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Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair

11-09-2010 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by BullGator
If the Republicans are not happy with Baccus, I have a feeling this is not going to help.
Here's the original article: Spencer Bachus: Sarah Palin cost GOP control of U.S. Senate
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
It may be fitting that Bachus get the axe from leadership when, perhaps for once, he is speaking accurately.

(I happen to agree with him that, had the Republicans fielded a viable, qualified candidate in Delaware and Nevada, they could have won both races handily.)
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by flight2q
Royce seems very knowledgable about financial regs and the housing markets. (Doesn't touch much on why he is better than Bachus, except that he, Royce, REALLY REALLY knows the subject...... (What, is he saying he won't provide his expertise UNLESS he gets to be Chair ?)

Bachus wins this fight easily.

After all, Royce admits that Bachus must step down after the 2012 elections anyway. Who thinks the Republicans want to solve any issues before then ?

Too bad.
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
Sounds like a good question to me.
What question ?
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
All in all, IMO we should all support Royce in his bid...
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by DonkeyQuixote
What question ?
The one DrewOnTilt suggested for theBUB for his call with Ed Royce.
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by Halstad
If you have a Republican congressman, you can let him or her know how you feel.
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by DonkeyQuixote
It may be fitting that Bachus get the axe from leadership when, perhaps for once, he is speaking accurately.

(I happen to agree with him that, had the Republicans fielded a viable, qualified candidate in Delaware and Nevada, they could have won both races handily.)
They almost certainly would have won in Delaware if Mike Castle had won the Republican Senate nomination. People here are still scratching their heads about how the Tea Party campaigned themselves out of a seat by supporting Christine O'Donnell. She would have been bad for us in many ways and HORRIBLE for poker players.
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
Is the following just mindless rhetoric from Rep. Bachus?

"The Republican party must prove to people we mean it this time, that we are serious about less government.”

Bachus said Americans no longer want to be told what is good for them. Voters want to decide for themselves what is good for them.

“I hope my Republican colleagues have gotten the message this time."
If he's serious, shouldn't he back off from his crusade against online poker? Shouldn't we be able to decide for ourselves what's good for us?
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Komodo Dragon
Is the following just mindless rhetoric from Rep. Bachus?

If he's serious, shouldn't he back off from his crusade against online poker? Shouldn't we be able to decide for ourselves what's good for us?
Who is this person and what did he do with Bacchus???
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by BullGator
If the Republicans are not happy with Baccus, I have a feeling this is not going to help.
I was working on my latest column over the weekend and needed a capstone to tie Bachus, the Tea Party, limited government conservatism and the Bennet-Buck CO Senate race together. Well, right on cue, Bachus provided that, so thanks for posting this.

The column was accepted and should run today or tomorrow.
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 07:45 PM
The BigGovt column is up: GOP Rep. Spencer Bachus Lashes Out at Tea Party, Sarah Palin


In the wake of the Election Day conservative tsunami, rather than expressing gratitude that limited government conservatives and the Tea Party movement restored the GOP to majority status in the House of Representatives, establishment Republican Rep. Spencer Bachus lashed out at the movement and at Gov. Sarah Palin.

He even went so far as to blame Palin and the Tea Party for the Republican Party not winning the Senate — the same Senate that had all of forty Republicans back when the party ran on the big spending, me-too policies espoused by Spencer Bachus. Perhaps not surprisingly, the GOP establishment is preparing to reward Bachus with the chairmanship of the House Financial Services Committee, this despite his well-known failings in performing as the Ranking Member of that very committee over the past four years.

Rep. Bachus lashed out against Palin and the Tea Party on November 4th while speaking to the South Shelby (Ala.) Chamber of Commerce. “The Senate would be Republican today except for states (in which Gov. Palin endorsed candidates) like Christine O’Donnell in Delaware,” Bachus said. “Sarah Palin cost us control of the Senate.” He went on to say that Tea Party candidates did well in U.S. House races, but in the U.S. Senate races, “they didn’t do well at all.” Bachus is mistaken in his attempts to place blame. In fact, it is the very policies he champions that cost the GOP its chance to win control of the Senate.

Bachus is best known for his efforts to implement and enforce a ban on online poker. His support for efforts to use big government to address non-core social issues are obviously not in sync with the priorities of limited government conservatism, so his animus toward limited government conservatives is not surprising. However, his insistence on blaming them for the Senate outcome ought to be, given that the online poker issue proved to be the deciding factor in one Senate race and a huge influence in another.....
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 07:51 PM
Dugg. Nice article.
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Komodo Dragon
Dugg. Nice article.
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 08:11 PM
Mr. Bachus' attack on Sarah Palin made conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt's show.
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 10:08 PM
The column is getting some buzz. Andrew Breitbart retweeted it (he doesn't retweet much from his sites):

@andrewbreitbart: Not a Good Start: First GOP establishment disses Bachmann, now Rep Bachus Lashes Out at Tea Party, Sarah Palin:
It was also reprinted in some unlikely places:

The Southern Blaze, The Christian/Conservative News Gateway:
America, Where Are You? Your Country is Being Pillaged:
Remake America Now:

Granted, some of these are automated, but it still helps get the word out, especially on Google.
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 10:51 PM
Thanks to PX for some nice comments on the initial draft that helped me tighten up the piece prior to publication.
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-09-2010 , 11:06 PM
From a commenter:

Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-10-2010 , 12:59 AM
Here's Spencer Bachus complaining from the House floor about the last time I wrote about him, even falsely claiming I was paid to write it:
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-10-2010 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by Russ Fox
Mr. Bachus' attack on Sarah Palin made conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt's show.
Hewitt slammed Bachus more in his blog. Hewitt includes Palin's response and OK Sen. Inhofe's blasting of Bachus' comments.

Last edited by Rich Muny; 11-10-2010 at 02:57 AM. Reason: Added link to Sen. Inhofe's comments
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-10-2010 , 03:42 AM
Bachus' Wikipedia entry includes this controversy (here):
Criticism of Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement

On November 4, 2010, while in the midst of a battle for the chairmanship of the House Financial Services Committee with Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) and immediately following the 2010 general election, Bachus told the South Shelby (Ala.) Chamber of Commerce that former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement cost the Republican Party control of the U.S. Senate. “The Senate would be Republican today except for states (in which Gov. Palin endorsed candidates) like Christine O’Donnell in Delaware,” Bachus said. “Sarah Palin cost us control of the Senate.” He went on to say that Tea Party candidates did well in U.S. House races, but in the U.S. Senate races, “they didn’t do well at all.”[13]

Conservative writers and lawmakers including Hugh Hewitt[14],'s Rich Muny[15], and Senator James Inhofe[16] immediately defended both Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement, crediting them with gains in both the House and the Senate. Hewitt and Muny further demanded that Bachus not be awarded chairmanship of the House Financial Services Committee. Sarah Palin responded with criticism of Bachus' "bigger government agenda," citing Bachus' support for TARP and "Cash for Clunkers."[17]
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-10-2010 , 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
Bachus' Wikipedia entry includes this controversy (here):
Criticism of Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement

On November 4, 2010, while in the midst of a battle for the chairmanship of the House Financial Services Committee with Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) and immediately following the 2010 general election, Bachus told the South Shelby (Ala.) Chamber of Commerce that former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement cost the Republican Party control of the U.S. Senate. “The Senate would be Republican today except for states (in which Gov. Palin endorsed candidates) like Christine O’Donnell in Delaware,” Bachus said. “Sarah Palin cost us control of the Senate.” He went on to say that Tea Party candidates did well in U.S. House races, but in the U.S. Senate races, “they didn’t do well at all.”[13]

Conservative writers and lawmakers including Hugh Hewitt[14],'s Rich Muny[15], and Senator James Inhofe[16] immediately defended both Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement, crediting them with gains in both the House and the Senate. Hewitt and Muny further demanded that Bachus not be awarded chairmanship of the House Financial Services Committee. Sarah Palin responded with criticism of Bachus' "bigger government agenda," citing Bachus' support for TARP and "Cash for Clunkers."[17]

My brother lives in Bachus's district. Spencer may have stepped in a big doo doo pile with his ill conceived comment. Sarah will get her revenge in 2012 when Congressman Bachus is up for reelection: She'll endorse a Tea Party candidate to run against Congressman Bachus and that candidate will win. Call it karma ...

Former DJ
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-10-2010 , 05:38 AM
A Tea Party candidate defeating Bachus would remove a determined opponent and may well add an ally.

A big win or a great win. Go Tea.
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
11-10-2010 , 05:39 AM
Bachus will serve us better in hastening the inevitable cycle of right wing politics. The right wing media loves to preach the populist "libertarian" agenda to get the votes of those that hate the left and "big government" but in reality the people voted in office will always seek more power.

I hope Bachus and his ilk will gain as much temporary power as they can so they can shoot themselves in the foot that much faster. The right wingers are our blood enemies in this fight. They dont want gambling. They dont want regulation.
Reps. Spencer Bachus and Ed Royce battling for the House Financial Services Committee chair Quote
