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Politics forum needs a name change...How about Politics - Liberals Only Politics forum needs a name change...How about Politics - Liberals Only

10-31-2010 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
I agree that is one of the things he does well. When he warned me about whining I thought it was appropriate but didn't think it applied in his banlist sticky thread.

Past experience shows that there are always a couple of bad apples who like to ruin these things by trolling me or turning it into a moderation bitchfest. You know who you are. That kind of ridiculousness is not welcome in this thread. If you tard it up, you will be asked to leave.
10-31-2010 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by YourSOULinMyPOCKET
more Americans trust Fox News than any other news organazation
If true, this makes me sad.
10-31-2010 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by YourSOULinMyPOCKET
Why do all liberals talk about fox news, do any of you realize more Americans trust Fox News than any other news organazation, does that hurt your liberal feelings? Bill O vs Keith, yeah that ratings war is close.............
I am not a liberal. I am a proud member of the We're All ****ed party.
10-31-2010 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Why did you not just say, "because, I warned you about whining about the moderation and you continued to whine"?
He must have momentarily forgotten what a stupidasso you are and assumed you would actually get the obvious.
10-31-2010 , 09:37 AM

You make that gay marriage thread in any other forum, say OOT, you are permabanned pretty damn quickly.

Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
If gay marriage is recognized on equal footing as heterosexual marriage, adoption agencies will not be able to give preference to heterosexual couples seeking to adopt.
You even said this twice:

Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
There is the benefit of heterosexual married couples taking precedent over homosexual couples in the adoption process.
Funnily enough you didnt actually say why this is better given how many orphans are in the care system right now. To be fair you did cite one article that is based on a summary of a study that hasnt been released which sort of claims gay parents have gay children slightly more often than straight parents do, you just happened to ignore that the article even said that the studies conclusions could be faulty. When called out on it you ignored the criticism and moved on.

You also have this one:

Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
It doesn't have to bear a resemblance to reality in order to make my point. You and I both know the answer to my question. If everyone was gay it would be disasterious to humanity. However if everyone were straight it would not. Like it or not straight people add just a little more value to humanity than gay people. In our society, at this moment in time is that little bit of value significant? I would say not...especially on an individual level. Still...I'm not going to deny that it isn't there.

Do you want to know why most of the country does not approve of gay marriage and is unwilling to validate it by putting it on a pedestal equal to heterosexual marriage? Its not because they fear gays or are homophobic. Its because they do not see the institution of gay marriage bringing as much value to humanity as heterosexual marriage. Its completely undeniable that there exist some rational basis for that preception.

What you call homophobia is a natural response and there are times when that response has probably served humanity well.
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Suppose you had to choose between two people who were exactly alike in every respect except one was gay and one was straight. The criteria of your choice is simple...which person adds more value to society.

I'd choose the straight person because his ability to procreate is not impeaded and procreation is important to society.

When pressed on why it is important to show straight marriage is 'more valuable' than gay marriage, or significantly why that is even important he ignored the criticism and moved on.

To risk using a poker example you may have shown that folding is better than raising but you refused to factor in calling.

His last exchange in that thread he started is about whether he is allowed to call gay people inferior:

Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
I'm not using loaded words like inferiority so you should not be using them to describe my position.
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
You shouldn't use metaphors that betray certain inferential relationships between objects then.
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
I have too because if I used the word inferior I would get banned.
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
If you have to couch your ideas in metaphor so you won't get banned, you need to look closely at them. Especially if a whole lot of people are saying that your ideas are patently ridiculous. This isn't to say your ideas are wrong or right, but that you might want to look long and hard at them and the arguments you have to support it to see if they are sound.
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
If I used the word inferior (meaning acting or performing in a way that is comparatively poor) people would take it to mean I was saying gays are sub-human. I would get banned because the use of a loaded word would change how the argument is precieved.
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
lol "If I admit what I really am I'll get in trouble, so I'll just circle around it without actually hitting it the whole time"
The funny thing is i dont want to have these conservatives go away and fwiw to some degree they probably have a point about moderation. But it IS worth noting that the last ATF thread on politics was about Soul being bigoted about Muslims and got a one day ban, then Stu makes his thread where he is bigoted about homosexuals and he got exiled for a couple weeks for something entirely different but imo certainly deserved one for that thread.

If the forum was moderated fairly maybe i would rack up more than my one ban but it isnt like these super awesome conservatives wouldnt get banned for other stuff and they get a lot more rope in Politics than in a forum like OOT.

The idea of banning people for "attacking the views" of people when using terms like "invisible sky man" really cuts both ways when i can quickly pull together the above quotes. If using that term is worth a ban, what is the response to calling gay people inferior and arguing against them adopting children solely because of their sexuality? While 48% of Americans may agree with him as he claims, they are equally as wrong as him.
10-31-2010 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
You make that gay marriage thread in any other forum, say OOT, you are permabanned pretty damn quickly.
The purpose of the thread was to discuss freedom of the press. The OP asked if freedom of the press protected the paper from civil or criminal action for its blatant discrimination. Here is the Original Post.

Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso

Gay couple getting married in NH(where gay marriage is legal) but a large paper refuses to print their announcement.

Can this newspaper be subject to any civil or criminal prosecution for blantant act of discriminating against certain gay couples or are they protected by freedom of press?
The purpose of the thread was re-iterated in post 18.

Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
I created this thread to talk about freedom of press. How far does it go? Can you use the press to blantly discriminate against minorities? Suppose this paper decided they weren't going to publish marriage announcements between a heterosexual interracial couple. Should they be allowed to discriminate like that? What if they charge for the announcement?
This is the exchange were the thread became a thread about gay marraige.

Originally Posted by FlyWf
I asked you a question, which you didn't answer.

You're real eager to put words in people's mouths, though, second time this thread. Amazing. I don't think the newspaper should be compelled to print anything, of course. I don't think anybody does.

We just think its publishers are gay-hating douchebags. You're probably not that big a fan of the gays yourself, so I understand why you're so nervous here.
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
I didn't answer your question because it was stupid.

What exactly in the article leads you to believe that the publishers are gay hating douchebags? They can hold no animosity toward gays yet still have the position marriage is between a man and woman.
Originally Posted by MrWookie
lol selfcontradictionaments.
So if I should be banned for making it then so should FlyWF and MrWookie. Because I made a thread about freedom of the press and those two insisted on making it a thread about gay marriage.
10-31-2010 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
I hope you recognize that this isn't about me being exiled. I haven't once asked for a reprieve from that. This isn't about me being mad that I got exiled and immeadiately running to this forum to bitch. I got exiled on the 27th and started this thread on the 29th.

What this is about is the witchhunt and the abuse of conservatives that you allow to happen. Go read your ban list sticky...after I was pushed out your cabal started to circle around Nick...which is total B.S. You should be called out on it.

Originally Posted by TomCollins
Do we have an official pool on when nick will get exiled?
Originally Posted by vixticator
few days after the election im guessing
Originally Posted by iron81
If he survives the election night gloating, it will be a while. Its hard to be an insufferable douche bag when you're happy.
Originally Posted by vixticator
True. I'll put o/u at 1,250 posts before ~permaban.
Originally Posted by ElliotR
What will determine this is how much his posting is serious; how much is some put on for his own lols, and how much is just an attempt to provoke a reaction.
10-31-2010 , 10:44 AM
Fine, rephrase that from:
You make that gay marriage thread in any other forum, say OOT, you are permabanned pretty damn quickly.
You make those posts like you did in the newspaper refusing to print an announcement about gay marriage thread in any other forum, say OOT, you are permabanned pretty damn quickly.
10-31-2010 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Taso
Yes, a large portion of the country is conservative, but no, most of them are too dumb to both use the internet and play poker. So we don't have many of them on 2+2. Sarah Palin is too busy being an idiot to post here, sorry.
Wow, aren't you hilarious.. Is the "T" silent?
10-31-2010 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
If true, this makes me sad.

Well its obv true, look at these numbers. Its not even close. There is not one show on any other channel that even holds a candle to them, so every time I hear somebody bash it just makes me laugh - I mean most of the twice as many Americans are watching Fox that any other channel.

It simply proves liberals are louder, but when you see the numbers its shows what side Americans are really on. Cant wait till Tuesday, weeee!
10-31-2010 , 12:29 PM
I did get a good laugh from this thread: it was the part where Stu said in the "freedom of the press" thread that a person could at the same time think marriage is between a man and a woman and not hate gays.
10-31-2010 , 12:36 PM
it's not elliot's fault that liberals and libertarians are generally not bigots but many mainstream conservative tea party types are.
10-31-2010 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by .Alex.
it's not elliot's fault that liberals and libertarians are generally not bigots but many mainstream conservative tea party types are.
this is funny
10-31-2010 , 12:42 PM
So there was just as many racial slurs at this weekends liberal gathering as at the Tea Party meeting a while back?
10-31-2010 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Rapini
I did get a good laugh from this thread: it was the part where Stu said in the "freedom of the press" thread that a person could at the same time think marriage is between a man and a woman and not hate gays.
How is this funny, last time I checked most Americans felt this way, I mean the liberal machine we call California did forcefully vote gay marriage down by wide margins, Are you telling me all those Californians hate gay people???? I somehow find that hard to believe
10-31-2010 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Rapini
I did get a good laugh from this thread: it was the part where Stu said in the "freedom of the press" thread that a person could at the same time think marriage is between a man and a woman and not hate gays.
Why did this make you laugh?

It is entirely possible, imo.

Why is hatred assumed?
10-31-2010 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
So there was just as many racial slurs at this weekends liberal gathering as at the Tea Party meeting a while back?
Liberals are always the ones who are obsessed with racial/ethnic diferences, the hate comes from your side partner!
10-31-2010 , 12:55 PM
And yet your side is always the one apologizing on the news about a few unfortunate slips.
10-31-2010 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by YourSOULinMyPOCKET

Well its obv true, look at these numbers. Its not even close. There is not one show on any other channel that even holds a candle to them, so every time I hear somebody bash it just makes me laugh - I mean most of the twice as many Americans are watching Fox that any other channel.

It simply proves liberals are louder, but when you see the numbers its shows what side Americans are really on. Cant wait till Tuesday, weeee!
hmmmmmmm, typical conservative bias in play here. I was ignorant of the fact that only real Americans watch FOX cable channels? Now if your claim is indeed true, then you should be able to post a link where your fav cable channel is THE most viewed of all, with higher numbers than the over the air broadcasters.

From what I could see, O'Reilly (the only FNC show) was the only one on the top 25 list. He does have a way with the white haired old ladies, or "the folks" as he calls them.
10-31-2010 , 01:02 PM
Right. Each of the network newscasts individually get triple the ratings of OReilly and something like 60 Minutes gets more than all of those newscasts combined.
10-31-2010 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
Right. Each of the network newscasts individually get triple the ratings of OReilly and something like 60 Minutes gets more than all of those newscasts combined.
Lol, of all the cable news channels FOX is in total domination, Every time slot all day everyday. Comparing network broadcasts? Thats lol, try comparing apples to apples bud, not everybody has cable hence the higher numbers of the network broadcasts overall.
10-31-2010 , 01:13 PM
Cable reaches something like 80% of households. That comes nowhere close to accounting for 10 times as many people watching a network newscast as watch O'Reilly.

I'm politarding this thread in hopes it gets locked
10-31-2010 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by cres
hmmmmmmm, typical conservative bias in play here. I was ignorant of the fact that only real Americans watch FOX cable channels? Now if your claim is indeed true, then you should be able to post a link where your fav cable channel is THE most viewed of all, with higher numbers than the over the air broadcasters.

From what I could see, O'Reilly (the only FNC show) was the only one on the top 25 list. He does have a way with the white haired old ladies, or "the folks" as he calls them.
Since when is it appropriate to compare network news vs cable news, Many many Americans dont have cable. Of the ones that dont they have nothing else to watch but network news as its on all channels across the board. However if they have cable they have nearly 100 channels to choose from. Of the cable news companies FOX dominates there competitors, its not even close in any time slot sir, not even close. The liberal channels MSNBC and CNN dont even hold a candle to FOX, to say they do is....... well........ funny
10-31-2010 , 01:58 PM
dude, your entire premise was valid 10 years ago. When people connected online using baud modems and telephone lines. For most a decision needed to be made whether to disconnect the connection to accept an incoming call. The "wealthy" had a second dedicated twisted pr phone line.

now almost everyone has cable, and not just basic cable. The ability to view ANY channel is almost limitless. The proof is in your conservative base, those who would be most inclined to not splurge on the wasteland that is 500 channel of stuff. They specifically subscribe to upper tier FNC, yet still most watch more network programming.
10-31-2010 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by YourSOULinMyPOCKET
How is this funny, last time I checked most Americans felt this way, I mean the liberal machine we call California did forcefully vote gay marriage down by wide margins, Are you telling me all those Californians hate gay people???? I somehow find that hard to believe
Originally Posted by Kevroc
Why did this make you laugh?

It is entirely possible, imo.

Why is hatred assumed?
In my mind that's pretty close to saying, "Well, I don't hate black people, but I certainly shouldn't have to drink out of the same water fountain as they do."
