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WTF do you people want?!?! WTF do you people want?!?!

11-12-2017 , 01:52 PM
ok. but now that it's only a few people arguing about silly things, don't expect me to moderate for things like like trolling.
11-12-2017 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by leavesofliberty
Do you guys have example postings? I mean, I certainly think it's possible, but the word "nazi" gets thrown around a lot these days.
The demonstrators in Poland are literally calling themselves Nazis, chanting Nazi slogans, and calling for an "Islamic Holocaust." I think you can drop the scare quotes there.
11-12-2017 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
i must've missed those posts. all i've seen from you and your mates is an endless trough of bitterness
every single one of his posts is about how tremendously badly wookie has wronged him or the terrible state of the politics forum. its truly bizarre.
11-12-2017 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
The demonstrators in Poland are literally calling themselves Nazis, chanting Nazi slogans, and calling for an "Islamic Holocaust." I think you can drop the scare quotes there.
Yup, and now Noodle has successfully mischaracterized me, and assassinated my character. I was CLEARLY asking what makes kiosk a NAZI with my quote "the term nazi gets thrown around a lot these days", and elaborated by saying the word has less credit when you throw it around, and there are actual marching NAZIs.
11-12-2017 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
ok. but now that it's only a few people arguing about silly things, don't expect me to moderate for things like like trolling.
Believe me, I've learned not to expect much. I mean, in the middle limit hold'em forum we had a big discussion about word twisting, and putting words in people's mouths regarding Mason Malmuth's posts. It happens on accident when people misread each other. It happens all the time with political discussions.

In return, I ask that you do not expect much from me in other forums.
11-12-2017 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
every single one of his posts is about how tremendously badly wookie has wronged him or the terrible state of the politics forum. its truly bizarre.
Calm down dude. Go and have a tranquilizer or something.
11-12-2017 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
every single one of his posts is about how tremendously badly wookie has wronged him or the terrible state of the politics forum. its truly bizarre.
Not totally true. He makes a lot of word play posts and quips. Not sure if he's any good at helping with math homework though.
11-12-2017 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Somewhat related to our previous point: what did you think of the spanking Chapelle took on twitter after his last netflix specials? He was eviscerated for the rape jokes. "He rapes, but he saves", etc...

I thought that bit was amazing, and had a real hard time connecting the dots between Chapelle being a comedian, and Chapelle promoting rape culture.

This sort of thing: and
The far left are trying to tear down everything. some are still delusional enough to call themselves liberals. chapelle is just one example of them trying to ruin comedy. they have actual lawsuits and enforced speech laws in canada over the issue

if you pay attention to the far left, its just an insanely destabilized group of bitterness and resentment. they find an excuse to kneel during the anthem, they now have representatives of the NAACP claim the anthem is racist, they tear down statues, want to change the name of schools and streets, they want to open the borders, they hate the dreaded 1% etc etc. university professors are coming out after mass shootings and declaring it because of toxic masculinity and whiteness.

they have actual bitterness and resentment towards the best example of a functioning civilization in human history. it falls well short of their hypothetical utopia. its the super sweet 16 movement. a bunch of brats screeching that their car isn't convertible.

this bitterness and resentment follows an oppression hierarchy. the white guy represents the "patriarchy" or the oppressor. this is how you get an openly racist and sexist dear white guy video on mtv. the far left are so bitter, resentful, ignorant, and arrogant, that they can't even see that they are behaving like bigots but can only justify it through claims of oppression. you can be shltty to white guys, because white privilege. there are plenty of reasons the second worst candidate in history won the election, but a big one is telling millions of white people about their white privilege. not only is it bigoted, but its insanely insulting to the millions of white people looking around and saying to themselves, lol wheres my privilege? the far left loves the argument "but not all" , especially after a suicide bombing but can't seem to grasp the concept outside of their oppression hierarchy. people screeching about bathrooms and pronouns. its non stop. none of it is being done in a civil and compassionate manner. its claims of virtue used to justify their bitterness, resentment, and never ending people and things to be outraged about and attack.

Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Speaking of comedians whose jokes really split the room, I bet the black half of the room wasn’t laughing when Kramer lost his **** on stage. But the white half probably wasn’t offended so no harm no foul. Can’t try to please everyone, life is too short to try to write actual good comedy.

Goodness, could there be lazier thinking? Yes, if your jokes are only funny to at most half your audience because they rely on massively outdated stereotypes, the problem is you, not the half of your audience that isn’t laughing. Take some personal responsibility and get better as a humorist.

make no mistake about it, the far left that have
obviously kramers career was 'black balled' because the black people that run hollywood would not tolerate that even though the public votes with their dollars and white people love it when other white people go on n bomb rants. oddly the same hollywood elites were getting heat for not enough black oscars
11-12-2017 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
ok. but now that it's only a few people arguing about silly things, don't expect me to moderate for things like like trolling.
I don't know what else you expected when you started it, sir. Your complaint seems to be, 'I don't like people bugging me to ban or de-mod individuals they take exception to.' And people shouldn't bug you about that kind of thing, no. But you can simply tell them not to bug you: 'I'm sorry, but I don't see that as my role.'

Presumably, starting the thread was the equivalent of 'calling a meeting' in the world of office politics, where the boss can't be bothered to decide about something, so he 'calls a meeting' and does an 'off me, on you.' But you don't even need to decide about anything. You can just go, 'I don't see that as my role.'
11-12-2017 , 02:13 PM
And, when I see a post on calculus or something, I can also just say, "well I don't see this as my role". No participation is required, really. But, you know, we buy the books. We spend the time in the poker culture. We share this community.
11-12-2017 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
don't think keeping this thread open is useful anymore. any objections to my closing it?
It's about as useful as any of the non-conspiracy threads in PU was so no, not really.
11-12-2017 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
The far left are trying to tear down everything. some are still delusional enough to call themselves liberals. chapelle is just one example of them trying to ruin comedy. they have actual lawsuits and enforced speech laws in canada over the issue

if you pay attention to the far left, its just an insanely destabilized group of bitterness and resentment. they find an excuse to kneel during the anthem, they now have representatives of the NAACP claim the anthem is racist, they tear down statues, want to change the name of schools and streets, they want to open the borders, they hate the dreaded 1% etc etc. university professors are coming out after mass shootings and declaring it because of toxic masculinity and whiteness.

they have actual bitterness and resentment towards the best example of a functioning civilization in human history. it falls well short of their hypothetical utopia. its the super sweet 16 movement. a bunch of brats screeching that their car isn't convertible.

this bitterness and resentment follows an oppression hierarchy. the white guy represents the "patriarchy" or the oppressor. this is how you get an openly racist and sexist dear white guy video on mtv. the far left are so bitter, resentful, ignorant, and arrogant, that they can't even see that they are behaving like bigots but can only justify it through claims of oppression. you can be shltty to white guys, because white privilege. there are plenty of reasons the second worst candidate in history won the election, but a big one is telling millions of white people about their white privilege. not only is it bigoted, but its insanely insulting to the millions of white people looking around and saying to themselves, lol wheres my privilege? the far left loves the argument "but not all" , especially after a suicide bombing but can't seem to grasp the concept outside of their oppression hierarchy. people screeching about bathrooms and pronouns. its non stop. none of it is being done in a civil and compassionate manner. its claims of virtue used to justify their bitterness, resentment, and never ending people and things to be outraged about and attack.

obviously kramers career was 'black balled' because the black people that run hollywood would not tolerate that even though the public votes with their dollars and white people love it when other white people go on n bomb rants. oddly the same hollywood elites were getting heat for not enough black oscars

Someone needs a safe space.
11-12-2017 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by prana
Someone needs a safe space.

Also, when did the blacks take Hollywood away from the Jews? I demand my cut of that deal!
11-12-2017 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Thought: if you or Greg don’t want to read this thread, don’t open the thread.
I pretty much stopped reading ATF a couple of days ago. Just kinda skim it a bit, but it's not someplace I want to participate anymore.
11-12-2017 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
the black people that run hollywood
Madness doesn't come much madder than that.
11-12-2017 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
Madness doesn't come much madder than that.

read again, maybe the entire paragraph was sarcasm?

the same cast of geniuses i see
11-12-2017 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by leavesofliberty
And, when I see a post on calculus or something, I can also just say, "well I don't see this as my role". No participation is required, really. But, you know, we buy the books. We spend the time in the poker culture. We share this community.
11-12-2017 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I pretty much stopped reading ATF a couple of days ago. Just kinda skim it a bit, but it's not someplace I want to participate anymore.
I’ll handle all the politics banter modding if you don’t want to. And if you and mat still even want it here
11-12-2017 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez

read again, maybe the entire paragraph was sarcasm?

the same cast of geniuses i see
Yeah man, it’s other people’s fault that your joke nonsense posts are indistinguishable from your super serious posts.
11-12-2017 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Speaking of comedians whose jokes really split the room, I bet the black half of the room wasn’t laughing when Kramer lost his **** on stage. But the white half probably wasn’t offended so no harm no foul. Can’t try to please everyone, life is too short to try to write actual good comedy.

Goodness, could there be lazier thinking? Yes, if your jokes are only funny to at most half your audience because they rely on massively outdated stereotypes, the problem is you, not the half of your audience that isn’t laughing. Take some personal responsibility and get better as a humorist.
Your logic fails with just about every great comic I can think of outside of Seinfeld. Everyone has a bit that fails your sniff test. And the reason for that is you never know who is sitting in the room. You rarely know who the other half of the room is, or if there will even be one. The other problem is the second you start going down the path you're suggesting, you're

1) Killing free speech
2) Killing artistic creativity
3) Opening up pandora's box, and you will literally never close it again.

People can and have found ways to be offended at literally anything. A blowjob or a Jesus joke can be offensive to the wrong person. But we won't stop giving blowjobs any time soon, and I doubt organized religion will stop being a punching bag to a lot of the population. Chapelle was decried for pushing forward rape culture because he was really confused about how to feel about Bill Cosby at first. That's his life long hero, a guy who did a tremendous amount of good for the black community. So Chapelle asserted that it was initially a confusing spot to be in because "he rapes, but he saves". Now there's no ambiguity, Chapelle doesn't advocate raping, and would never help promote it. But there's humor in contemplating the fact that his hero was somehow capable of both and that it was puzzling to him.

So go down the list from there. Schumer makes rape jokes, Jeselnik makes dead baby jokes (amazing ones too), Jeffreries makes religion jokes, I could name all of them and find bits that split the room.

So I suggest an alternative. Once you get to know the comics, you have the freedom to do this: You have the freedom to not see them again. You don't have to pay them money, you don't have to take 2 hours out of your day to attend their shows. Voila. So the first half of the room can still go on taking things lightly and laughing and doing what makes their lives a bit better in the moment. And the second half of the room can do something else just like you might in a democratic society. But deciding what's funny to people based on what bothers you? lol now that's some Stasi-like **** right there. No thanks.
11-12-2017 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez

read again, maybe the entire paragraph was sarcasm?
11-12-2017 , 02:32 PM
ITT artistic creativity is recycled, bigoted jokes about the size of Asian men’s genitals.

11-12-2017 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
I don't know what else you expected when you started it, sir. Your complaint seems to be, 'I don't like people bugging me to ban or de-mod individuals they take exception to.' And people shouldn't bug you about that kind of thing, no. But you can simply tell them not to bug you: 'I'm sorry, but I don't see that as my role.'

Presumably, starting the thread was the equivalent of 'calling a meeting' in the world of office politics, where the boss can't be bothered to decide about something, so he 'calls a meeting' and does an 'off me, on you.' But you don't even need to decide about anything. You can just go, 'I don't see that as my role.'

I did expect it to end this way. It's become an opportunity for those exiled from politics to argue with the politics regulars who are willing to engage them.

So that's why it's time to close it. The thread served its purpose.

I'll sum up.

There was an idea put forth that political discussion, outside of the politics forum was negatively impacting many of the other forums. That was demonstrably true in BFI. Look at the health insurance thread, for example.

But the most active BFI mod has been encouraged to crack down on that, at his discretion. Also related to BFI, is the poster, toothsayer. Toothsayer has been exiled from politics, but is now welcome in BFI.

I was curious, when starting the thread, if I would hear from posters in other forums about this problem. Didn't really happen.

Just because I am not taking action, doesn't mean moderators won't as a result of the thread. When people post in this forum asking me to look at things, I feel obligated to look. And I encourage other people to have a say.

That happened in this thread. As a result, all the moderators who have been questioned, from augie to zeno, I feel comfortable in allowing to continue as they see fit. But, as I said, it's entirely possible this thread may impact some of their future decisions.

So if the thread continues to be a handful of posters arguing about nazis or comedians, it will be closed.
11-12-2017 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Calm down dude. Go and have a tranquilizer or something.
pretty ironic coming from the guy whos been on a week long cryfest about how wookie treated him over a year ago.
11-12-2017 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez

read again, maybe the entire paragraph was sarcasm?

the same cast of geniuses i see
You've got to remember that these people don't get humor at all.

They literally take everything literally.
