ban poker and that ALL gaming legislation is driven solely by industry lobbyists. Our efforts directly counter this incorrect mindset by demonstrating that there are real people who want their freedom behind the pro-poker effort.

So, please be sure to sign YOUR NAME to this effort by telling your lawmakers to support your rights. Let’s ensure that they know this liberty is being sought by millions of Americans, including you!
  2. Send a prefilled tweet promoting today's action plan HERE.
Please reply in this thread with "tweeted", "done", etc. to encourage others to participate. The past 86 actions have generated triple-digit participation, so let's keep it growing. Thanks!


If you wish to do more today, please continue to reach out to the GOP field via Facebook. It's as simple as posting a pro-poker comment and liking the other pro-poker comments. It can be something like: "HR 2366, Texas Republican Joe Barton’s Online Poker Act, provides revenue for the federal deficit. It creates new jobs as well, all without raising taxes. It also mandates strong consumer protection and effective age verification. Please support my rights by supporting online poker."

Former Gov. Mitt Romney says he is evaluating the issue and is preparing a response, so it makes sense for us to ask him -- and the rest of the GOP field while we're at it -- to support our right to play:
TruFloridaGator and many others are supporting the effort by giving away coaching and other items to active participants. Please see Fight for Poker Rights/Free MTT/SNG/Cash Coaching/Site Sub Giveaway! for more.
Tweeted. Will post comments later...
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-03-2011 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise_
I've received two nasty comments on two different posts, after I responded with my arguments, they both haven't posted anything back...

Also, I've recied like 20 likes from other people though

that's weird, sometimes I wish I could ask for temp-bans on facebook like I can here...
Likewise. I was bombarded on here page too. I don't take it personally; were going to have some haters. As long as we drive out point across no one can sway our ideologies!
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-03-2011 , 09:59 PM
Did Friday's again today. Looking forward to the next one.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-03-2011 , 10:33 PM
Saturday, December 3, 2011

These will take you just a few minutes! Thank you for participating. Let's get round four of pro-poker tweets to GOP House and Senate leadership today, as they need to hear from us. Many anti-gaming types claim the American people wish to ban poker and that ALL gaming legislation is driven solely by industry lobbyists. Our efforts directly counter this incorrect mindset by demonstrating that there are real people who want their freedom behind the pro-poker effort.

So, please be sure to sign YOUR NAME to this effort by telling your lawmakers to support your rights. Let’s ensure that they know this liberty is being sought by millions of Americans, including you!
  2. Send a prefilled tweet promoting today's action plan HERE.
Please reply in this thread with "tweeted", "done", etc. to encourage others to participate. The past 86 actions have generated triple-digit participation, so let's keep it growing. Thanks!


If you wish to do more today, please continue to reach out to the GOP field via Facebook. It's as simple as posting a pro-poker comment and liking the other pro-poker comments. It can be something like: "HR 2366, Texas Republican Joe Barton’s Online Poker Act, provides revenue for the federal deficit. It creates new jobs as well, all without raising taxes. It also mandates strong consumer protection and effective age verification. Please support my rights by supporting online poker."

Former Gov. Mitt Romney says he is evaluating the issue and is preparing a response, so it makes sense for us to ask him -- and the rest of the GOP field while we're at it -- to support our right to play:
TruFloridaGator and many others are supporting the effort by giving away coaching and other items to active participants. Please see Fight for Poker Rights/Free MTT/SNG/Cash Coaching/Site Sub Giveaway! for more.

Last edited by Rich Muny; 12-03-2011 at 10:51 PM.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-03-2011 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Will Poker 4 Food
Did Friday's again today. Looking forward to the next one.
I did this as well. Have now done today's tweets too.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-03-2011 , 11:37 PM
Done and Fri again
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-04-2011 , 12:10 AM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-04-2011 , 01:18 AM
Did the tweets and another round of FB posts.

I added my name to the tweets, but I had to shorten them to make it fit. This slows the process a bit, and my full name is only a total of 9 characters so I'm sure others have had to do this as well. I'd suggest shortening future tweets to avoid this problem, as I agree that signing them is a good idea.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-04-2011 , 02:05 AM
Done 12/3
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-04-2011 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by Will Poker 4 Food
Did the tweets and another round of FB posts.

I added my name to the tweets, but I had to shorten them to make it fit. This slows the process a bit, and my full name is only a total of 9 characters so I'm sure others have had to do this as well. I'd suggest shortening future tweets to avoid this problem, as I agree that signing them is a good idea.
I think just tweeting is signing your name to the effort. My sajeffe is my signature.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-04-2011 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by sajeffe
I think just tweeting is signing your name to the effort. My sajeffe is my signature.
Same here.

Also, one thing we can all do to do this to create Twitter accounts under our real names specifically for these actions. Mine is at!/RichMuny. Granted, I don't post here anonymously so it's easy for me to say, but anyone who wants to sign with a real name anyway should be able to do this.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-04-2011 , 04:48 AM
Yeah I have a screen name, but my real name is on my profile. I was also adding - My Name to the end of the tweets. Maybe I take things a bit too literally.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-04-2011 , 04:52 AM
well my twitter name is my real name. Started doing these last week thanks for setting everything up so my lazy ass only has to press a few buttons.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-04-2011 , 05:58 AM
Sunday, December 4, 2011

These will take you just a few minutes! Thank you for participating. Let's send more pro-poker tweets to the White House and to House & Senate leadership of both major parties today, as they all need to hear from us. Be sure to tell your lawmakers to support your rights. Let’s ensure that they know this liberty is being sought by millions of Americans, including you!
  1. Send NEW prefilled, editable tweets to Democratic lawmakers: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
  2. Send NEW prefilled, editable tweets to GOP lawmakers: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
  3. If you didn't yesterday, please send these prefilled, editable tweets to GOP House and Senate leaders: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
  4. Send a prefilled tweet promoting today's action plan HERE.
Please reply in this thread with "tweeted", "done", etc. to encourage others to participate. The past 86 actions have generated triple-digit participation, so let's keep it growing. Thanks!


If you wish to do more today, please continue to reach out to the GOP field via Facebook. It's as simple as posting a pro-poker comment and liking the other pro-poker comments. It can be something like: "HR 2366, Texas Republican Joe Barton’s Online Poker Act, provides revenue for the federal deficit. It creates new jobs as well, all without raising taxes. It also mandates strong consumer protection and effective age verification. Please support my rights by supporting online poker."

Former Gov. Mitt Romney says he is evaluating the issue and is preparing a response, so it makes sense for us to ask him -- and the rest of the GOP field while we're at it -- to support our right to play:
TruFloridaGator and many others are supporting the effort by giving away coaching and other items to active participants. Please see Fight for Poker Rights/Free MTT/SNG/Cash Coaching/Site Sub Giveaway! for more.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-04-2011 , 06:05 AM
Done 12-03-11.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-04-2011 , 07:35 AM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-04-2011 , 08:28 AM
Tweeted and Booked.

THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-04-2011 , 10:22 AM
Done 12-04-11.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
12-04-2011 , 11:09 AM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
