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Help ! Tax guy calls me. Help ! Tax guy calls me.

07-23-2008 , 01:42 AM
Shoulda paid your taxes.

Hope you're able to work it out......and next time pay the taxes.
Help ! Tax guy calls me. Quote
07-23-2008 , 08:11 AM
You should call him if only to verify it is a real call from the CRA.
If he revealed any personal info to your parents then you keep that in your back pocket as a violation of privacy law.
Find out what he wants and then tell him any requests should be in writing. (all requests have to be in writing) and you can't provide any information without it

If you do end up getting something, then be honest and tell them you won money online. Get copies of cashout receipts as proof.
That should be the end of it. In all likelihood it is not a real government request and if it is then it is a money-laundering /banking enquiry and not tax related.
You have no tax liability yet if the money was earned this year so there is nothing to worry about yet.
Help ! Tax guy calls me. Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:33 PM
I really appreciate gettting solid advices in this thread, especially amulet and TorontoCFE. I think I will do what TorontoCFE says.
Help ! Tax guy calls me. Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:52 PM
Poker income is taxable in Canada. I've spent alot of money on tax advice and found out that poker income is 100% taxable here in Canada.
Help ! Tax guy calls me. Quote
07-23-2008 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by shogun_rua
Poker income is taxable in Canada. I've spent alot of money on tax advice and found out that poker income is 100% taxable here in Canada.
You should ask for your money back then. At best it is taxable under some circumstances but a blanket statement like "poker income is 100% taxable here in Canada" is total bs and very misleading. If you got better advice than that but don't want to explain it fully then don't bother posting at all.
Help ! Tax guy calls me. Quote
07-24-2008 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by MiltonFriedman
Huh ?

1. You live in a country where your federal government is NOT interfering with your ability to play online poker AND

2. If you win, they do not even levy taxes on your winnings.

So, what is your beef ? You have it pretty damn good on these points..... Hell, you can even use your winnings to go to the US to look at the Stanley Cup.
NH, sir.

Help ! Tax guy calls me. Quote
07-24-2008 , 11:43 AM
I do not know the Canadian Tax laws regarding Poker and poker winnings (in US any gambling winnings (including poker) are considered income and are therefore taxable), however if you are going to be ingaging in Foreign Investments, Money Exchanging, then you should immediately get a lawyer and a CPA...

I do not say this to be snide, you obviously don't have a firm grasp of the legal and tax implications of your foreign investments and money exchanging, so if you are going to proceed along these lines you need professional help, not the help of a poker forum.

As for what to do about this immediate situation regarding the call from "the tax guy", what number did he leave, does it match the phone number of the tax office? Here a CPA (or tax lawyer) would be a big help, they could make the call for you.
Did the guy leave his name? Give all possible info to your Tax professional and follow their advice.

Bottom line, get yourself some help. Do not try and handle this alone.
Help ! Tax guy calls me. Quote
07-24-2008 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Beaudog
I do not know the Canadian Tax laws regarding Poker and poker winnings (in US any gambling winnings (including poker) are considered income and are therefore taxable), however if you are going to be ingaging in Foreign Investments, Money Exchanging, then you should immediately get a lawyer and a CPA...

I do not say this to be snide, you obviously don't have a firm grasp of the legal and tax implications of your foreign investments and money exchanging, so if you are going to proceed along these lines you need professional help, not the help of a poker forum.

As for what to do about this immediate situation regarding the call from "the tax guy", what number did he leave, does it match the phone number of the tax office? Here a CPA (or tax lawyer) would be a big help, they could make the call for you.
Did the guy leave his name? Give all possible info to your Tax professional and follow their advice.

Bottom line, get yourself some help. Do not try and handle this alone.
And they work for free too.
Help ! Tax guy calls me. Quote
07-24-2008 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Poker CPA
And they work for free too.
Better to pay someone who knows what they are doing then make a mistake that could cost you big time in terms of money and time....

If you have made winnings in poker you should have some money to pay a professional to keep your affairs in order. Just common sense.
Help ! Tax guy calls me. Quote
07-24-2008 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by LuckyfishZ
I live in Canada.
This morning my parents recieved a call from a government tax agency, he said there are matters he needs to clarify with me. I am up about 35k this year. I cashed out mainly with bank wire transfer and some credit card cashout. What should I tell them? Should I tell the truth? To further complicate the matters, I put all my winnings in the foreign stock market, and to change my money into the foreign currency, i did not use the bank. Instead I exchanged it with my friend who needs to exchange the money into Canada from the country directly. ( I transferred the Canadian money into my friend account in Cananda and my friend gave me the foreign money into my foreign account ) Unfortunately, I lost almost all my winnnings in the investment. Now Im worried like hell about this. and don't have the money to pay the taxes. And it makes me wanna puke in thinking that I might have to pay the HUGE Canadian taxes on my future poker winnings. Serious advises only please as I am already pretty annoyed.
I have a feeling that the above in bold redis what this ultimately is about....transfering large amount of money around can usually send up some flares to gov't agencies.
Help ! Tax guy calls me. Quote
07-24-2008 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Beaudog
Better to pay someone who knows what they are doing then make a mistake that could cost you big time in terms of money and time....

If you have made winnings in poker you should have some money to pay a professional to keep your affairs in order. Just common sense.
Common sense???? Lets put a $ amount on this? Paying professional fees without knowing if there is a problem. Just an estimate would do. This is a requirement (of the professional) before handling a case/situation. So how much DOG????
Help ! Tax guy calls me. Quote
07-24-2008 , 05:17 PM
Over the past 5 years the fees I have paid for tax preparation and advice have averaged about $300, well worth the expense in my opinion.

Plus its deductible!!!!

What do you have against getting professional help?
Help ! Tax guy calls me. Quote
07-24-2008 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Beaudog
Over the past 5 years the fees I have paid for tax preparation and advice have averaged about $300, well worth the expense in my opinion.

Plus its deductible!!!!

What do you have against getting professional help?
Nothing, but only when its needed. Nothing pisses-off a client more than getting bills for BS/needless work. Especially phone calls.
Help ! Tax guy calls me. Quote
07-29-2008 , 10:45 AM
Sorry guys, it was a false alarm. I just talked to the agency. My parent's accountant incorrectly paid taxes to my name when it should have been paid to my mother's name. They just wanted to make sure why I paid a large amount of taxes when I only owed $26, and transferred the tax credit amount to mother's name accordingly. Anyway, I am very relieved about this. At the end, I leared a lot from it and will take necessary precaution in the future regarding poker earnings. Thanks 2+2ers !
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