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Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole"

05-10-2011 , 01:37 PM
I don't reply to every post from any poster, Skalla included.

I do correct errors, and some people here are quite prone to them.

My opinions are not only not baseless; I have one of the best records here in terms of accuracy. I told people the reasons for the DOJ's position months ago. Some people didn't listen because they wpuld rather believe that the US government is tyrannical. Then we get posts confirming what I was saying. I'd say that's a good track record.

If you don't like my posts, don't read them and make your own contributions here. As I said, I have a good record of posting lots of information here. Do you?
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-10-2011 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by lawdude
I don't reply to every post from any poster, Skalla included.
Originally Posted by sba9630
...Not to mention replying to just about every Skallagrim post...

I do correct errors, and some people here are quite prone to them.

My opinions are not only not baseless; I have one of the best records here in terms of accuracy. I told people the reasons for the DOJ's position months ago. Some people didn't listen because they wpuld rather believe that the US government is tyrannical. Then we get posts confirming what I was saying. I'd say that's a good track record.
Please look up the definition of fact and opinion, then compare.

If you don't like my posts, don't read them and make your own contributions here. As I said, I have a good record of posting lots of information here. Do you?
See previous.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-10-2011 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by lawdude
You guys are being deliberately disingenuous on the "libel" issue. Again, when I say someone is "robbing" someone else, do you whip out the legal definition of robbery? Only if you want to look like a jerk who pretends not to understand standard English.
When people use robbery in a sentence, it is generally understood to be robbery of the dictionary definition. When people use libel in a sentence, it is generally understood to be libel of the legal definition.

Nobody here is being deliberately disingenuous, and the only one looking like a jerk at this point is you. You don't help things by maintaining a condescending attitude.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-10-2011 , 02:26 PM
Come on guys. You're all great posters and are very valuable to the conversation. Group hug?
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-10-2011 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
When people use robbery in a sentence, it is generally understood to be robbery of the dictionary definition. When people use libel in a sentence, it is generally understood to be libel of the legal definition.
Really? Have you done linguistic research on this point? It certainly isn't my experience. Indeed, if the word did not have a non-legal meaning that people used, IT WOULDN'T BE IN THE DICTIONARY! Dictionaries, remember, don't include meanings that people don't use.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-10-2011 , 03:21 PM
Not to be lost in all of this back and forth over a dictionary meaning of libel and a strict legal meaning (which are basically the same except for free speech considerations) .... is the fact that there is not one single post made by me which contains false factual information damaging to the reputation of any specific attorney working for the DOJ.

If having correct facts is important, shouldn't it also be important regarding the content of my posts?

Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-10-2011 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Skallagrim
Not to be lost in all of this back and forth over a dictionary meaning of libel and a strict legal meaning (which are basically the same except for free speech considerations) .... is the fact that there is not one single post made by me which contains false factual information damaging to the reputation of any specific attorney working for the DOJ.
This statement is carefully parsed. Note the use of the term "any specific attorney". Again, making false statements about what a group of DOJ lawyers, say in the office of the Southern District of New York, were doing, and which damage the reputation of the people who worked in that office, wouldn't qualify.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-10-2011 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by lawdude
This statement is carefully parsed. Note the use of the term "any specific attorney". Again, making false statements about what a group of DOJ lawyers, say in the office of the Southern District of New York, were doing, and which damage the reputation of the people who worked in that office, wouldn't qualify.
OK, find the statement libelous towards a group of attorneys. Find a statement libelous towards the entire DOJ. Assertions without proof are a waste of time.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-10-2011 , 04:09 PM
You can easily go back and look at the post I was responding to, Skalla. I don't have to repeat myself when the record is already there.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-10-2011 , 04:19 PM
Hmm. Most lawyers readily accept the principle that it is the accuser who should present the facts, not the accused.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-10-2011 , 04:25 PM
Almost libelous to throw an accusation like that around without facts.

I kid, I kid......
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-10-2011 , 04:26 PM
Street meaning of "slander" most commonly refers to libel/slander without any assertion that a compensatory judgment could be won. Street meaning of "libel" most commonly refers to defamation in a legal sense. Of course, not everyone walks the same streets. On lawdude's streets the people at the DOJ are underpaid benevolent dictators.

Only way to salvage this thread now is for someone to create the site Black Hole Poker. The spokesmodel could be Emma Taylor-Isherwood.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-10-2011 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by flight2q
Street meaning of "slander" most commonly refers to libel/slander without any assertion that a compensatory judgment could be won. Street meaning of "libel" most commonly refers to defamation in a legal sense. Of course, not everyone walks the same streets. On lawdude's streets the people at the DOJ are underpaid benevolent dictators.

Only way to salvage this thread now is for someone to create the site Black Hole Poker. The spokesmodel could be Emma Taylor-Isherwood.
Actually the funny thing is I used "libel" to be precise, because the statements were in written form, not oral.

And Skalla, you aren't in court. The post which I was responding to and the statement I made are right together upthread-- there's no way anyone looking in good faith can miss it.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-10-2011 , 04:40 PM
Fine, I looked at the post. There is nothing libelous in there. End of discussion.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-10-2011 , 05:41 PM
Saw that Newt is running and he has billionaire casino owners backing him. Will this have some sort of influence in online poker? (backers Sheldon Adelson (las vegas sands) gave 1 million and a total of 7 milioon throughout previous years. Frank Fertitta and Lorenzo Fertitta: The gaming billionaires gave $250,000 through the family’s Station Casinos. The two also own the successful Ultimate Fighting Championship martial arts outfit.)
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-11-2011 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by SA_79
Saw that Newt is running and he has billionaire casino owners backing him. Will this have some sort of influence in online poker? (backers Sheldon Adelson (las vegas sands) gave 1 million and a total of 7 milioon throughout previous years. Frank Fertitta and Lorenzo Fertitta: The gaming billionaires gave $250,000 through the family’s Station Casinos. The two also own the successful Ultimate Fighting Championship martial arts outfit.)
I wish we would all give up this idea that the GOP (as a whole) has any interest in legalizing ipoker, let alone set the precedent of allowing/regulating gaming on a federal level.

Forget Ron Paul, forget the teabaggerz, the religious right and the culture warriors control this party on all things social. Period.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-11-2011 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by lawdude
You can easily go back and look at the post I was responding to, Skalla. I don't have to repeat myself when the record is already there.

Originally Posted by Skallagrim
Hmm. Most lawyers readily accept the principle that it is the accuser who should present the facts, not the accused.
are you guys really married in real life?
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-11-2011 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by blutarski
I wish we would all give up this idea that the GOP (as a whole) has any interest in legalizing ipoker, let alone set the precedent of allowing/regulating gaming on a federal level.

Forget Ron Paul, forget the teabaggerz, the religious right and the culture warriors control this party on all things social. Period.
LOL@ thinking that internet poker is never going to get regulated. Obv. that these top sites got shut down so that US corps can compete in the industry. Do you really think that the harrahs and the mgms are just going to sit back watch a billion dollar industry just disappear. We are all entitled to an opinion suppose, but a response such as yours obv just shows that you are lifeless being that you are looking at what you deem as "hopeless threads". gg
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-11-2011 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by blutarski
I wish we would all give up this idea that the GOP (as a whole) has any interest in legalizing ipoker, let alone set the precedent of allowing/regulating gaming on a federal level.

Forget Ron Paul, forget the teabaggerz, the religious right and the culture warriors control this party on all things social. Period.
LOL@ thinking that internet poker is never going to get regulated. Obv. that these top sites got shut down so that US corps can compete in the industry. Do you really think that the harrahs and the mgms are just going to sit back watch a billion dollar industry just disappear. We are all entitled to an opinion I suppose, but a response such as yours obv just shows that you are lifeless being that you are looking at what you deem as "hopeless threads". gg
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-12-2011 , 01:52 AM

"he said 'black hole', heh heh, heh heh"

Roger Ebert saying what most of us have been saying about the hypocrisy of SDNY
The most visible centers of these crimes against the population are Wall Street and the financial industry in general. Although there are still many honest bankers, some seem to regard banking and trading as a license to steal. Outrageous acts are committed and go unpunished. Consider this case of money laundering by Wachovia Bank, now part of Wells Fargo. This Guardian article reports: "The authorities uncovered billions of dollars in wire transfers, traveler's checks and cash shipments through Mexican exchanges into Wachovia accounts."

The bank paid fines of less than 2% of its $12.2 billion profit in 2009. No individual was ever charged with a crime. We need not doubt that Wachovia executives received bonuses over the period of time when they were overseeing these illegal activities. Permit me to quote one more paragraph:

"More shocking, and more important, the bank was sanctioned for failing to apply the proper anti-laundering strictures to the transfer of $378.4 billion -- a sum equivalent to one-third of Mexico's gross national product -- into dollar accounts from so-called casas de cambio (CDCs) in Mexico, currency exchange houses with which the bank did business."

If a third of the Mexican GNP passes through your bank and you don't ask the questions required by law, you are either (1) a criminal, or (2) incompetent. I can't think of another possibility.
and then there is Magnetar and no indictments. You have to work really really hard these days (a la Bernie Madoff) if you want to actually be indicted for a crime when you are in Wall St.

Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-12-2011 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by SA_79
LOL@ thinking that internet poker is never going to get regulated. Obv. that these top sites got shut down so that US corps can compete in the industry. Do you really think that the harrahs and the mgms are just going to sit back watch a billion dollar industry just disappear. We are all entitled to an opinion I suppose, but a response such as yours obv just shows that you are lifeless being that you are looking at what you deem as "hopeless threads". gg
I have seen this same claim as to the reason behind Black Friday many times, but it makes no sense to me. If the US based gaming companies were behind it, they could have stiff armed enough people to get Reid's bill passed and made into law. They would have had a blackout period where Stars, Tilt, and other sites were unable to operate.

As to what the DOJ claims, I have two words for them. No, not those two words. The two words are prove it. If a politician or bureaucrat claims something, that claim should be met with those same two words.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-12-2011 , 01:17 PM
Would you say "prove it" if you were facing a billion dollar fine and life in prison?

To date, nobody has. This is the closest thing we have to "prove it" and we still don't know if this will go to court other than surface denials originating from FT, PS, and AP's websites.

If it doesn't go to court, don't be surprised if Merge, Cake, and Bodog are next.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-12-2011 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by ChaosReigns
I have seen this same claim as to the reason behind Black Friday many times, but it makes no sense to me. If the US based gaming companies were behind it, they could have stiff armed enough people to get Reid's bill passed and made into law. They would have had a blackout period where Stars, Tilt, and other sites were unable to operate.

As to what the DOJ claims, I have two words for them. No, not those two words. The two words are prove it. If a politician or bureaucrat claims something, that claim should be met with those same two words.
There's a difference between "causing it to happen" and "taking advantage after it happened". The casinos weren't "behind it", but they certainly aren't going to sit there and do nothing when the golden goose gets dropped in their lap.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-12-2011 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by SA_79
LOL@ thinking that internet poker is never going to get regulated. Obv. that these top sites got shut down so that US corps can compete in the industry. Do you really think that the harrahs and the mgms are just going to sit back watch a billion dollar industry just disappear. We are all entitled to an opinion suppose, but a response such as yours obv just shows that you are lifeless being that you are looking at what you deem as "hopeless threads". gg
LOL at 'lifeless being.' Reality is what it is.

Do you know anything about American politics? Who do you suppose is the king-maker in the GOP? The casinos or the religious right/social conservatives?

This is an easy no-brainer for the GOP, especially those who aren't social conservatives at heart- they can polish their 'family values' bonafides without pissing too many people off by not supporting ipoker.

If I'm so wrong, why is it that most of the GOP doesn't support 'legalizing' online poker?
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
05-16-2011 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
Would you say "prove it" if you were facing a billion dollar fine and life in prison?

To date, nobody has. This is the closest thing we have to "prove it" and we still don't know if this will go to court other than surface denials originating from FT, PS, and AP's websites.

If it doesn't go to court, don't be surprised if Merge, Cake, and Bodog are next.
I am not saying that the sites should tell the DOJ to prove the allegations. I am saying that we, as citizens, should demand that of our officials when they make a claim. And I was talking about the idea that the sites were creating a giant financial blackhole.
Senator's aide: DOJ source said sites created "massive financial black hole" Quote
