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Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online

10-18-2010 , 05:54 PM

A friend sent me this link. According to it, Andy Seth (BKice), Moshin Charania (chicagocards1), Faraz Jaka (the-toliet 0), Benjamin LeFew (chong94), and Ravi Raghavan (govshark2) and Tyler Reiman (puffinmypurp) are named in the suit. The guy is trying to collect for losses they have caused other players online. As a person who lives in Illinois, this is pretty scary to see. Here are the important parts from the Illinois code that this guy is using to sue:

Sec. 28-1. Gambling. (a) A person commits gambling when he:
(1) Plays a game of chance or skill for money or other thing of value
Sec. 28-8. Gambling losses recoverable. (a) Any person who by gambling shall lose to any other person, any sum of money or thing of value, amounting to the sum of $50 or more and shall pay or deliver the same or any part thereof, may sue for and recover the money or other thing of value, so lost and paid or delivered, in a civil action against the winner thereof, with costs, in the circuit court. No person who accepts from another person for transmission, and transmits, either in his own name or in the name of such other person, any order for any transaction to be made upon, or who executes any order given to him by another person, or who executes any transaction for his own account on, any regular board of trade or commercial, commodity or stock exchange, shall, under any circumstances, be deemed a "winner" of any moneys lost by such other person in or through any such transactions.

(b) If within 6 months, such person who under the terms of Subsection 28-8(a) is entitled to initiate action to recover his losses does not in fact pursue his remedy, any person may initiate a civil action against the winner. The court or the jury, as the case may be, shall determine the amount of the loss. After such determination, the court shall enter a judgment of triple the amount so determined.
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-18-2010 , 06:20 PM
the weird thing is those guys are all mtt grinders. it's going to be pretty hard to sue them for any more than the buy-in of the tournament in the rare event that there is actually merit to this lawsuit..
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-18-2010 , 07:01 PM
Seems like they are going after them because of their Pokerhaus alliance. Also they are being accused of collusion.

23. The Pokerhaus and it's members committed acts of collusion and cheating while playing online poker.
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-18-2010 , 07:11 PM
OMG they also list out MTT tournaments the defendents were in including the buyin and how many won and lost.

What's going on here?
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-18-2010 , 07:53 PM

Last edited by CutchaLosses; 10-18-2010 at 08:04 PM.
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-18-2010 , 09:11 PM
Many states have similar laws FWIW, so matters outside of Illinois too.
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-18-2010 , 09:31 PM
seems strange since the people suing are doing the same "illegal activity"
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-18-2010 , 09:44 PM
so who is Scott Crespo of Florida?

and lol at the footnote on page 9 about software tools including "pocket aces" which allows you to switch your hole cards and "no rules poker" which allows you to see your opponents hole cards

He's also suing Kevin Saul:
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-18-2010 , 09:47 PM
oh and he is suing bigballz (Brandon Zaucha) and blanconegro (Connor Drinan)
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-18-2010 , 10:04 PM
wow i live in IL and this is pretty depressing to see if it ends up holding any merit in court, hope things work out for the players involved
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-18-2010 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by MurderbyNumbers123
seems strange since the people suing are doing the same "illegal activity"
Doesnt matter, in the state laws I've read the law states that if you lose at illegal gambling you can recover the money. Its a factor in whether skill games are offered in some states from what I can tell. I remember hearing similar rumblings in Kentucky as the domain case was headed south, but I dont know the law there.

Not sure if it will hold up, but don't write it off as complete nonsense.
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-19-2010 , 12:14 AM
this is absurd - no way this holds any ground.
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-19-2010 , 12:44 AM
I love how they cite software that professional players use and then reference programs like Pocket Aces which purported to change your hole cards to pocket aces. Of course, it was just a total scam.
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-19-2010 , 08:29 AM
I dont remember seeing anything like clause B when I was researching this in other states. That's a killer for Illinois players if this ever sees the light of day.
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-19-2010 , 09:34 AM
Laws like this exist in a large number of states, each with local variations.

The case is not frivolous on its face (though many parts of the complaint are).

There are, nonetheless, many ways to defend such a case. I wont be discussing those in an open forum, however, because I would bet with odds that Scott Crespo would find it and read it.

And speaking of Scott Crespo, can't some of you internet savvy folks find out some more about him? Apparently he is a lawyer in Florida, but I can find little else. Knowing whether his motivation in filing this suit is simple greed or is part of an agenda may be very important.

Finally, the thing that bothers me most about this suit is the amount of detail it contains regarding these player's tournament wins. Perhaps it is best if folks in states with statutes like this minimize the amount of information about their play that is available to the general public via the internet. Not having a suit filed against you is better than having to fight one, even when you win.


Last edited by Skallagrim; 10-19-2010 at 09:57 AM.
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-19-2010 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by Skallagrim
Finally, the thing that bothers me most about this suit is the amount of detail it contains regarding these player's tournament wins. Perhaps it is best if folks in states with statutes like this minimize the amount of information about their play that is available to the general public via the internet.
Wouldn't that be great. However, it's a pipe dream since tracking sites like pokertableratings won't grant player requests to be excluded from their database. I wonder if this another consumer protection that should be added to legislation.
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-19-2010 , 10:02 AM

fish plays poker
fish loses money
fish tries to sue the winners

Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-19-2010 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
Wouldn't that be great. However, it's a pipe dream since tracking sites like pokertableratings won't grant player requests to be excluded from their database. I wonder if this another consumer protection that should be added to legislation.
But if I do not know the real name behind your screen name, or if I do not know what jurisdiction you are in while you are playing, that may make this kind of suit at least a little more difficult to file.

Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-19-2010 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA

fish plays poker
fish loses money
fish tries to sue the winners

This is even worse.

fish plays poker
fish loses money
out-of-state lawyer with no relationship whatsoever to the losing players sues the winners for triple damages
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-19-2010 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA

fish plays poker
fish loses money
fish tries to sue the winners

The complaint does not say that Scott Crespo lost money. He is suing on behalf of others who lost money (which this law appears to allow).

That's why I would like to know more about Scott Crespo if anyone has such information. For example, it would be very helpful to know if this guy is associated with FoF or some similar organization.

Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-19-2010 , 10:08 AM
Should I be worried, playing in Illinois online?
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-19-2010 , 10:10 AM

need to stop semi-grunching
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-19-2010 , 10:23 AM
Not... good...
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-19-2010 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Skallagrim
But if I do not know the real name behind your screen name, or if I do not know what jurisdiction you are in while you are playing, that may make this kind of suit at least a little more difficult to file.
Yep. Wish I could change my screen name.
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
10-19-2010 , 10:39 AM
So if this guy actually sues them and wins, what happens to the money? Does he keep it? Is it distributed to losing players?

wtf pancakes is going on here?
Illinois Pros Getting Sued for Winning Online Quote
