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Yet another Rapini gipe.  [AKA The one Palimax got banned for.] Yet another Rapini gipe.  [AKA The one Palimax got banned for.]

12-17-2011 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
I was drunk at the time. Well, not so much drunk as a drink/vicodin/xanax combo.
I commend you for being able to form sentences with that combo!
12-17-2011 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by ashiXIII
Read as "a lot of the posters I've had problems with have migrated to m&b and I don't want them back"
I call this the 4l paradox.
12-17-2011 , 10:20 PM
While I'm mostly happy to see how this experiment has been playing out, it paints an ugly picture when a moderator hopes people leave and never return.
12-17-2011 , 10:53 PM
Really? I'd imagine most of the busier traffic forums have a few visibly terrible fairly prolific posters that the mods would prefer just posted somewhere else. Posters who miss the point and start huge tangents every time they post (HDMet style), or who are just incredibly dumb and always end up turning things into a flamefest that completely derail threads but don't actually do anything worth infracting/banning over. or the annoying ones that like to deliberately skirt close to the rules to annoy everyone and then whine in ATF like little kids when they get 10 measly points (seems to be a lot of the Politics regs). Those sort of types. Completely understandable to want them elsewhere.

It's not like he wished they left 2+2, just his forum.
12-18-2011 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by D.S.
Really? I'd imagine most of the busier traffic forums have a few visibly terrible fairly prolific posters that the mods would prefer just posted somewhere else. Posters who miss the point and start huge tangents every time they post (HDMet style), or who are just incredibly dumb and always end up turning things into a flamefest that completely derail threads but don't actually do anything worth infracting/banning over. or the annoying ones that like to deliberately skirt close to the rules to annoy everyone and then whine in ATF like little kids when they get 10 measly points (seems to be a lot of the Politics regs). Those sort of types. Completely understandable to want them elsewhere.
This assumes that every poster the moderator has chased off has been a clear net negative to the forum, which is a pretty aggressive leap of faith to take.
Originally Posted by D.S.
It's not like he wished they left 2+2, just his forum.
It's not his forum. It's a forum he volunteer moderates.
12-18-2011 , 12:59 AM
Obviously others may disagree, but I felt I was - to the readers of B&M - a net positive to the forum.

But he's succeed in pretty much driving me out (the occasional regional specific or open-query post still happens), and I have to assume he's happier at the sake of what I thought was a better B&M forum before I was driven off to the mirror universe.
12-18-2011 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by The Palimax
Obviously others may disagree, but I felt I was - to the readers of B&M - a net positive to the forum.
You are to me.

That said, M&B is already becoming a dead forum. Only 7 threads were added to in the last 24+ hours. The purpose of the forum has already been met: stopping infracting the **** out of people for minor offenses doesn't cause a forum for live players to become a disaster.

Time to move the threads over to B&M and to thank Palimax for his efforts to make a positive change to 2+2.
12-18-2011 , 09:13 AM
And replace Rapini with Palimax imo
12-18-2011 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by The Palimax
While I'm mostly happy to see how this experiment has been playing out, it paints an ugly picture when a moderator hopes people leave and never return.
FTR I for one will never post in B&M while rapini is a mod.

He likes this. He craves this.
On numerous occasions he has called me a troll who contributes nothing to any forum here. He is incorrect. In fact, I've created some pretty epic 2+2 threads and have contributed in a lot of other epic threads.

Rapini has flat out told me via PM to stay out of B&M. wtf even is that?
How 2+2 keeps him as a mod is beyond me and speaking for myself it definitely casts them in a worse light for doing so, especially after all their other demodding episodes. It was nice to see Mat finally eviscerate his stupid modding policies and make him rework his sticky, but really nothing has changed. As the last couple days have shown, he's still the same hall monitor he's always been.

Good luck with that.
12-18-2011 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
we can have an alternative Brick and Mortar forum playground and palimax can mod.

if people want that experiment it's a done deal.
OMFG you were serious?

Do you understand how your modding policies are destroying the content in this forum? I'm sure that you are close to perfect but surely you've made one or two mistakes appointing mods, right?

The policy in this forum where mods can do no wrong is killing the content and the traffic. IMO, you have mods that are totally unqualified to mod. For example, why do you have an 18yo kid who sucks at poker modding a strat thread?
12-18-2011 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
Rapini has flat out told me via PM to stay out of B&M.

Could this be labeled as harassment?

But maybe it's a little bit better than being banned and not be able to participate anywhere?
12-18-2011 , 05:27 PM
I'll post the PMs when I'm in front of a computer. If I recall correctly, 27 said that he wasn't going to post in B&M anymore b/c of my modding and I responded that I thought that was a good idea b/c his style didn't go well with the higher-SnR of B&M. I don't think that I would have said "don't post in B&M" because we don't use exile in B&M.
12-18-2011 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde

Could this be labeled as harassment
Lol no
12-19-2011 , 01:01 AM
How is Rapini still a mod? We don't need nazis telling us what we can and can't post on an internet forum ffs
12-19-2011 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
If anyone thinks this post should be a new thread or wants to post it someplace else, go ahead.

I received 18 pms that were serious. I think there were 2 or 3 that I disregarded. 4 people gave absolutely positive reviews. 6 people gave absolutely negative reviews. 8 people expressed a desire for changes, but seemed to feel that if Rapini just loosened up a little bit things would be great. My verdict: Rapini stays (assuming he wants to stay) and continues to work with posters who offer legitimate feedback.

Rapini has already implemented a big change and he suggested adding Lattimer to B&M as a mod and Lattimer has been added. That's it for now from me. The alternative universe playground can stay in effect for awhile or forever if it has a purpose. Thanks to those who took the time to write me.
I'm fairly certain that this type of approval rating is completely awful for a mod of a forum, especially for a topic that should be absurdly uncontroversial.
12-19-2011 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
I'm fairly certain that this type of approval rating is completely awful for a mod of a forum, especially for a topic that should be absurdly uncontroversial.
lol this

no but seriously how is Rapini still a mod here?

I believe management just keeps him around to remind people to read the stickies properly.
12-19-2011 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by Rapini
I'll post the PMs when I'm in front of a computer. If I recall correctly, 27 said that he wasn't going to post in B&M anymore b/c of my modding and I responded that I thought that was a good idea b/c his style didn't go well with the higher-SnR of B&M. I don't think that I would have said "don't post in B&M" because we don't use exile in B&M.
A few thoughts:

1) I like Rapini as a poster. My sparce interactions with him have been pleasant.

2) I very rarely post in B&M. Rap did give me a warning once. The OP basically asked whether A or B was correct. I quoted that post, bolded A and said "this". I got a warning for making a "no content post". It clearly wasn't a no content post as I directly answered the OP's question but when I pointed this out I was told to read the sticky, end of discussion.

3) 27off is like a top 10 2p2er. Not wanting him around is a bad sign.

4) The attitude that we need to stay on task in a thread asking "Where's the best place for 5/10NL" is silly. The first reply could have simply said "Venetian is the only place that spreads that game /thread" or, alternatively, if it's offered at the Aria they could have said "Your choices are either the Venetian or Aria /thread". I don't see how a conversation about the plusses and minusses of playing at a particular B&M cardroom is an infractable offense in a thread and forum about playing in B&M cardrooms.
12-19-2011 , 05:22 AM
I think it's a better case without #3. I like 27off, I think he's a funny dude, and I'm sure he has content posts in some areas. But around these parts he's total troll, and I agree that B&M is better off without that level of meta-ironic snark.

Either he's a bad influence or he's too good for the place. It's a contentious issue, and muddies a strong list.
12-19-2011 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe

3) 27off is like a top 10 2p2er. Not wanting him around is a bad sign.
hahaha no. i was top 50 in oot---and that was barely!

Originally Posted by pfapfap
But around these parts he's total troll
This is just patently false, yet you and rapini keep using it as a platform. Show me the work you tomato can.
12-19-2011 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
I'm fairly certain that this type of approval rating is completely awful for a mod of a forum,
I worried about it above but w/ Mat's reply, Eh, :shouldershrug:

especially for a topic that should be absurdly uncontroversial.
You mean B&M topics in general? If so, no. Much of what the floor ppl do is stop arguments and occasionally send ppl home. The players are often making much over not much but they apparently consider it great sport.
12-19-2011 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Rapini
M&B allows another option for posters who don't like the way that B&M is modded. It's really as simple as that.

seems like a totally ******ed solution to me...why don't you consider the suggestions for better modship, and lighten up a little...i don't post in your forum, but this attitude that the mods can do no wrong is having an effect on the content...if you are a smart, write well, and have controversial opinions it's pretty clear you should not post in 2p2 since you will be excoriated and banned...i'm getting sick of it

no where in any of your replies do you admit you made mistakes or identify weaknesses in your mod style...i'm pretty sure complaining in here is a rare step, so it's likely the people who complained had a legit beef
12-19-2011 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by unrealzeal
seems like a totally ******ed solution to me...why don't you consider the suggestions for better modship, and lighten up a little...i don't post in your forum, but this attitude that the mods can do no wrong is having an effect on the content...if you are a smart, write well, and have controversial opinions it's pretty clear you should not post in 2p2 since you will be excoriated and banned...i'm getting sick of it

no where in any of your replies do you admit you made mistakes or identify weaknesses in your mod style...i'm pretty sure complaining in here is a rare step, so it's likely the people who complained had a legit beef
This "I won't post in B&M because I don't like the Mod" Drama Queening is cracking me up. This very thread is just another example of The Palimax's passive aggressive attempts at trying to bait Rapini into banning him instead of just following the rules. Reminds me of the "Goodbye Cruel Forum" posts when someone gets their panties bunched up over some issue. There is always going to be someone who thinks their "Freedom of Speech" has been somehow violated when a Mod takes action against them. Follow the rules and you won't get banned.

Unmodded Forums turn into a cesspool quickly. Part of the reason I limit myself to primarily B&M and HP on 2+2 is because of the relaxed modding in other areas. The Trolling and fighting and zero content is tiresome. There have been some posters who are used to BBV standards that started posting in B&M and they quickly learned that "we" in B&M don't tolerate certain behavior.

I'm not a Rapini nut hugger. He has issued several warnings to me for stuff that I felt was silly. But you don't get banned for a single warning nor infraction. I accepted my warnings and moved on.

I feel like each Forum is sort of a community. Each of us does get and give a little of our personal identity to/from that community. That is why we feel the emotion associated with being told we cannot behave in certain ways.

I don't bother with M&B partly because I don't feel like validating The Palimax and partly because I just don't care enough to pay attention to multiple Forums. I guess M&B was meant to be sort of a Containment area to give the undesirables a place to congregate without having to change the standards of B&M. Not certain how that has worked.

Bottom line: If you don't post in B&M because of Rapini or are afraid you can't post there without the fear of eventually being banned, then that is probably a good decision and you probably aren't as interesting as you thought you were anyway.
12-19-2011 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by unrealzeal
i don't post in your forum
I read your ATF thread and some of the thread it discussed. All I can say is thank you.

Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
I'm not a Rapini nut hugger. He has issued several warnings to me for stuff that I felt was silly. But you don't get banned for a single warning nor infraction. I accepted my warnings and moved on.
Sorry that you thought some of them were bad decisions, but I'm glad and grateful that you've continued to post in B&M.

Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
Bottom line: If you don't post in B&M because of Rapini or are afraid you can't post there without the fear of eventually being banned, then that is probably a good decision and you probably aren't as interesting as you thought you were anyway.
While I agree with this sentiment to the extent that low-content posters should consider not posting, I will say that there are definitely some outliers here: I've seen a couple posters say that they were afraid to post in B&M because of the stiff moderating and I thought to myself, "THIS poster? Really? I've never seen him/her do anything wrong." I've reached out to a couple of them via PM. I also hope that the new moderation format of warnings & tempbans for only serious or willful violations will help to encourage them to try it out.
12-19-2011 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
This "I won't post in B&M because I don't like the Mod" Drama Queening is cracking me up. This very thread is just another example of The Palimax's passive aggressive attempts at trying to bait Rapini into banning him instead of just following the rules. Reminds me of the "Goodbye Cruel Forum" posts when someone gets their panties bunched up over some issue. There is always going to be someone who thinks their "Freedom of Speech" has been somehow violated when a Mod takes action against them. Follow the rules and you won't get banned.
MutantK12 begs to differ.
12-19-2011 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
This very thread is just another example of The Palimax's passive aggressive attempts at trying to bait Rapini into banning him instead of just following the rules.
I take objection to this. I've been clear on my stance, and accepting of the fact that - at least under the previous B&M rules - I'd likely be banned for it. I've been very open about my stance, and I followed the escalation path for my disagreement with Rapini to his letter.

I'm a reasonably prolific poster, and since most of my infracted posts seemed good to me at the time I typed them, it's obvious that I actually can't follow the rules to the degree that Rapini wanted without either exiling myself from B&M or getting banned. [My however-many posts exist almost entirely in "high content" forums. I don't post in BB-anything."

I've never tried to bait Rapini into banning me. I simply knew that if I kept posting anywhere that he could give points, I would eventually be banned, because I slip up every couple hundred posts.

I actually try to follow the rules. I'm not just perfect.

Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
I don't bother with M&B partly because I don't feel like validating The Palimax and partly because I just don't care enough to pay attention to multiple Forums. I guess M&B was meant to be sort of a Containment area to give the undesirables a place to congregate without having to change the standards of B&M. Not certain how that has worked.
  • M&B wasn't my idea. Mat asked if I'd do it, take it or leave it, and I said yes.
  • M&B isn't filled with "undesirables." It is, for the most part, filled with good posters who either cross-post to both forums or who (I assume) enjoy the slightly more relaxed attitude. I think, with the exception of site-wide spammers, I've asked Ray to issue two or three actual warnings - and those have been for fairly egregious or site-wide specific rule infractions. They're all(?) documented in the Moderation thread in M&B.
  • I do, certainly, think having a split-forum, ultimately, isn't practical.
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
Bottom line: If you don't post in B&M because of Rapini or are afraid you can't post there without the fear of eventually being banned, then that is probably a good decision and you probably aren't as interesting as you thought you were anyway.
Well, that's a pretty ****ty attitude about it. You can maintain a 100:1 ratio of great posts to things Rapini dislikes, and under the previous moderation standard you'd be banned somewhere around a post count of 4-500. Warning, 10 Points, 30 points cumulative, 70 points cumulative, banned. Since there's plenty of 10k posters, all they have to do is post 5% of the time in B&M and they too would get banned.

Since I can only maintain a roughly 600:1 ratio of good:infractable posts, I'm screwed.

I apologize for not meeting up to your or Rapini's standards.
