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Post deleted by Mat Sklansky Post deleted by Mat Sklansky

07-30-2007 , 03:57 PM
07-30-2007 , 04:06 PM

Why hasnt this thread run its course yet?
[ ] mods have stopped being abusive to users.
so.... how many days were you banned before you returned with a new account?
i was just so shocked that you asked why a thread was still going after nothing at all had changed. I gave you the simplest of answers. I hope those answers were helpful in you understanding such an incredibly basic concept.
07-30-2007 , 04:10 PM
I'm talking about run of the mill posting. A thread where 9 people are all discussing something and going back and forth in a manner which shows mutual respect
You speak of something with which I am completely unfamiliar.

This actually occurs on the internet? Or are you smoking something?
07-30-2007 , 04:26 PM
blueman is either going to eventually get banned or end up posting exclusively in the Lounge. Coinflip at this point IMO.
07-30-2007 , 06:03 PM
first accurate accusation so far
07-31-2007 , 01:50 AM

Why hasnt this thread run its course yet?
[ ] mods have stopped being abusive to users.
so.... how many days were you banned before you returned with a new account?
i was just so shocked that you asked why a thread was still going after nothing at all had changed. I gave you the simplest of answers. I hope those answers were helpful in you understanding such an incredibly basic concept.
There was change, someone who we both know, lost his identity. isn't it obvious that we are all looking the other way? Perhaps you should too... know what i mean?
07-31-2007 , 02:41 AM

Why hasnt this thread run its course yet?
[ ] mods have stopped being abusive to users.
so.... how many days were you banned before you returned with a new account?
i was just so shocked that you asked why a thread was still going after nothing at all had changed. I gave you the simplest of answers. I hope those answers were helpful in you understanding such an incredibly basic concept.
There was change, someone who we both know, lost his identity. isn't it obvious that we are all looking the other way? Perhaps you should too... know what i mean?
This isn't nearly cryptic enough. Should have been posted in symbol font LDO.
07-31-2007 , 02:54 AM

Why hasnt this thread run its course yet?
[ ] mods have stopped being abusive to users.
so.... how many days were you banned before you returned with a new account?
i was just so shocked that you asked why a thread was still going after nothing at all had changed. I gave you the simplest of answers. I hope those answers were helpful in you understanding such an incredibly basic concept.
There was change, someone who we both know, lost his identity. isn't it obvious that we are all looking the other way? Perhaps you should too... know what i mean?
This isn't nearly cryptic enough. Should have been posted in symbol font LDO.

PS - ixnay on the outsay, otay?
07-31-2007 , 04:54 AM
07-31-2007 , 12:01 PM

You've only been posting at 2+2 for a couple of days. You should probably build up some street cred before you go hating on the mods like this. Generally noobs aren't taken seriously in these parts.

Also, welcome to the forums!
07-31-2007 , 01:17 PM


i think it would have been better if you'd decided to post under 'JordiCruyff'
07-31-2007 , 05:53 PM
I find it funny that I didn't figure out who it was until TT posted it in the Symbol font. Alas, he is banned again.
07-31-2007 , 06:06 PM

Me neither, but I think the last line reads "I know it's you PITTM". LOL.
07-31-2007 , 06:21 PM

Me neither, but I think the last line reads "I know it's you PITTM". LOL.
Remember when he created that other account to post in OOT after he got exiled because he couldn't keep his mouth shut? I like RJ just fine, but man, he is the poster child for that "internet serious business" thing.
07-31-2007 , 06:27 PM
I find it funny that I didn't figure out who it was until TT posted it in the Symbol font. Alas, he is banned again.
PS - ixnay on the outsay, otay?
that means please don't out him. i knew some loser would figure it out by reversing the symbol font - you guys suck.

PS to tuc - symbol rules!
07-31-2007 , 06:36 PM

Ha, so be fair, he pretty much outs himself. Hmmmm, brand new poster comes to ATF right after RJ gets banned, posts authoritatively about the site and in a very similar manner to RJ (long-winded rants, including one that was deleted this morning, never uses capitalization, etc.). I mean he might as well have dusted off his old avatar and signed his posts it was so obvious.

And of course you didn't help much because PITTM converted to symbol still reveals "ITTM".
07-31-2007 , 06:55 PM
long-winded rants, including one that was deleted this morning, never uses capitalization, etc.). I mean he might as well have dusted off his old avatar and signed his posts it was so obvious.
you saw that? I nearly fell over backwards when i saw that post. I dont know who deleted it, or who banned him either, but it was as if he was holding a flag that said I AM RJ.

If the shoe was on the other foot I'd walk away from the forum. I'll never understand the psyche of habitual abusers.
07-31-2007 , 07:24 PM
Where'd that new guy Johann go? I was beginning to dig him.
07-31-2007 , 07:27 PM
niss, LOL.

TT, my guess is he deleted it himself. If there was any doubt about your symbol font message his post pretty much eliminated it.
07-31-2007 , 07:42 PM
first accurate accusation so far
I got modrolled twice by the same link.

I gotta use that option that changes visited links a different color.
08-02-2007 , 02:16 AM
Not going to post any links but at one point NT! had changed my title to "Downie" if that's not disrespectful, abusive modship i don't know what is.
it doesn't help that you are a useless drug-addicted moron who consistently makes terrible posts

Wow, you are an [censored]. Assuming you are serious, that is so completely unwarranted and just plain false. In an "abusive mods" thread way to make a complete example of yourself. I'm drug addicted beecuase I made one post mentioning mentioned smoking weed and drinking with friends? Just had no idea you hated me, I was more or less indifferent towards you.
You have made many posts that you later justified by being drunk/high. Frankly if I was you I'd lean towards the drug angle, as the other option is just that you're as dense as we all assume.
Im not necessarily arguing this, but I think you're mixing up IRC chats with posts. I rarely have ever "taken back" a post because I was drunk, but I do remember being an idiot on IRC at like 3am drunk as hell at college and you banning me for it. I think I was telling a story of how I went to go microwave ramen and running into some kid with a [censored] DHARMA INITIATIVE hat and having him go on about LOST for like 2 hours. I mean come on, if you met a person with an actual dharma initiative hat and you were a LOST fan (which you are) don't you think it'd be pretty funny especially when drunk? Then you banned me for as you put it "being shocked someone wore a hat." It's hard to be that dumb on 2p2 because you actually have to read over what you wrote before you post, even if you are pretty drunk. Just lighten up a bit.

I can at least admit that most of the [censored] I get, especially from mods, I pretty much deserve it. But sometimes it's a bit over the top and borderlines on being an abusive ahole.
08-02-2007 , 12:37 PM
Im not necessarily arguing this, but I think you're mixing up IRC chats with posts. I rarely have ever "taken back" a post because I was drunk, but I do remember being an idiot on IRC at like 3am drunk as hell at college and you banning me for it.
Oh god I remember this. That pissed me off too that you got banned.

Because you came to #msnl and bitched for days about it.
08-02-2007 , 04:29 PM
people are absolutely not supposed to get banned on 2p2 for things that happen in IRC.
08-02-2007 , 04:42 PM
people are absolutely not supposed to get banned on 2p2 for things that happen in IRC.
he was banned from the irc channel
08-02-2007 , 04:53 PM
people are absolutely not supposed to get banned on 2p2 for things that happen in IRC.
he was banned from the irc channel
With vigor!
