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Yet another Rapini gipe.  [AKA The one Palimax got banned for.] Yet another Rapini gipe.  [AKA The one Palimax got banned for.]

11-12-2011 , 04:56 AM
pfapfap for M&B mod!
11-12-2011 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
pfapfap for M&B mod!
Man, you are back!
11-12-2011 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
pfapfap for M&B mod!
Look what the cat dragged in.
11-12-2011 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Man, you are back!
I may lie dormant, but I never really go away. Like herpes.

Originally Posted by venice10
Look what the cat dragged in.
I am attracted to the patently absurd.
11-12-2011 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by RR
I am a lot more concerned about complaints from established B&M posters. Most of the complaints come from infrequent (B&M) posters who can't be bothered to read the stickies.
That isn't true. It would be more correct to say most of the infrequent posters bother to complain.

More established B&M posters realize the uselessness of complaining, or simply don't post anymore. Howard is one of the few established posters left, most of the rest have gone away, or been run off. Pull up a thread from a year or two ago, how many 'established' B&M posters of that time period are in it? How many still post elsewhere, but not in B&M. Open your eyes.

And LOL@Howard -- "he did a good thing w/ the new sub-forums". Rapini had to be cajoled, pleaded, begged, and brow beat to do it, all the while insisting it was a bad idea and would never work (although it does work at every other forum-like site on the internet). He finally admitted it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. Give Rapini a cookie.
11-12-2011 , 08:51 AM
11-12-2011 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Mr_math
That isn't true. It would be more correct to say most of the infrequent posters bother to complain.

More established B&M posters realize the uselessness of complaining, or simply don't post anymore. Howard is one of the few established posters left, most of the rest have gone away, or been run off. Pull up a thread from a year or two ago, how many 'established' B&M posters of that time period are in it? How many still post elsewhere, but not in B&M. Open your eyes.

And LOL@Howard -- "he did a good thing w/ the new sub-forums". Rapini had to be cajoled, pleaded, begged, and brow beat to do it, all the while insisting it was a bad idea and would never work (although it does work at every other forum-like site on the internet). He finally admitted it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. Give Rapini a cookie.
Do the bolded in any forum. With the growth of B&M there will be more new posters than old posters.

I can assure you that Rapini did have to be cajoled, pleaded or begged for anything. Rapini does not determine what forums do and do not exist at 2+2.

Can you find a complaint that doesn't consist of "Rapini won't let me post low content in B&M" or "Rapini won't let me call people names in B&M?"

I have, on rare occasions, on rare occasions suggested that Rapini lighten up and he always does. He does a wonderful and almost always responds to post notifications before I get a chance to.
11-12-2011 , 10:17 AM
Since we are bolding stuff.
Originally Posted by Mr_math
More established B&M posters realize the uselessness of complaining, or simply don't post anymore. Howard is one of the few established posters left, most of the rest have gone away, or been run off. Pull up a thread from a year or two ago, how many 'established' B&M posters of that time period are in it? How many still post elsewhere, but not in B&M. Open your eyes.
11-12-2011 , 10:59 AM
Maybe the rules that Rapini feels he should be enforcing need to be more closely examined. I would imagine that the goal is to have a normal type conversation, about any given subject.

I don't want to make this too long but I post quite a bit in the politics forum and the modding there is Excellent. I got my only infraction ever from Wookie and sure I got pissed at first but I quickly realized what I did was wrong. I continue to post there and love the forum. Politics is obv a subject that can become highly volatile and needs to be somewhat heavily modded. That being said if someone makes a great point and someone else says excellent point the mods seem to understand that you're reinforcing the point and that it's in the normal flow of conversation. (you really don't see it too often but when it happens people don't fear that their posting priv will taken away for a day or two.)

Back to my original point, perhaps Rapini is modding B&M the way it is expected to be modded and Adm may want to examine the rules and reconsider some somewhat subtle areas that seem to be the biggest "bones of contention" that we hear over and over again.
11-12-2011 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by RR
Howard, if you have specific complaints I would like to hear them (feel free to PM me links if you have posted them before). I am a lot more concerned about complaints from established B&M posters. Most of the complaints come from infrequent (B&M) posters who can't be bothered to read the stickies.
Ditto for me. I think that even my biggest detractors who have discussed moderation issues with me would say that I've listened to their concerns when they bring them to me and I either change the way I'm doing things or let them know exactly why I do things the way I do if I'm not willing to change to accommodate them. Constructive criticism is always helpful.

What does me no good is reading in a low-content thread in another forum that a decent poster has stopped posting in B&M because of a particular issue that happened months or years ago.

Originally Posted by Mr_math
And LOL@Howard -- "he did a good thing w/ the new sub-forums". Rapini had to be cajoled, pleaded, begged, and brow beat to do it, all the while insisting it was a bad idea and would never work (although it does work at every other forum-like site on the internet). He finally admitted it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. Give Rapini a cookie.
RR already covered this to a certain extent, but this post covers my initial opinion on the issue:

The issue was discussed thoroughly for the next couple pages of that thread, as well as in a thread I made in the mod forum on the issue (modroll!):

After hearing others' takes on it and conferring with the other B&M mods, I changed my opinion and got on board with the subforums idea. I'd say that the subforums have been a success from both a moderation perspective--for whatever reason, I've had to spend less time modding than in the past--and from a user standpoint. The main forum is no longer clogged with venue- and location-specific threads and posters who wish to make off-topic or chat-type posts with other locals have the Regional Communities subforum to build community. While I still think the RC subforum is being underutilized at present, there are a number of threads in there that are very vibrant.

I must have missed the cajoling, pleading, begging, and brow beating.
11-12-2011 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by The Palimax
I have the limited rights necessary to moderate the experimental forum.

...although someone on the project with the ability to duplicate specific requested B&M threads into M&B would be helpful.

My rights don't (and shouldn't) extend there.

Did we cover this? We need an orange like killa, or tempmod me in B&M only for the purpose of copying threads.
11-12-2011 , 01:22 PM
It's weird to me that members of a forum about places where appearance and attitude are important for a game in which psychology plays a large role don't understand that "oh here we go again" should possibly be "hmm; here it is again." That it's a joke that there are regular complaints about the way (not the how) a person moderates is boggling.

I maintain that it just doesn't matter, and that this is how 2+2 wants it, so this is how it's going to be. It's just strange to watch otherwise intelligent people twist around the issue.

I feel it's similar to when I was a younger dealer. I was technically one of the best. I was a very quiet "dummy up & deal" type of dealer, even in the games that required a bit more. A small minority of the players liked it, but most likely found me competent yet cold. There was nothing really I was doing wrong, but I wasn't a reason people were coming to the room; if they had a choice between me and someone else, they'd choose else.

Most of the other dealers liked me. They respected my technical proficiency. Away from the table I was generally an okay guy to be around.

And yet...

I had no idea how to handle the problem children. Some of them needed to go, but most of them would have been okay with the right kind of handling. I didn't understand that this was my job, to give people both what they needed and what they wanted. There were more than a few situations where minor annoyances grew to huge problems because I didn't know how to approach them. Technically, I'd always be "correct", and yet my chosen path was not the only one open to me.

Thankfully I've learned how to be the dealer that almost everybody likes and needs, without losing any of my technical proficiency or sacrificing game integrity. It was only a slight adjustment, and yet the differences at the table are dramatic.

Anyway, I just felt there might be a parallel there. That this is about the moderator of the forum focused on my job is achingly ironic.

That said...

I and others who have a problem with it need to step back and realize that it just doesn't matter. Our vision for what this place "should" be does not line up with how it "is", and no amount of wishing or whining is going to change that. At the end of the day, it just doesn't matter. Rapini likes it there. TPTB like him there. Most of the readers of the forum don't even notice or care.

It just doesn't matter.
11-12-2011 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Rapini
I must have missed the cajoling, pleading, begging, and brow beating.
This is because people in general have difficulty seeing themselves as others see them. You have a very black & white take on many topics. And that's cool, but it takes a while for some of us to realize this.

I finally understood the disconnect when - somewhere deep in the Moderation Discussion Thread - you made a comment that indicated you saw questions as direct challenges, rather than points of discussion. What you see as conversation is not what many others see as conversation, and what many others see as discussion you see argument. But not everybody. Many people also understand you quite well.

You do a great technical job. Really great. I'd say B&M is in tip-top shape. You're just not warm & fuzzy.

Warm & fuzzy go a long way, especially in an actual Brick & Mortar room, but I guess that's neither here nor there.
11-12-2011 , 01:44 PM
How long did it take for you to learn how to give yourself a blowjob pfapfap?
11-12-2011 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by pfapfap
I and others who have a problem with it need to step back and realize that it just doesn't matter. Our vision for what this place "should" be does not line up with how it "is", and no amount of wishing or whining is going to change that. At the end of the day, it just doesn't matter. Rapini likes it there. TPTB like him there. Most of the readers of the forum don't even notice or care.

It just doesn't matter.
It does matter. Things can change for the better.
11-12-2011 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
How long did it take for you to learn how to give yourself a blowjob pfapfap?
Can't.... quite.... almost.... there.... gaaaaaah, not in the eye!

Originally Posted by plaaynde
It does matter. Things can change for the better.
"Better" is subjective. In the grand scheme of things, the moderation of the B&M forum doesn't really mean anything at all. Don't get me wrong, I fully agree that it could be better (IMO), but I know that it's not going to be. So I choose not to participate. The universe doesn't notice.
11-12-2011 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Rhubarbwp
Reading Kuval Containment thread now. Wow! There are some strange people in BBV4L...
just an fyi the post has nothing to do with the kuval thread and in fact the last time the meme was used was exactly in a thread just like this and that is where it was stolen from fwiw.
11-12-2011 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Yarbles
just an fyi the post has nothing to do with the kuval thread and in fact the last time the meme was used was exactly in a thread just like this and that is where it was stolen from fwiw.
Wow, too lazy to create your own memes, aren't you?
11-12-2011 , 05:03 PM
it kind of was created by me tart at least i influenced it
11-12-2011 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Tartufo
Wow, too lazy to create your own memes, aren't you?
You can't just create a meme. This isn't 4chan.
11-12-2011 , 07:19 PM
surely we can find
unless we are unable
common ground
knowledge and kindness

i know that
time is near

remember we
are all
inside we feel
never apart from our
11-12-2011 , 10:55 PM
seems like this thread has ran it's course.
11-12-2011 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by caseycjc
seems like this thread has ran it's course.
Don't worry. I put the over/under on the next one at 5 weeks.
11-12-2011 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Don't worry. I put the over/under on the next one at 5 weeks.
one mirrion on the under
11-12-2011 , 11:52 PM
Welcome back pfapfap!

You've been missed.

