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Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more?

02-27-2012 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by IamPro
Hes got my vote
Not likely, unless you live in one of the reamining primary states or he runs as a 3d party in the general election.
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-27-2012 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Do it Right
That's an interesting point. The vast majority of people are only able to attend university through large amounts of financial aid. Some public universities are charging upwards of $20,000 a semester in tuition+fees alone now a days. That's not including books, food, housing, etc. It's easy to drop $30,000+ for a semester at a good public university. But if you couldn't get a 5 figure federally subsidized and insured loan by just waving your hands as a student - I wonder what would happen to the cost of education.
The reason tuition is so insanely high is because government is balooning it way out of proportion. With Paul's plan, it would be much, much more affordable. The system is broken and it's not getting any better.
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-27-2012 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by deucesevenoffsuit
Good question. The cost of higher education would unquestionably drop without these indirect Federal subsidies. And personally, I think they should be eliminated, especially for middle class and upper middle class families. But the cost wouldn't drop so much that the majority of American families could afford college, unless they decided to drastically reduce their standards of living and save throughout their lives. And we all know that ain't going to happen.
Interesting view:

Should we CUT public support for education, to make America more competitive in the world economy ?

If you do not understand the market competitive value of an educated population, then come out to Nevada to see the converse effect of underfunding education.

Should we NOT rely upon the market for education by making loans available for folks to exercise their market choices ?

Student loans are NOT dischargeable in bankruptcy, unlike home loans guaranteed by the government.

Ironically, Rick Santorum recently has come out publicly against getting a college education, because it indoctrinates students. He would prefer everyone work in blue collar jobs ...... for whom he doesn't say.
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-27-2012 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by agoo758
I love how Paul fan boys act like foreign policy is a no big deal thing that we should disregard.
I think more soldiers than you'd expect don't like our war policy and would agree with Paul. BTW, nice editing Faux news...
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-28-2012 , 03:33 AM
As I've said before, I don't care what any presidential candidate's views are on any situation but poker. If they are a dictator and supports online poker I will still vote for that candidate.
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-28-2012 , 05:18 AM
you are all talking about all that stuff that is irrelevant.

Ron is the only one we should support. You all act like what the US is doing against u is ok. In fact lets leep supporting the guys that f--- u in the A---.

When it comes to poker Ron is the only one that is helpful. So the more u support him the better for us.

Should not be that hard. We should lobby against all the other candidates until they support us.
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-28-2012 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by DonkeyQuixote
Interesting view:

Should we CUT public support for education, to make America more competitive in the world economy ?

If you do not understand the market competitive value of an educated population, then come out to Nevada to see the converse effect of underfunding education.

Should we NOT rely upon the market for education by making loans available for folks to exercise their market choices ?

Student loans are NOT dischargeable in bankruptcy, unlike home loans guaranteed by the government.

Ironically, Rick Santorum recently has come out publicly against getting a college education, because it indoctrinates students. He would prefer everyone work in blue collar jobs ...... for whom he doesn't say.
Yours is the view shared by most Americans, which is why Paul is unelectable. I don't think education should be underfunded, but public education is the responsibility of the states, not the Federal Government. And it certainly isn't my responsibility as a taxpayer to subsidize student loans for the children of middle class and upper middle class families who are rich enough to buy cars for their teenage kids and take nice vacations every year.

I do, however, think that it's in the country's interest for the Government to provide scholarships to top notch students who are entering fields such as engineering, science and computer technology, so that we can remain competitive in the global economy.
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-28-2012 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by blobbloblob
As I've said before, I don't care what any presidential candidate's views are on any situation but poker. If they are a dictator and supports online poker I will still vote for that candidate.
Voting like this is a politicians wet dream.
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-28-2012 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by knircky
you are all talking about all that stuff that is irrelevant.

Ron is the only one we should support. You all act like what the US is doing against u is ok. In fact lets leep supporting the guys that f--- u in the A---.

When it comes to poker Ron is the only one that is helpful. So the more u support him the better for us.

Should not be that hard. We should lobby against all the other candidates until they support us.
The problem is op wrote a politard op. I may vote for Ron in the primary but I'm under no illusion that he can win. He can't.
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-28-2012 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by DonkeyQuixote
Should we NOT rely upon the market for education by making loans available for folks to exercise their market choices ?
We don't have anything close to a market here now and no, in my opinion we shouldn't have across the board subsidies and guarantees for Federal student loans.
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-28-2012 , 04:23 PM
And I'll remind you all of just one more thing. In the 2008 general election, Paul supported Constitution party candidate Chuck Baldwin, probably the most anti-poker, anti-libertarian candidate running, over Bob Barr and Wayne Root.
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-28-2012 , 04:29 PM
that means ron paul hates poker and the constitution
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-28-2012 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
We don't have anything close to a market here now and no, in my opinion we shouldn't have across the board subsidies and guarantees for Federal student loans.
How about a 4 year paid tuition lottery each year for X% of all(*) students who graduate high school, with a right to sell a winning ticket in a secondary market, provided the seller agrees to go into the army for 4 years ? Tickets expire 6 years from date of issue.

(*No volunteers for the Ron Paul campaign would be eligible since it would violate their principles.)
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-28-2012 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeyQuixote
How about a 4 year paid tuition lottery each year for X% of all(*) students who graduate high school, with a right to sell a winning ticket in a secondary market, provided the seller agrees to go into the army for 4 years ? Tickets expire 6 years from date of issue.

(*No volunteers for the Ron Paul campaign would be eligible since it would violate their principles.)
... and throw in a BI to the WSOP ME if they survive their 4 years in the army.
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-28-2012 , 08:53 PM
Gary Johnson will be the most pro poker candidate on the November ballot btw
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-29-2012 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Gary Johnson will be the most pro poker candidate on the November ballot btw
...and he has my vote 100%!
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
02-29-2012 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by deucesevenoffsuit
...and he has my vote 100%!
He has mine as well...... he is like Paul except he actually sounds reasonable when he spreads his message, i doubt he makes a huge impact this year but i have high hopes for him in 2016
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
03-07-2012 , 05:43 PM
It is quite amazing how much of an influence the media has on people not wanting to 'waste' their vote. There was an interesting BBC article on the primaries here:

It ends with this little quip:

A Washington Post/ABC News poll showed only 35% of Americans looked upon Mr Romney favourably, compared to 32% for Mr Paul, 23% for Mr Gingrich, and 32% for Mr Santorum.
That practically every poll shows Paul's approval and people's support of his actions near the top of the field, yet he continues to receive a very modest share of votes - now tha's a story. But one that not a single major news agency has dared touch. I wonder why.
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
03-07-2012 , 06:16 PM
Ron Paul's best chance is to do it as an independent.
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
03-07-2012 , 06:46 PM
I don't see how he could be elected as an independent. The problem is the mainstream media has done an excellent smear job of painting him as unelectable. People have bought it up and are already worried about 'wasting' their vote in the primaries - an election where, win or lose, you'll always end up with a candidate who is going to fall closer to your political preferences than in the general election where failure could mean night and day....

Ostensibly at least. Yeah Obama and Romney, night and day.
Ron Paul is the only candidate the supports online poker, why aren't we talkin about this more? Quote
