Originally Posted by Skallagrim
Hey Rodney21a
Don't you thing it would be much more useful if you used your unwillingness to back down from an indefensible position on a subject that actually benefited players? Perhaps you should take up the point that poker played for money is a Constitutionally protected means of expression? This would be far better than possibly creating an unjustified panic by suggesting that all poker players could soon being doing time in a Federal Penitentiary.
No it's a question of Liberty and justice not expression.
Its a question of Civil Rights. The Right to earn a living playing a game of skill with ought having the Federal Government trying to block you from doing so.
I see all poker players who play for a living, Play recreational poker, or play only once ONLINE have so called participated in "Money Laundering"
,according the the letter of the law and how the Current Justice Department is interpreting those laws, willing to GO TO JAIL as a form of SOCIAL PROTEST.
In the history of THIS COUNTRY that's how change is made most rapidly and permanently. I say this because the Legislative and the Executive parts of the government are so polluted by corporate interest and questionable moralist.
If we as poker players on any level are not willing to take THIS ISSUE to the extreme then it doesn't get reviewed by the Courts.
I find it hard to believe a federal appellate court would find that these laws designed to fight DRUG DEALERS, EMBEZZLERS, and OTHER NEFARIOUS types where being applied to the general citizenry as JUSTICE or CONSTITUTIONAL.
In another thread some body got fed some misinformation drivel from some government employee about FINANCIAL BLACK HOLES and they board members bought that line of thinking fully. Like somehow Terrorist Cells Conspired to create an benefit from online Poker to wage their war on our "liberty"
No sir, In my view this is a Shot across the bow of the Ship of LIBERTY of THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of people who participated in online poker with the BIG THREE and its a shot being taken by OUR GOVERNMENT.
If the Federal Bureaucracy can take this LIBERTY away then what is next?
Where is the line in the sand DRAWN.
Muhammad Ali.
Most of you guys know him as a former boxer who now is a rife with major disabilities. However in the sixties he participated in a major test of LIBERTY in the United States.
This was a compilation of the Civil Rights Movement and the countries gowning distaste for the Vietnam War(which never was officially a WAR).
He was an brash lightning Rod for a rather polarizing section of the Civil Rights Movement in the Nation, the Nation Of Islam. They had extremist views on alot of things and expressed those views as was his RIGHT TO. However one of those views was that they didn't think the War in Vietnam was Law full, moral, or RIGHT.
So the government bureaucracy CHANGED HIS DRAFT STATUS and drafted him to MUTE HIM.
He refused to go. At the same time in the Country Thousands Upon thousands of other citizens who had genuine moral objections to that war or were just scared RAN TO CANADA and the were known as DRAFTS DODGERS
(Funny How our Neighbor to the north becomes a refugee camp for those here who's liberties get stomped on by the bureaucracy)
Even though he was more than capable and doing the same and earning a living he chose NOT TO DODGE but to stay and fight.
And I quote
"Hell no, I aint gonna go. On the war in Vietnam I sing this song, I aint got no quarrel with them Viet Cong. Clean out my cell, and take my tail to jail without bail, cause better to be in jail fed, than in Vietnam dead"
So he fought and his case was argued in Court.
The others remained in EXILE In Canada and there numbers grew.
His case was heard by the Supreme Court.
Clay(his former name) v. United States, 403 U.S. 698 (1971)
"Decision of the Court
The Court held that, since the Appeal Board gave no reason for the denial of a conscientious objector exemption to petitioner, and it is impossible to determine on which of the three grounds offered in the Justice Department's letter that board relied, Ali's conviction must be reversed.
Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong provide an account of the development of the decision in their book The Brethren. According to that account, Justice Marshall had recused himself because he had been U.S. Solicitor General when the case began, and the remaining eight justices initially voted 5 to 3 to uphold Ali's conviction. However, Justice Harlan, assigned to write the majority opinion, became convinced of Ali's sincerity as a conscientious objector after reading background material on Black Muslim doctrine provided by one of his law clerks, and concluded that claims by the Justice Department to the contrary had been a misrepresentation. Harlan changed his vote, tying the vote at 4 to 4. A deadlock would have resulted in Ali being jailed for draft evasion and, since no opinions are published for deadlocked decisions, he would have never known why he had lost. A compromise proposed by Justice Stewart, in which Ali's conviction would be reversed citing a technical error by the Justice Department, gradually won unanimous assent from the eight voting justices.[3]"
Meanwhile those dodgers in Canada Remained in Exile.
The US pulled out of Vietnam in two years later in 1973.
On real news programs, before the dark ages of news we have today, the Topic of those draft dodgers was brought up again and again and the ALi Case was also brought up. President Ford empathized with them and saw the unfairness of it all but did nothing.
In 1977 President Carter gets in to office and PARDONS ALL THE DRAFT DODGERS and they return home.
However, in my view, if ONE MAN wasn't willing to STAY AND FIGHT and willing to get PUT IN A JAIL CELL, they those guys would STILL BE IN CANADA TODAY.
So using the idea the more is better. If Thousands and Thousands of poker players were willing to be arrested it wouldn't take 11 YEARS for it to get heard by courts it would take 11 MONTHS.
**** the crap in Florida during the 2000 presidential election took DAYS to be heard by the supreme court.
Last edited by Rodney21a; 05-01-2011 at 01:32 AM.