Originally Posted by Jane Ann
Seriously!!!! WTF!!! 85 views & no one sees anything wrong here!! WTF did I expect posing on a poker forum. Obviously illegally stealing someones identity is acceptable behavior for some gamblers!!!!
Just because your post had 85 views that doesn't mean someone had an answer for you. Would you have prefered that 85 people all posted, "Sorry, can't help you,"?
Originally Posted by Jane Ann
I live in the UK and he lives in the U.S. so since poker isn't legal there in the U.S. he uses my name & documents to play online..
I'd be a little more concerned about what else he might be using your identity for.
If you know what website he's playing on and what screenname he is playing under, contact that site.
Don't bitch at us.
Last edited by Doc T River; 11-12-2013 at 11:12 AM.
Reason: I think you have your knickers is a twist over the online poker thing.