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Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued)

04-30-2008 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by ilovebadbeats
I guess there is no way that you are going to change the way they think and vice versa.
But you should remind them that they have the freedom to live their lives as they see fit and SO SHOULD YOU.
If you want to gamble and are a consenting adult they that is your right and choosing to do so.
Bottom line.

I still think that someone should get a UHaul truck and fill the damn thing with tons of those cheap plastic poker chips, drive up to the White House or Capital Building, and just dump them in protest.
Then when they ask you to clean them up you refuse and say something to the media guy like, "I have no use for these chips any longer as the Federal government has banned poker."
That would be so cool and bring more (much-needed) meida attention to this issue (which noone seems to want to talk about in the mainstream media).

I also mentioned last year that we should all get together (100s of us) and bring poker chip sets, cards, and money with us to Washington and set up 100s of poker games in an around the historic Sites of DC, and just start dealing/playing and force them to arrest us all.
It would be making a statement of how ridiculous these laws are.

True, we cannot change their minds. Still, it's good to let them know they have opposition. Also, I have a meeting with my reps on Monday in D.C. (I'll be there on a business trip, so I figured I ought to meet with them while in town). Getting the FRC talking points in advance helps me a lot. I probably won't bother replying to the letter.

I like the idea of us all going to D.C. and standing strong.
Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
04-30-2008 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by ilovebadbeats
I guess there is no way that you are going to change the way they think and vice versa.
But you should remind them that they have the freedom to live their lives as they see fit and SO SHOULD YOU.
If you want to gamble and are a consenting adult they that is your right and choosing to do so.
Bottom line.
This is where I believe the whole argument should be framed. What rights do we have as individuals to do as we wish with our money in our homes? There are those on the right who should be outraged by this incursion on our rights, but they are silent. Imagine the outcry if this was a "liberal" cause. Big-government liberals are crushing our Constitutional rights! How many "bubbas" are poker players? How many churches run bingo games?

This should be a rights issue. That would get immediate attention and support from a wide cross-section of the US. It's how I frame it when I talk to people who are unaware or undecided, and it sways them.


ps--you wouldn't get within five miles of the Capitol Building in a U-Haul.
Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
04-30-2008 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Cactus Jack

ps--you wouldn't get within five miles of the Capitol Building in a U-Haul.
Then we need to figure out some type or aerial delivery method for the chips...possibly by hot-air balloon?

Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
04-30-2008 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by ilovebadbeats
Then we need to figure out some type or aerial delivery method for the chips...possibly by hot-air balloon?

The U S Mail, if an effort could be organized where thousands of poker players ALL mailed even a genic poker chip to their house rep and both senators all on the same day they would arrive within days.
Imagine, 10-20K players ALL mailing 3 chips.

Repeat this as it grows, say at a minimum monthly, get it growing, soon 50K people mailing 3 chips each.

This was suggested before and somehow it became entangled in having custom promotional chips made, then custom promotional sets and the point of the suggestion soon became lost.

Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
05-03-2008 , 06:43 PM
I didnt know that Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., in 1989 admitted to dating a male escort but said he did not know the man was running a prostitution service from Frank's apartments
Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
05-04-2008 , 05:03 AM
I don't care who he's dating. Just help him get this stupid law repealed.
Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
05-17-2008 , 12:53 AM
HR 5767 has gained five new cosponsors, bringing the number of cosponsors to 16.

Joe Baca [D-CA] remains A rated, having cosponsored IGREA. He voted against HR 4411.
Michael Capuano [D-MA] remains A rated, having cosponsored IGREA, the Wexler bill, and the Study Bill. He voted against HR 4411.
Russ Carnahan [D-MO] remains A rated, having cosponsored IGREA and the Study Bill. He voted against HR 4411.
Ed Perlmutter [D-CO] remains A rated, having cosponsored IGREA and the Study Bill. He was not in the House for the HR 4411 vote.
Charles Gonzalez [D-TX] moves from A- to A, having cosponsored the Study Bill. He voted against HR 4411.
Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
11-13-2008 , 02:48 PM
I have spoken with several different congressional offices throughout this process and one thing is clear: the FRC was getting its pockets lined with $ from horse racing and major league sports teams;
when Baucas from Alabama came in with the FRC he strong armed my congressman (kenny marchant) to switch his vote as Marchant was with Frank in the beginning

my only question now is : does the FRC have to disclose their donations receipts as a non - profit entity?

we will probably see the FRC board members in a press box at the Super Bowl
Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
11-13-2008 , 03:09 PM
sports are so so dumb to not encourage gambling too. it makes even the most boring game interesting.
Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
11-13-2008 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by scb22
I didnt know that Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., in 1989 admitted to dating a male escort but said he did not know the man was running a prostitution service from Frank's apartments
Re-elected how many times since then ...... 9 ? 10 ?

What is your point, that you do not believe in democracy ?
Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
11-13-2008 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by texman
I have spoken with several different congressional offices throughout this process and one thing is clear: the FRC was getting its pockets lined with $ from horse racing and major league sports teams;
when Baucas from Alabama came in with the FRC he strong armed my congressman (kenny marchant) to switch his vote as Marchant was with Frank in the beginning

my only question now is : does the FRC have to disclose their donations receipts as a non - profit entity?

we will probably see the FRC board members in a press box at the Super Bowl
This reply could have been done without bumping an ancient thread... there's plenty of recent ones on the topic (80% of posts on the main page, actually).
Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
11-13-2008 , 04:07 PM
Why did this have to be bumped? I got my hopes sky high and another devastating blow.
Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
11-13-2008 , 04:37 PM
While this thread is revived:
1) Can we get an official report on what the fate of this bill was?
2) What is to stop us from getting another bill going regardless of what happens? New administration and all.
Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
11-13-2008 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Zeldark
While this thread is revived:
1) Can we get an official report on what the fate of this bill was?
2) What is to stop us from getting another bill going regardless of what happens? New administration and all.
sorry i bumped an old thread -
frank's office told me he would have another go at it after the elections (i was told this last june-july)
he would rewrite it in some form;
the bigger question is how many shmucks on the house finance sub comittee (that voted against the frank bill to get out of committee (the vote was a tie)) were re-elected

here is a link to check on bill status for those that want to dig deeper
Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
11-13-2008 , 07:25 PM
It eventually got out of committee. The bill is still technically active for the lame duck session
Old Thread on Frank/Paul Legislation Blocking Regs (Pre Final Regs Issued) Quote
