I am a Canadian citizen and online poker player residing in Egypt and Greece (I hold a Canadian passport) and in October pokerstars was shut
down in Egypt (they withdrew from over 30 countries) so I decided to come back to Greece (I was studying there before)
and play from here only to find out that tax laws had been imposed (Player withholding tax or PWT
due to new gambling regulations and pokerstars had aquired a license. In that same link which is a FAQ sheet it also says:
Q.I’m also residing in another country. Can I change my country of residence and if so, will I still have to pay PWT?
You can change your country of residence by providing the appropriate documentation. Please email
security@pokerstars.eu for more information.
If you change your country of residence and thus are eligible to play under a different license then the PWT rules will not apply.
- So is there any way in which I could use my Canadian passport to play from Greece without being affected by the tax?
- I do not reside in Canada even though I hold the passport does that make it all null and void ?
any help would be greatly appreciated ! I have already e-mailed pokerstars but they're being difficult about
providing information for some reason.