I definitely think these psychedelic color flashing avatars shouldn't be allowed (I haven't seen lately either, such as that frog head thing and the penzo avatar that became hilarious after people copied it).
There are borderline sexual themed avatars such as BJ motions and near nudity of women, I could definitely see these as offensive for some or NSFW - for the most part I find them amusing to the eye but there are times I haven't browsed this forum in public due to that.
Avatars that are annoying in general, that's going to be individual, I put ignore user. I'm sure that's fine to some - for example the kid in NMHU avatar has for some reason always been tilting to me and so ignore list fixes that, many like that kid though.
I think the previous wamy einehouse avatar was very out of line after she ODed, the Keith Ledger one is fine with me though