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Greg Raymer to Highlight Advocacy Efforts at the Annual Conservative Political Action Conferen Greg Raymer to Highlight Advocacy Efforts at the Annual Conservative Political Action Conferen

02-16-2010 , 12:53 PM
Washington, DC (February 16, 2010) –The Poker Players Alliance (PPA) will be a booth-sponsor at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this Thursday through Saturday in Washington, D.C. This will be the second year PPA has attended CPAC and used the conference as an opportunity to increase its advocacy with conservative audiences and make the case for supporting poker player’s rights.

Greg “Fossilman” Raymer, the 2004 World Series of Poker champion, will participate in an autograph signing session for attendees on Thursday and conduct interviews with conservative bloggers and talk radio hosts. An opinion column authored by Greg Raymer was recently published on The Daily Caller [], an emerging source for news and politics.

“Americans enjoy the game of poker no matter their political stripes,” Raymer said. “We need to make sure that both politicians and activists are aware of the ridiculous attempts to prohibit online poker and empower them with the information and the tools necessary to stand up for our freedoms to play.”

Additionally, PPA has launched a CPAC site that includes conservative commentary, news reports, and talking points relating to protecting poker for both CPAC attendees and conservatives across the country.

The PPA will also be will be a booth-sponsor at the Netroots Nation Conference July 22-24 in Las Vegas Nevada. To learn more about Netroots Nation please take a look at their site.

Proud to play,

Greg Raymer to Highlight Advocacy Efforts at the Annual Conservative Political Action Conferen Quote
02-17-2010 , 02:43 AM
Good luck trying to get pro-gambling legislation passed through Republicans, who dominated by the Religious right, where gambling is viewed as morally wrong.

Your best bet would be to give support to Barney Franklin, since I believe not to long ago, he was going to pass a bill to let US citizens to gamble online again.
Greg Raymer to Highlight Advocacy Efforts at the Annual Conservative Political Action Conferen Quote
02-17-2010 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by Vicedriver
Good luck trying to get pro-gambling legislation passed through Republicans, who dominated by the Religious right, where gambling is viewed as morally wrong.

Your best bet would be to give support to Barney Franklin, since I believe not to long ago, he was going to pass a bill to let US citizens to gamble online again.
I would say that in america, the republicans are not dominated by the Christian right.
Greg Raymer to Highlight Advocacy Efforts at the Annual Conservative Political Action Conferen Quote
02-17-2010 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by Vicedriver
Your best bet would be to give support to Barney Franklin, since I believe not to long ago, he was going to pass a bill to let US citizens to gamble online again.
Barney Frank is a congressman. Ben Franklin is what politicians put in their freezers.
Greg Raymer to Highlight Advocacy Efforts at the Annual Conservative Political Action Conferen Quote
02-17-2010 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Vicedriver
Good luck trying to get pro-gambling legislation passed through Republicans, who dominated by the Religious right, where gambling is viewed as morally wrong.
There is a faction within the GOP who believe that, but there are many within the party who do not.

Your best bet would be to give support to Barney Franklin, since I believe not to long ago, he was going to pass introduce a bill to let US citizens to gamble online again.

Yep. He is and we are. However, there are 434 other congressman and 100 senators. We'll need some of them as well.
Greg Raymer to Highlight Advocacy Efforts at the Annual Conservative Political Action Conferen Quote
02-17-2010 , 09:14 PM
Isn't Barney Frank the head of the Finance comittee that can overturn the anti-online gambling ruling?
Greg Raymer to Highlight Advocacy Efforts at the Annual Conservative Political Action Conferen Quote
02-17-2010 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Vicedriver
Isn't Barney Frank the head of the Finance comittee that can overturn the anti-online gambling ruling?
Barney Frank is the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. He can introduce legislation to repeal or modify UIGEA, the Wire Act, etc. To become law, such legislation would have to pass both houses of Congress and then be signed by the president, allowed to become law without signature by the president, or vetoed by the president and the veto subsequently overturned by both houses of Congress.
Greg Raymer to Highlight Advocacy Efforts at the Annual Conservative Political Action Conferen Quote
02-18-2010 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
Barney Frank is the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. He can introduce legislation to repeal or modify UIGEA, the Wire Act, etc. To become law, such legislation would have to pass both houses of Congress and then be signed by the president, allowed to become law without signature by the president, or vetoed by the president and the veto subsequently overturned by both houses of Congress.
...... you are one patient guy.

Alternatively, wider game selection might multi-table bills, and play a hand in 50 different jurisidictions to demonstrate the economic boon to jurisdictions which license and regulate onliine poker.

"Right on red", auto emissions controls, casino gaming, off-track betting, multi-state lotteries, a ban on colored oleo ; all originated, for better or worse, in a State-passed bill, not federal legislation.
Greg Raymer to Highlight Advocacy Efforts at the Annual Conservative Political Action Conferen Quote
02-18-2010 , 10:40 AM
If it were attached to a "stimulus" bill, it would have sailed through just like the Ports Security Act was the vehicle for the UIGEA. The system works as fast as it is made to work.

Having said that, if several key states with 25% of the US population went into a multi-state compact or if the federal courts ruled that poker was exempt due to its skill, the wheels of Congress may turn faster.
Greg Raymer to Highlight Advocacy Efforts at the Annual Conservative Political Action Conferen Quote
02-18-2010 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Grasshopp3r
If it were attached to a "stimulus" bill, it would have sailed through just like the Ports Security Act was the vehicle for the UIGEA. The system works as fast as it is made to work.
Perhaps, but Democrats were unable even to pass the stuff on which they campaigned.

I think we'll need at least a win in a committee before anyone will entertain adding our bill to a broader measure.

Having said that, if several key states with 25% of the US population went into a multi-state compact or if the federal courts ruled that poker was exempt due to its skill, the wheels of Congress may turn faster.
I believe we're starting to see the benefits of that already.
Greg Raymer to Highlight Advocacy Efforts at the Annual Conservative Political Action Conferen Quote
