FWIW I have been pounding these PPA issues to death for the past year. And these present discussions are just more of the same. The ball is in the court of those who disagree, but believe the PPA needs 2p2. If they want full backing for the PPA of all posters here including Mason, then THEY will take action to try to achieve that. Otherwise there is no point in arguing the issue and they should accept the limitations, small that they are, that Mason places on reps of the PPA.
And they should accept as well the lessened chances for success for the goals of the PPA. Changing out a couple board members with non-clones, and being financially/operationally transparent, is all that stands in the way. But so many posters here both don't care about those issues, and also bitch mightily when 2p2 and posters like myself don't accept that refusal to address those issues, and give the PPA 100% unqualified support.
Bluff, even in that post you're missing my point.
In the last year, you've been pounding on this, but in random threads. I'm the average poster on here... what do you want me to do? When am I supposed to do it?
I don't necesarily disagree on any of your points. I think they're reasonable. Its the way you're going about it.
Where's my sticky? Where's my action plan? Where's my deadlines for the action plan? Why am I not as fired up about it as you are? Do I need some additional explanation?
How does the PPA feel about that list of 800K becoming a list of 770K? 750K? How about going up to 900K? Politicians like donations, and I'd bet the PPA does too. Got any influence there? Bet you do if you're 2+2 and have the membership that you do.
See my point? You can keep marching the same old arguement out, or you can take it up a notch.
One point that we can agree to disagree on is that the PPA needs 2+2, but not vice versa. 2 years ago I would have been in 100% agreement with you. Today however, I think they need each other. I think its fair to say that Mason is running a business here. If the PPA succeeds does it help or hurt Mason? If they fail the UIGEA stands or somehow additional legislation passes, do you think Mason's business gets hurt?
I know myself, and others that I know personally who still play, took time off after the UIGEA passed because it was a real downer. Not only did I take time off, but I didn't come here, and I didn't buy books. I don't think it was an uncommon reaction. My point is, that the more restrictive the legislation, which is what the PPA is working against, the more Mason's business gets hurt. I don't think this reasoning is a real stretch.
As a result, I think the PPA absolutely needs 2+2 and more importantly, they need to realize that. But we also shouldn't be so cavalier and arrogant to believe that it isn't also the other way around. 2+2 needs the PPA to succeed or come up with another organization to effectively replace them. Sitting on the sidelines and being neutral or counterproductive, in the long run, is bad for business for 2+2.