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Yet another Rapini gipe.  [AKA The one Palimax got banned for.] Yet another Rapini gipe.  [AKA The one Palimax got banned for.]

11-09-2011 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by Ce1ska
We'll take it!
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
call it Mortar and Brick
I need one "head mod" . Palimax seems like a reasonable choice so if he wants it, he should pm me. If he doesn't, it needs to be someone who I believe cares as much about the forum as Rapini, but simply thinks Rapini is doing it wrong.

It shouldn't be somebody who just wants to be contrary. And that seems like most other people who have posted in this thread from my perspective.
11-09-2011 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Which is odd, because your post history looks like you're usually a pretty reasonable guy. Not sure why you're so worked up about a couple of deleted posts.
His posting history looks like that of someone that has been around for a lot more than 10 days. What sort of 2p2 noob comes in and starts posting about balanced fourbetting ranges? And the anger management issues look like the type of things that get people banned. Go figure.
11-09-2011 , 01:59 AM
I have no doubt someone that you deem appropriate will step up if Palimax does not accept your offer.

I have one big concern about this proposed forum:

All of the content is in the old forum. Yes, there are new threads that pop up every day, but a lot of the meat of the B&M forum already exists, and I think a lot of posters will feel that there is this giant "Wait, we need to start from scratch?" hurdle to overcome at the start. Then if the new forum doesn't actually get the traffic we would hope for, does it just get axed? If the new forum goes well, will there be a plan in place to merge them together at that point?

(I think it's awesome that we're not just discussing options but are actually moving forward with one, but I still think the most sensical answer is to have Rapini step down. With that said, Thank you for doing this Mat.)
11-09-2011 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
I have no doubt someone that you deem appropriate will step up if Palimax does not accept your offer.

I have one big concern about this proposed forum:

All of the content is in the old forum. Yes, there are new threads that pop up every day, but a lot of the meat of the B&M forum already exists, and I think a lot of posters will feel that there is this giant "Wait, we need to start from scratch?" hurdle to overcome at the start. Then if the new forum doesn't actually get the traffic we would hope for, does it just get axed? If the new forum goes well, will there be a plan in place to merge them together at that point?

(I think it's awesome that we're not just discussing options but are actually moving forward with one, but I still think the most sensical answer is to have Rapini step down. With that said, Thank you for doing this Mat.)

Also it's pretty clear Rapini needs to be replaced if his being there is making it so that people stop posting in that forum, and his leaving wouldn't cause a greater number of people to stop posting.
11-09-2011 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
we can have an alternative Brick and Mortar forum playground and palimax can mod.

if people want that experiment it's a done deal.

I support this proposal!
11-09-2011 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
I need one "head mod" . Palimax seems like a reasonable choice so if he wants it, he should pm me. If he doesn't, it needs to be someone who I believe cares as much about the forum as Rapini, but simply thinks Rapini is doing it wrong.

It shouldn't be somebody who just wants to be contrary. And that seems like most other people who have posted in this thread from my perspective.

Here's my final proposal....head mod of BBV4L.

Take it or leave it!
11-09-2011 , 02:18 AM
All of the content is in the old forum

One of my personal dreams has always been that forums would create "bridges" where conversations would take place based on links to a topic in another forum on this site. It doesn't seem to happen much.

In this case, there's no problem copying a thread from the original forum to the playground. And anybody can participate in either or both threads. As I said before, I only request that people who feel strongly that the existing forum is "good" or "bad" refrain from "trolling" the "competing" forum.

It's simple. And I'm "aware" of the the quotation marks in this post. I like them.
11-09-2011 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by ashiXIII

Also it's pretty clear Rapini needs to be replaced if his being there is making it so that people stop posting in that forum, and his leaving wouldn't cause a greater number of people to stop posting.

people who are as contrary as yourself should post all of their real life info. if they wish to be taken seriously.
11-09-2011 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by Ce1ska
Here's my final proposal....head mod of BBV4L.

Take it or leave it!
who, you? i don't care. that's a question for mr. beal.
11-09-2011 , 02:25 AM
It's not so much that I don't want Rapini to be the moderator of the B&M forum, it's just that I don't want the B&M forum moderated by Rapini.

I hope that you all can see the subtle difference in the two.

I honestly hope Rapini sees the difference. I'm sure he's a dandy fellow, a sparkling conversationalist, and quite the ballroom dancer. I've even had some positive exchanges with him - before I went from being a mild curiosity to a full blown annoyance to him. [Time doesn't heal all wounds.]


To Mat,

[And I'll follow with a PM, I guess.]

Given the option of take it or leave it...

I have no objection participating in an experiment. Some of the logistic issues seem... ...curious to me, mostly around how to split what content to where, what impact losing perfectly valid B&M posts to the "experimental" B&M forum would have, etc. ...but I suppose that I'm game for it.

A note that I'm a full-time professional (although I use that term lightly). While I've found time for 7k posts, I'm not always available. My availability and enthusiasm for these forums comes at odd times and in random intervals. Should this experiment go forward, you'll need to understand that sometimes even I'm AFK. I even sleep.

Also, for what it's worth, I think forums develop their own personality. Home Poker (where I spend most of my time), for example is quite different under Schmendr1ck and eneely than it was under Larry. Not so much better or worse -- just different. There's no denying that this experiment might produce some strange results at the beginning.

So, whatever you'd like to do, I'll play along. I made this mess. I suppose I have to clean it up. my own dog food, as it were.

I'll be in the office most of tomorrow, and it's my league night Wednesday...
11-09-2011 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
I only request that people who feel strongly that the existing forum is "good" or "bad" refrain from "trolling" the "competing" forum.
Of course some people will undoubtedly prove me wrong, but I think that the fact that this "trolling" will be at a minimum will show how serious and thankful a lot of the B&M regulars are about this.
11-09-2011 , 02:33 AM
this is probably my last post for tonight, but it is not a split.

it is an alternative universe except the new world is allowed to steal content from the original.

my goal for those who are curious:

compromise and understanding from both sides. at the end of the day i hope that we have one brick and mortar forum, not two. and i hope that original forum has changed just enough so that Rapini and Palimax are both happy.
11-09-2011 , 02:37 AM
it's kind of sad that the issue seems to be a real one yet most people posting in favor of rapini not being mod anymore are so dumb they take away from the validity of the issue (like mr_math or w/e his sn was and most people in the previous rapini sux thread)
11-09-2011 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
people who are as contrary as yourself should post all of their real life info. if they wish to be taken seriously.
I'm not really sure what you mean by this or what it would accomplish.
11-09-2011 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by Jah Onion
it's kind of sad that the issue seems to be a real one yet most people posting in favor of rapini not being mod anymore are so dumb they take away from the validity of the issue (like mr_math or w/e his sn was and most people in the previous rapini sux thread)
no more sad than the price of real estate.
11-09-2011 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by ashiXIII
I'm not really sure what you mean by this or what it would accomplish.

i mean it's too easy to be a dick when you can be anonymous.
11-09-2011 , 02:43 AM
Could we just have the Regional Communities overseen differently or moved outta of Brick and Mortar?
11-09-2011 , 02:43 AM
There's clearly a pride cometh before the fall moment in the making here, but PM sent.

Fringe-B&M, here we come.
11-09-2011 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by Mr_math
I read the stickies. In fact, I went back and carefully re-read them.
However ...
No where in the stickies does it say "Rapini is the nut low"

I, too, recently had a post ninja-deleted. Upon reflection the only thing I can come up with is that it was a short, consice, direct answer to the OPs inquiry, so it must not have met the arbitary post word count requirement.

I think it is good that Rapini is doing such a good job of cyber-stalking and stealth deleting. Keep Rapini busy, Palimax. Then he doesn't have time to do a real mod job, and helps bring B&M down to his nut-low standards.

For instance, while making sure every thing is orderly in a tipping containment thread where go to discuss tipping (ahhhh!!!! discusion in B&M, oh noesssssss!!) At that very same time, this is what an inquiry about what you need to know on your first visit to live play

Can anyone give me advice on transitioning from internet to live games and what to watch out for?

wear socks

Good job Rapini, keep it classy!
nice i gave the socks advice
11-09-2011 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
at the end of the day i hope that we have one brick and mortar forum, not two. and i hope that original forum has changed just enough so that Rapini and Palimax are both happy.

this will not end well
11-09-2011 , 02:46 AM
There's clearly a pride cometh before the fall moment in the making here, but PM sent.

Fringe-B&M, here we come.
no, i answered and since you're around i'll stick around too. as lead it doesn't mean you have to be ever present. you'll just be setting the guidelines or lack of guidelines and appoint people to help you. they will have to be approved by me and i generally ask our existing mods for a thumbs up for new mods.
11-09-2011 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
this will not end well

define, please.
11-09-2011 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
i mean it's too easy to be a dick when you can be anonymous.
I'm not trying to be a dick, fwiw I think Rapini's a pretty good poster and generally adds a lot to a conversation; it's just his modding I take issue with.

Posting my personal info just seems like it would expose me, not grant me credibility. I don't hide who I am in real life compared to on the forums, but I certainly don't go broadcasting it, either.
11-09-2011 , 02:49 AM
Todd Davis has had his identity "stolen" several times in his ad campaign where he put his social security number on all his billboards. (He's the life-lock guy if you aren't familiar)

What does this have to do with anything? I DONT KNOW!
11-09-2011 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by ashiXIII
I'm not trying to be a dick, fwiw I think Rapini's a pretty good poster and generally adds a lot to a conversation; it's just his modding I take issue with.

Posting my personal info just seems like it would expose me, not grant me credibility. I don't hide who I am in real life compared to on the forums, but I certainly don't go broadcasting it, either.

ok. i accept your explanation. since we are now moving into the realm of action you'll have a chance to prove yourself. my limited perspective of your posts tells me you like to tear people down and have no real interest in improvements.

i love to be proven wrong when it comes to having perspectives like that.
