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View Poll Results: Which is it?
"2,3,1" = "2nd girl is hottest, then 3rd girl, then 1st girl"
157 59.02%
!!DUCY!!, .Alex., Aaron_in_GR, AHoboOnFire, Ald2das, AlexM, Alobar, another_rack, billygrippo, bismillahno, black knight, bluefeet, bonds25, Brain, brianr, btmagnetw, Bulletproof Monk, Burlap, burns, C Bids, calm, Chowderhead3, chuckbomb, ClarkNasty, Claunchy, Clever Nickname, ClutchCity, cnapmak, Cola, coldi, Cornell Fiji, CPHoya, crashjr, CrazyEyez, Dan., Das Budrick, Davey, DeathDonkey, deepdowntruth, Devilboy666, Dexytp, dknightx, dlorc, DonkeyKongSr, dpickles31, Dropkick Brian, Dudd, dukemagic, DukeSucks, ecstzatic, ElliotR, elrudo, EvilSteve, EWS87, Falc, FlyWf, Fonkey123, fredericksburg, frotteur, Ganjasaurus Rex, Geordie Ramone, gogoo, Goomashroom, guess who, HERE_2_gamble_, HoldThem, iamawesomer, ikestoys, In the Zone, IRuleYouHard, jakeduke, jchristo, Jeffmet3, Jim14Qc, JimHammer, KingOtter, kkcountry, Kloonike, kmak, Knaughn, kokiri, LFS, libertos, Lori, LrdNikon, mastr, mattsey9, Mejis, mike2129, MissT74, miw210, mjohnson406, mlagoo, MPHL, MuresanForMVP, MyTurn2Raise, NerdyVirgin, neuroman, Nevahascards, NLSoldier, no eff eks, Noah., NoPoHustler, NorthView, nsdjoe, NU Star, oatmealforxmas, omar coming, Orangeheat, orlov, pahala, pejpej, Phat Mack, Phildo, Poshua, private joker, Pudge714, pwnsall, Pyromaniac, RedBarracuda, retep, Rinse Agent, Ron Burgundy, RoundGuy, Rythm, Senor Cardgage, sightless, sootedgapper, SpacaB, stabn, steamypile, StepBangin, Sting99, subandi, TeeJayOrTJ, TehVader, toddw8, True North, trumpjosh, valenzuela, Vanidor, Vendal, Veni, vixticator, wax42, WayAbvPar, west_eh, Wires, WorldsUnluckiest, Xhad, Xippy, Yeti, zac777, ZeTurd, zinx