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Response from Senator Pat Toomey Response from Senator Pat Toomey

09-13-2011 , 02:10 AM
Thank you for contacting me about the regulation of online poker. I appreciate hearing from you.

I recognize the increasing prevalence of internet poker and the impact the Department of Justice's recent actions have had on many Pennsylvanians. I also understand the economic implications and other effects of an unregulated internet poker environment.

Specific to your concerns, Representative John Campbell of California introduced the Internet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection and Enforcement Act (H.R. 1174) on March 12, 2011. Among its provisions, this measure would allow for the licensing of internet gambling. H.R. 1174 would also establish various consumer protections. The measure is currently pending before the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit.

As you may also know, Representative Joe Barton (R-TX) introduced H.R. 2366 on June 24, 2011. Among its provisions, this measure would establish a program for state licensing of Internet poker. H.R. 2366 is currently pending before the House Committees on Energy and Commerce, Financial Services, and the Judiciary for review. While companion legislation has not yet been introduced in the Senate, please be assured that I will keep your thoughts in mind as these bills progress through the legislative process in the House.

Thank you again for your correspondence. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of assistance.


Pat Toomey
U.S. Senator, Pennsylvania

Maybe I'm just an optimist, but I thought the second paragraph was encouraging.
Response from Senator Pat Toomey Quote
09-13-2011 , 02:21 AM
He may not have committed to anything here, but he clearly is thinking about the issue. Very very good news right there. It just so happens that the last month he has been exposed to hundreds of poker posts because of his super-committee role.

Now someone tell me there is not a correlation here?

Excellent, excellent response imo.
Response from Senator Pat Toomey Quote
09-13-2011 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by Will Poker 4 Food
Maybe I'm just an optimist, but I thought the second paragraph was encouraging.
Yes, encouraging. But barely that and nothing more. Toomey , with his strong anti-new tax/anti tax raise stand could give cover to other fiscal conservatives coming to our side. That plus his seat on the Super Committee means he would be a great ally for our side. Perhaps he should be targeted for an e-mail campaign.
Response from Senator Pat Toomey Quote
09-13-2011 , 03:44 AM
Thanks for sharing, OP. I am encouraged. He is important to our efforts.
Response from Senator Pat Toomey Quote
09-13-2011 , 12:49 PM
Gotta keep working him through the daily action plans! Thanks for the update, OP!
Response from Senator Pat Toomey Quote
09-13-2011 , 12:59 PM
sounds like a politician givin politicial statements...what aboot perry using the "being delt 4 aces n not being a skill gm" anaology I hope he does keep the online grind in mind!!!
Response from Senator Pat Toomey Quote
10-04-2011 , 02:27 PM
Toomey just sent me the same e-mail. So no progress with Toomey since middle of last month. With Toomey on Super Committe, we need to sent him more e-mails.
Response from Senator Pat Toomey Quote
