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National Fraternal Order of Police tells Congress to support poker licensing! National Fraternal Order of Police tells Congress to support poker licensing!

04-02-2012 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
Top paragraph on the 2nd page, I'm paraphrasing here:

"Millions of americans currently engage in offshore gambling"
-This has to be poker. If you take out poker, there are NOT millions of americans playing pit games via offshore sites. When you talk about volume in the millions of players, that can only be poker.

"Freeh/Ridge op ed identified a need for regulation and we the FoP agree."
-That op ed piece was about poker and specifically mentioned poker several times.

"Players are unable to go to a court in order to get quick and accurate cashouts", "framework for legal gaming", "no regulatory controls to prevent misuse of customer financial data"
-This obviously implies the desire for legalization, not for increased bans. If they merely wanted to crack down on overseas sites without creating legal US sites, they would not have identified these problems since cracking down on overseas sites will not fix the problem of allowing US players to 'seek legal recourse when victimized'


so - yes, FoP never says 'poker'. But the volume of players they describe and the studies they quote are both about poker, so that clearly indicates to me that the letter is about poker. Lots of people use gambling synonymously with poker or as a more general term since theres no need to be so specific so the lack of the word poker doesn't bother me one bit.

And regarding whether they just want to shutdown illegal sites vs creating legal ones - most of the specific problems they identify are completely irrelevant if the end result is just shutting down offshore sites. That whole paragraph only makes sense as a list of features to include in regulations to create legal US poker sites. Right, i mean, why say "oh noes, people can't go to court to get redress if they are victimized by fraud" if they just want to shutdown illegal sites which still wont allow people to go to court to seek redress.
I mentioned the Freeh/Ridge op-ed in an earlier post Its the most compelling argument you make. I personally discount it, partly because I dont think Freeh and Ridge are strong supporters of poker themselves and partly because it would have been very easy to mention poker specifically in this letter.

The other points I dont find compelling. The letter doesnt talk about giving millions of players access to additional legal gaming and I dont read anything in the letter saying they want increased authorization of legal gaming.

Again, I think they would support a Reid compromise this Congress. Thats good. I think if in 2013 AG Santorum pushes that he needs tougher laws to ban online gaming, they'd work to steer UIGEA II/intrastate ban through a friendly Republican Congress as well.
National Fraternal Order of Police tells Congress to support poker licensing! Quote
04-02-2012 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Skallagrim
Remember that old saying about not being able to see the forest because of concentrating too much on the trees?

Exactly. The forest is that NFOP would like to crack down on as much online gaming as is politically possible.

Its good news that we might have reached the position politically where its possible they need to compromise and allow Federally licensed i-poker.
National Fraternal Order of Police tells Congress to support poker licensing! Quote
04-02-2012 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Again, I think they would support a Reid compromise this Congress. Thats good. I think if in 2013 AG Santorum pushes that he needs tougher laws to ban online gaming, they'd work to steer UIGEA II/intrastate ban through a friendly Republican Congress as well.
Finally, we seem to be reaching a consensus.

Just like I know this about the NFOP, I believe they know that if in 2013 Gary Johnson gets elected and declares he needs a law stating that all internet gambling is a personal right and should be free from prosecution, the PPA would work to support that.

National Fraternal Order of Police tells Congress to support poker licensing! Quote
04-02-2012 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Skallagrim
Finally, we seem to be reaching a consensus.

Just like I know this about the NFOP, I believe they know that if in 2013 Gary Johnson gets elected and declares he needs a law stating that all internet gambling is a personal right and should be free from prosecution, the PPA would work to support that.

...which the NFOP would oppose and/or look to water down because they dont support poker.

Glad we're all on the same page as this is pretty basic stuff. I figured it must have been a communication issue or PR campaign to boost morale, I give PPA leadership credit enough that they're smart enough to know the NFOP hasnt changed how they feel about poker.
National Fraternal Order of Police tells Congress to support poker licensing! Quote
04-02-2012 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
...which the NFOP would oppose and/or look to water down because they dont support poker.

Glad we're all on the same page as this is pretty basic stuff. I figured it must have been a communication issue or PR campaign to boost morale, I give PPA leadership credit enough that they're smart enough to know the NFOP hasnt changed how they feel about poker.
Damn, just when I thought the disagreement was over. Maybe the NFOP has not changed how they feel about online poker as a matter of personal taste, maybe they still dislike it for some reason. But I know lots of cops who play poker ....

Regardless, the NFOP has definitely changed how it feels about laws regarding online poker; where before the only Federal law they would not oppose was one banning online poker entirely; now the are saying they would not oppose a Federal law which licenses and regulates online poker.

That distinction is important and useful and worthy of some PR, at least that's MHO.

National Fraternal Order of Police tells Congress to support poker licensing! Quote
04-02-2012 , 05:28 PM
Good news for the Federal Legislation front in '12. Havent seen an argument against that.

Are they supporting the rights of our fellow players in Nevada and New Jersey? Folks in those states have a real good chance of getting cards in the air in 2012/2013, Im excited to see what supporters of poker rights such as the NFOP can do to help drive that process.
National Fraternal Order of Police tells Congress to support poker licensing! Quote
04-02-2012 , 05:38 PM
I don't know where to post this, and I don't think it was thread worthy but, my GF, for a politics class she is taking had to watch a bill this semester. Obv I got her to watch/write on H.R. 2366.

She called Rep. Barton's office today to see "if the bill will move anytime soon". She asks a secretary who says "It's likely the bill will move in the next month". No idea if that's true or not, but it was on speaker phone and that's verbatim what the secretary said.
National Fraternal Order of Police tells Congress to support poker licensing! Quote
04-02-2012 , 05:48 PM
so basically, they're not, not supporting it?
National Fraternal Order of Police tells Congress to support poker licensing! Quote
04-03-2012 , 08:00 PM
didn't they basically just tell them to shut down carbon/cake
National Fraternal Order of Police tells Congress to support poker licensing! Quote
11-26-2012 , 09:53 PM
The FOP has spoken again:

It's a little more clear this time their true intent: Strengthen the Wire Act and the UIGEA. Hopefully that will translate into support of a bill that includes licensing of online poker, but once again they have made no mention of it.
National Fraternal Order of Police tells Congress to support poker licensing! Quote
11-27-2012 , 05:02 PM
What a wierd thread.

It is perfectly obvious that a coalition for regulated licensed poker that wins needs to include some who recognise the strength of the argument that regulated sites are better than unregulated sites on the range of issues that concern those opposed to gambling - in this case money laundering, potential off shore frauds and an archaic and ill defined wire act that is impossible for the police to enforce.

Similarly those concerned about addiction and the harm to "families" can be won over to the position of supporting regulated, legal sites with safeguards and funding for treatment and research.

It is self evident that the views of those wanting to limit the harm of gambling via regulation and those who believe that enforcement is made more effective via regulation of legal sites may not agree with us that poker is a social plus, that freedom to play is a right to be defended and a whole load more on tax etc but it is also perfectly clear that this letter is a call for regulated online gambling including regulated online poker that should be welcomed as a significant change from the previous position of just backing more powers to interdict financial transfers.

Quite how this welcome news has been castigated as insignificant or harmful is beyond me. There is clear spport here for a regulated online gambling environment from a previous opponent.

All you have to do is work out how angry and upset our real opponents like FofF will be at this development to know that this is a welcome and significant increase in the pro regulated online poker coalition.
National Fraternal Order of Police tells Congress to support poker licensing! Quote
11-27-2012 , 11:17 PM
Prohibition is also a from of "regulation". I don't see anywhere that FOP has stated support for a federal program to license online poker. They do call for a strong "regulatory framework" for legal online gambling, but UIGEA strengthening and Wire Act amendment alone could meet this without a carveout for poker.
National Fraternal Order of Police tells Congress to support poker licensing! Quote
