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VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines

04-22-2012 , 05:39 PM
I saw a funny gif. on here the other day and went to google to find it.

I saw mostly 2p2 stuff and I wasn't even searching poker related material.... I then decided to search "haters gonna hate." and the entire first page (about 70 or so pictures) was all 2p2.

So my question to all who enter my thread? Does anyone actually know how outreaching 2p2 goes?

I might have not worded that correctly. I always see people who scam getting their name spammed across these boards. Now I know why.

I know this is the largest poker forum, but what about forums in general? I have been to many auto, body building(flame away) ones and none are nearly this big.

So re worded, how many members does 2p2 have? And how fast does it grow?

We control the content of what all the people who use search engine. Here interesting thought, or view.

What if we had a day where we tried to overtake the search engines by all posting something of the same nature? (I don't even know if that is possible)

The thought of one forum controlling what millions search is interesting to me.

Sorry if I just wasted everyones' time.

Last edited by Jewboy420; 04-22-2012 at 05:40 PM. Reason: im dumb
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 05:45 PM
dosent google use your history to relate to what your currently searching?
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by rubslotionskin
dosent google use your history to relate to what your currently searching?
I do believe it dose
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by rubslotionskin
dosent google use your history to relate to what your currently searching?

2+2 is one of the larger forum communities in the world, but OP's search results are likely tainted by his browsing history. Try clearing your history/cookies and see if you get similar results.
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius

2+2 is one of the larger forum communities in the world, but OP's search results are likely tainted by his browsing history. Try clearing your history/cookies and see if you get similar results.
I'm 99% this is actually false.

L.E. what I meant is, google does not use your browsing history, but they do use your search history, and other ppl's search history to rank your results.
Also, there's Page Rank (a ranking tool used by google to rank the websites) witch among a ton of things it looks at how many other websites link to 2p2 for example, the higher the number of links the higher the rank. 2p2 obviously scores pretty high on google's page rank, mainly because of the multitude of sites/users of diff forum/fb/etc linking to 2p2. This was not the case a few years back when you googled "poker" and 2p2 apeared on somthing like the 8th page. All in all, social media makes wonders.

Last edited by sky4ever; 04-22-2012 at 06:00 PM.
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 05:51 PM
While 2+2 is big what you're likely seeing is Google personalizing search results based on your viewing behavior.

Try doing the same search from a different computer that isn't used by someone interested in poker and see if you get different results. I opened an incognito window in chrome and did a search for haters gonna hate like you said and it wasn't filled with links to 2+2.

On one computer if I do a google search for NVG the 2+2 NVG forum comes up first. On other computers it comes up after 3-4 links regarding night vision goggles.
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 05:53 PM
I just did the same search on google images and find nothing from 2p2 from skimming, all from random forums and cheezburger network type stuff.

I'm pretty sure I've changed default settings in google, like the one that gathers information about your interests etc.
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 05:53 PM
Also worth noting that different internet memes catch on to different degrees in various communities. It just so happens that "Haters Gonna Hate" caught on here in higher density than a lot of other places.

As a counterexample, note how few motivational/demotivational poster themed jpegs there are here, when in some places they're all the rage.

Chalk it up to the unoriginality of NVG posters (in b4 hatersgonnahate.jpg).
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 05:54 PM
Ah I see, well thanks for the heads up guys...Thought I was really onto something there.

Now I just feel sorta dumb.

lock it up.

but first, how often do you think the gov't looks at your history?

Not paranoid, swear.
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by sky4ever
I'm 99% this is actually false.
Which part? I am absolutely certain that Google gives tailored search results if you have recently visited websites that are relevant to the keyword phrase. I could be wrong about 2+2 being one of the larger forums, but I believe it gets like 4 million UUs/month.
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 06:00 PM
Two plus two is one the most popular forums on the net - 28th in fact
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Jewboy420
I know this is the largest poker forum, but what about forums in general? I have been to many auto, body building(flame away) ones and none are nearly this big.

So re worded, how many members does 2p2 have? And how fast does it grow?
We have 320,000+ members.

According to, we are #28 in the world in terms of posts. It looks like their page view and traffic stats are messed up right now, but we usually rank very high in those stats as well.
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
We have 320,000+ members.

According to, we are #28 in the world in terms of posts. It looks like their page view and traffic stats are messed up right now, but we usually rank very high in those stats as well.
Thanks for the quick and accurate reply.
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
We have 320,000+ members.

According to, we are #28 in the world in terms of posts. It looks like their page view and traffic stats are messed up right now, but we usually rank very high in those stats as well.
It looks like big-boards ranks sites based on number of posts. is 19 with 65mil posts but has over 3mil members.

Conclusion: People are 10x more likely to stick with poker than body building/fitness.

If we could only find a way to make poker burn more calories we could be a cure for the obesity epidemic.
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 06:13 PM
we're a Sicily-sized island in the internet, found at the bottom right corner of this map of the internet, curtsey of xkcd:

(click for large)
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
We have 320,000+ members.

According to, we are #28 in the world in terms of posts. It looks like their page view and traffic stats are messed up right now, but we usually rank very high in those stats as well.
Serious question, how many of those 320,000 are banned?
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-22-2012 , 07:03 PM
~10% - most for spam.
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-23-2012 , 12:19 AM
and how many do you think have multiple accounts? (resulting from ban or otherwise. Ex: BBV jokers....)
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-23-2012 , 12:21 AM
Oh geez, I'd have no idea. But I can't imagine it being significant in relation to 320,000 - more than a percent or two would seem high to me, and I'd expect lower.
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-23-2012 , 12:29 AM
Actually it's a little known fact that twoplustwo is really made up of only like four or five guys, each with a ton of gimmicks.

banned poster allurit was one of the very few new members and well ... look where he is now
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-23-2012 , 12:31 AM
... is that a jewish bear?
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-23-2012 , 12:39 AM
some info on how to get non-personalized results:
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-23-2012 , 08:35 AM
this is about as amusing as when there are people who think stuff like "u mad" is unique to twoplustwo

Last edited by dkgojackets; 04-23-2012 at 08:36 AM. Reason: internet how does it work
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-23-2012 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Jewboy420

but first, how often do you think the gov't looks at your history?
350 times a day
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
04-23-2012 , 02:18 PM
Ugh, we got beat out by the Christian forums, that can't happen again.
VIEW: 2p2 changes internet search engines Quote
