Originally Posted by Peter Porker
You know the dude's a terrible troll when people who have no idea what he's talking about know he's lying.
Using your gimmick account to defend yourself? Stay classy, Alex.
In other news, spanky is now setting up rules in PU and not informing anyone what they are:
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Could we get some sort of explanation of what is and isn't allowed?
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Is there a reason to require one?
Are you interested in being in that poster/mod workgroup for serious forum business?
I mean I could just make a new rule tomorrow for how personal an insult is acceptable by simply articulating category. Seems funner and better to get participants in some political spirit.
However if a person must deeply and repeatedly apologize for behavior the rules may not cover using a thin interpretation, than being open to thickening weak spots with a finer rule is a smart choice- so as not to ruin the bad poster thread for ikes.
Is it too much to ask that whatever the ground rules for PU are, they be clearly articulated?