Originally Posted by MiltonFriedman
Fair enough.
However, there WAS a notice from ePassporte sent out yesterday afternoon.
Also, other sites are removing epassporte as an option, not just Cake.
Milton why would epassporte say it was technical issues, and deny any statements to the poker sites? It doesnt make any sense at all. Neteller never denied anything, other poker sites never denied moving away from United States customers. Theres no need to deny anything here by the company. What would be the point.
The email you received says that epassporte is not an option at cake. It doesnt say for how long, or that they never will again. Unless you have a source at epassporte in upper management where these kinds of decisions are made, then your statements are incomplete, and you know nothing more than the rest of us.
Obviously something is wrong, but to say epassporte is definetly not servicing poker sites for U.S. customers is very wrong, unless you have a source in epassporte that makes that exact decision.
That email you received from cake is not explaining everything. I think cake got a call or an email from epassporte saying, "hey look, were down right now for transactions due to technical issues so inform your customers they cant use epassporte" I think cake then wrote that email to its customers.