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PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011

02-16-2011 , 11:24 PM
Dear [Poker Player],

2011 is well underway and so are the Poker Players Alliance's efforts to protect and promote our rights as poker players. Whether you are an online player or a home game fan, the PPA continues to work with federal and state legislatures and the courts to ensure that you have a safe and regulated environment in which to play poker.

The "Lame Duck" Poker Bill

As you know, at the end of last year during the "lame duck" session of Congress, there was a flurry of activity to pass Internet poker legislation. Because of external political factors outside our control, the opportunity passed, and while there was a tremendous effort, it ultimately fell short.

Much was revealed during the lame duck effort; most of it good, but some of it raised concerns among the playing community. It is a good thing that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stepped up and took the position that Internet poker is something that should be recognized by this country and properly licensed and regulated. He and his staff worked with a variety of stakeholders to craft a bill that would create a U.S. regulated Internet poker marketplace, establish sensible consumer protections, guarantee states' rights, and generate revenue and economic growth. We are pleased that the leader of the United States Senate is someone we can call an ally for realistic Internet poker policy.

The Controversial "Freeze"

The bill, to the surprise of some, included a 15 month "freeze" period in which U.S. online poker play would essentially cease until regulations were finalized and licenses were issued. The PPA opposed this lengthy freeze. However, we did support versions of the bill where this language was included. Our support was not easily won -- we fought this freeze very hard -- but in politics there is always compromise. We believed that the short-term pain of a playing "freeze" was worth the long-term stability of a regulated marketplace. While this concept is not easy for online players to accept, it is more difficult to accept the notion that the status quo is tenable. Players, and operators, need clarity. You need reliable deposits and payouts. You need the assurance that your games are fair and that the operators are accountable. The bill would have achieved this.

What's Next for a Poker Bill

There is a view among some that the death of this legislation may have been a good thing given some of the onerous provisions. It is now the PPA's and the player community's responsibility to demonstrate to lawmakers why these provisions should be eliminated or at a minimum revised. During this Congress, the PPA will seek to improve key aspects of the draft bill, including:
  1. eliminate/reduce the playing freeze
  2. eliminate/reduce the restriction on global player pools
  3. increase the number of automatically opted in states
  4. establish favorable tax treatment for online players
  5. ensure that legislation does not unfairly discriminate against companies who currently serve the U.S. market.
Much has been said about the new Congress and that new Republican control of the U.S. House of Representatives will make it impossible to get legislation done. We do not hold that view and are in fact optimistic about moving a bill this year. Just last week it was announced that Republican Congressman John Campbell plans to introduce pro-Internet gaming legislation. We are already building on the tremendous progress we made last year. It is important to note that there are more than 100 new "freshman" members of the U.S. Congress. That is nearly 20 percent! We welcome the opportunity to educate these fresh faces, and our advocacy team is well on its way to meeting every new member of the House and Senate before the end of February.

Let New Members of Congress Know Poker has Broad Support

We have also engaged the players. To date, more than 2,500 of you have already written an email to the new members of Congress urging them to support Internet poker legislation. We are now asking everyone to send a letter to their elected official reminding them to support your poker rights. Simply click on the button below and in only 60 seconds you can send an email to your Representative and two Senators.

State Update: South Carolina and Washington

As the federal debate continues, the PPA remains at the frontline of state and legal issues. Poker players in South Carolina are already seeing the benefits of our advocacy this year. In January, the state Senate Judiciary Committee overwhelmingly passed a bill to allow for residents to play poker for money in their own home -- an activity interpreted to be forbidden due to an 1802 statute. The bill also codifies the predominance test which correctly identifies poker as a game of skill. Very soon the full Senate will consider this important bill.

In Washington State, where it is a Class 3 felony to play Internet poker, the PPA is launching a legislative challenge. This week we are asking select PPA members in the state to join us for a day of lobbying their local legislators in support of repealing this ridiculous law. This will be our first ever State Capitol lobby day, and we are excited to educate Washington lawmakers.

State Updates: New Jersey, Florida, and California

We are also closely monitoring intrastate efforts to pass online poker legislation. California and Florida have bills introduced for consideration, and in New Jersey a law is awaiting signature by the governor. Should the New Jersey governor sign the bill (which also includes online casino games), they will become the first state to license and regulate Internet gaming. It will be a historic achievement and likely a bellwether for other state activity as well as motivation for the federal government to take more decisive action. The prospects of the California and Florida bills remain very unclear. There are significant problems with both approaches that tend to favor in-state gaming interests to the detriment of the consumer. The PPA will seek to correct those problems as these bills advance in their respective states.

Legal Updates

The PPA has also taken up the legal fight of several online players who are being targeted by a "get rich quick" attorney perverting a seldom used statute to recover losses from "illegal" gambling. The PPA is fully engaged in the defense of these players, and we are making it very clear that this type of aggressive action against our members will be hard fought. Also on the legal front, the PPA is working with a charity card room operator in Southern Virginia who was forced to close his doors after operating for several years and raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for local charities. Our Litigation Support Network has identified local counsel to support the card room and it is also developing the legal strategies and arguments so that Virginians can continue to play poker for charitable causes.

Fighting for America's Favorite Card Game

Indeed, the fight for our poker rights is not over. It is just beginning. Your PPA is dedicated to protecting your freedoms in state capitols and courthouses across the country. We cannot do this alone. We need your help and we need your enthusiasm for the game you love. We have a real chance to get a bill through Congress this year, and we can shape the intrastate efforts. We will fight to make sure all legislation is something the poker community can fully support. Will you stand with the PPA?

Please take a moment to send an email to your U.S. Representative and Senators. If you have not joined the PPA as a dues paying Premium Member, please do so today. For only $20, it is the best bet in poker!

The Poker Players Alliance
Dedicated to Protecting America's Favorite Card Game

The Poker Players Alliance is a nonprofit membership organization comprised of poker players and enthusiasts from around the United States who have joined together to speak with one voice to promote the game and to protect poker players' rights. Visit us at
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-16-2011 , 11:52 PM
Nice job!
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-17-2011 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
There is a view among some that the death of this legislation may have been a good thing given some of the onerous provisions. It is now the PPA's and the player community's responsibility to demonstrate to lawmakers why these provisions should be eliminated or at a minimum revised. During this Congress, the PPA will seek to improve key aspects of the draft bill, including:
  1. eliminate/reduce the playing freeze
  2. eliminate/reduce the restriction on global player pools
  3. increase the number of automatically opted in states
  4. establish favorable tax treatment for online players
  5. ensure that legislation does not unfairly discriminate against companies who currently serve the U.S. market.
I just got this email and came on here to say that if you want my continued support then this is precisely what it will take. Several actions over the past year by the PPA had not only ended my financial support but it's a bit of a surprise that I even saw this email as PPA was being auto-routed to the Spam folder.

I know you guys have always worked extremely hard for what you believe in. I can only hope that your beliefs approximate what I do as well -- something that hasn't been clear recently. I'm sure I'm not alone and will be watching in coming months to see what happens and how PPA reacts.
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-17-2011 , 02:35 PM
I just received this email. I don't recall the last time I received a PPA email. This is certainly the first in many months. It would've been nice to have seen more of this when it mattered.

But now? If we couldn't get a bill added as an amendment in a situation where we had, at least ostensibly, tons of leverage and a majority leader owing his recent reelection to a constituent also desiring such legislation, then why should I expect we have any chances now when the political situation has only gotten worse? We've lost the house, the financial services committee chair, and who knows what Reid's ongoing level of motivation for our cause will be.
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-17-2011 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by malloc
I just got this email and came on here to say that if you want my continued support then this is precisely what it will take. Several actions over the past year by the PPA had not only ended my financial support but it's a bit of a surprise that I even saw this email as PPA was being auto-routed to the Spam folder.

I know you guys have always worked extremely hard for what you believe in. I can only hope that your beliefs approximate what I do as well -- something that hasn't been clear recently. I'm sure I'm not alone and will be watching in coming months to see what happens and how PPA reacts.
When you say you're not sure PPA believes what you believe, I have to ask you what you see as alternatives. Surely you've noticed that the game is under attack where it's most vulnerable -- at the payment processor level.

No one wants a blackout, but I imagine plenty of players would not be pleased if PPA rejected a blackout, got bills containing them killed, but then lost the bigger sites to the continued assault on payment options.
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-17-2011 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Do it Right
I just received this email. I don't recall ever receiving another email from the PPA. This is certainly the first in many months. It would've been nice to have seen more of this when it mattered.

But now? If we couldn't get a bill added as an amendment in a situation where we had, at least ostensibly, tons of leverage and a majority leader owing his recent reelection to a constituent also desiring such legislation, then why should I expect we have any chances now when the political situation has only gotten worse? We've lost the house, the financial services committee chair, and who knows what Reid's ongoing level of motivation for our cause will be.
It won't be easy, but our fight never has been an easy one.
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-17-2011 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
No one wants a blackout, but I imagine plenty of players would not be pleased if PPA rejected a blackout, got bills containing them killed, but then lost the bigger sites to the continued assault on payment options.
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-17-2011 , 03:00 PM
Im happy to see the communication.

Id like to see the PPA soliciting more input on legislation rather than simply giving us the viewpoint of the board, but we definitely need more of this.

Also, this would have been a good place to talk more about the realities of state opt outs.
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-17-2011 , 03:15 PM
Americans have a fundamental right to be left alone, to pursue their individual view of happiness. While the government can criminalize behavior, it can do so only if some statute, which is express and clearly applicable, is passed regarding some activity.

The fundamental right the PPA would have tossed away prospectively by endorsing the "lame duck" bill was Americans' right to play or offer online poker. Calling a ban a "freeze" or temporary doesn't change the underlying prohibition on Americans' market for poker services.

It is nice to see that the stated PPA #1 goal in 2011 is to "eliminate/reduce" abandoning players' fundamental right and interest, which remains playing poker online. However, your Letter continues playing weak-tight and have effectively conceded that you are prepared, again, to fold.

The PPA wrote :"There is a view among some that the death of this legislation may have been a good thing given some of the onerous provisions. It is now the PPA's and the player community's responsibility to demonstrate to lawmakers why these provisions should be eliminated or at a minimum revised. During this Congress, the PPA will seek to improve key aspects of the draft bill"...

The PPA Letter expressly refers to an existing "draft bill". If there is one, turn your cards face up for the players' community , does the draft bill contain a freeze or not ???

After last year's lame duck session fiasco, I think some PPA transparency is in order. You want the "players' community to support legislation, then post what you are asking them to support in this "draft bill". What is the current language of this "draft bill" ?

Last edited by TruePoker ex-CEO; 02-17-2011 at 03:25 PM.
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-17-2011 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by TruePoker ex-CEO
...During this Congress, the PPA will seek to improve key aspects of the draft bill"...

The PPA Letter expressly refers to an existing "draft bill". If there is one, turn your cards face up for the players' community , does the draft bill contain a freeze or not ???

After last year's lame duck session fiasco, I think some PPA transparency is in order. You want the "players' community to support legislation, then post what you are asking them to support in this "draft bill". What is the current language of this "draft bill" ?
It may not be in the best interest of the PPA or its members for the PPA to reveal the current content of the draft bill if the crucial points are likely to change before making any legislative progress. It might just set people up to be disappointed and upset with the PPA for something that may very well end up being out of their influence.
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-17-2011 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by repulse
It may not be in the best interest of the PPA or its members for the PPA to reveal the current content of the draft bill if the crucial points are likely to change before making any legislative progress. It might just set people up to be disappointed and upset with the PPA for something that may very well end up being out of their influence.
Or it may be that Mr. Frank and Mr. Campbell would prefer to release the bill themselves and would not appreciate it being leaked by others they have chosen to show advance copies.

I am certain, however, that TPXCEO realizes this. I am also certain that TPXCEO would like nothing better than for the PPA to antagonize Mr. Frank and Mr. Campbell and harm our working relationship with them and so the attempt to try and goad us into doing that.

There will plenty of time to discuss the details of this bill once it is released.

PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-17-2011 , 05:52 PM
Ah, right. That makes sense too.
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-17-2011 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Skallagrim
Or it may be that Mr. Frank and Mr. Campbell would prefer to release the bill themselves and would not appreciate it being leaked by others they have chosen to show advance copies.

I am certain, however, that TPXCEO realizes this. I am also certain that TPXCEO would like nothing better than for the PPA to antagonize Mr. Frank and Mr. Campbell and harm our working relationship with them and so the attempt to try and goad us into doing that.

There will plenty of time to discuss the details of this bill once it is released.


TPxCEO knows better than that.
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-18-2011 , 12:36 AM
Im not going to defend calling for the PPA to leak info, I dont think thats in our best interest, but I am surprised the PPA hasnt solicited feedback on the Reid bill as opposed to telling players this is best for them.
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-18-2011 , 02:59 AM
I think the PPA needs to "get" and seek feedback from players, regarding specific bills and overall goals of the PPA. I think the PPA has been doing much better recently in communicating with players and keeping us updated, good job PPA. Lets hope this continues as bill are drafted and proposed.

I do think the PPA needs to fully explain legislation (specific bills) to players, both the good and bad. If the PPA supports a particular bill then I fully expect and want them to "sell it" to PPA members and the general playing public but at the same time inform players about the "bad" parts of a particular bill and not down play them. Lay it all out in the open and let each individual player decide if a certain bill is acceptable to them or not.

The PPA as an org has to decide what is acceptable legislation, just like each player must decide for themselves. The PPA can't really have a vote or poll each member before deciding to support a bill or not. Not every member will agree, and what about non-ppa members who play or would play if a bill is passed, their voice wouldn't be heard if only PPA members were to vote on bill before the PPA would support it. There's just too many players (members or not) with too many different views on what is an acceptable bill. Feedback=yes Vote/poll before supporting a bill=NO that need to be an inside PPA after weighing all the options.

As long as the PPA keeps seeking feedback,providing us info and keeps the lines of communication open and not sugarcoat things then I'm happy with the job they're doing.
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
02-18-2011 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
When you say you're not sure PPA believes what you believe, I have to ask you what you see as alternatives. Surely you've noticed that the game is under attack where it's most vulnerable -- at the payment processor level.

No one wants a blackout, but I imagine plenty of players would not be pleased if PPA rejected a blackout, got bills containing them killed, but then lost the bigger sites to the continued assault on payment options.
The blackout is not ideal but it's not the deal killer to me.

The Reid bill seems to me to be criminally fraudulent. I'm not a lawyer so that's just a layperson's opinion (a former Nevada resident and former Reid voter fwiw) but restricting the post blackout initial period to only the B&M casinos that have no experience with the differences in handling online play compared to live play and explicitly blocking every experienced online company with no logical justification is not acceptable.

That situation just screams of good old fashioned American back scratching and any organization that can stomach that is not one that I wish to associate with.

Like I said before I'm glad to see that issue on your list now. It's the first time. The email I received a week or so back saying we "may" have a bill going in this year with no details other than a request to have me funnel over more money was quickly deleted.

You have my attention now at least which is an improvement. When the next bill comes out and I've read it and PPA has commented then we can talk again.

fwiw, having lived in Vegas I know the casinos do virtually nothing about the teams of live colluders. I don't trust them with doing any better online.
PPA letter to members on the Reid bill, the freeze, and 2011 Quote
