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Personal Attacks in Political Forums by Poobahs Mr Wookie, 5ive, goofybalef AoFrantic etc Personal Attacks in Political Forums by Poobahs Mr Wookie, 5ive, goofybalef AoFrantic etc

06-20-2017 , 03:46 AM
06-20-2017 , 04:26 AM
I'm pooping right now.
06-20-2017 , 04:37 AM
06-20-2017 , 05:04 AM

So this dude tries to pull that game-down-the-street-from-the-kidde-game-down-the-street move, slanks away, then returns to the thread like nothing happened and goes right back to trying to talk down to people?

Originally Posted by Zorkman
I appreciate that you are genuinely trying to discuss this issue and struggling with your liberal prejudice to understand those to the right of you.

It's hard, I would imagine, to differentiate between those who are genuinely conservative but have no animus to those who are different from them, and those who are outright racists hitching a ride. Many on the left would lump them together, because as you say, they know how to cloak it, and also at the very least the well-intentioned ones are sort of enablers of the allegedly racist agenda of, say, Donald Trump.

You betray some strong bias in your "12 out of 10" comment, but overall a great post other than that.

Even if what you say is true that the folks in category 2 are vanishingly small, you have to give folks the benefit of the doubt.

Simple solution:

--sanction blatantly racist posting
--let go anything that isn't blatant no matter how much you feel it could be the most racist guy in the universe just trolling everybody with pretty words

Here's why you need to do the latter step, and why it's just as important as the first step: if you aren't careful, you will turn into Mr.Wookie and eventually get to the point where everyone not in lockstep with your agenda is literally Satan or Hitler or Trump (ymmv) and your infraction finger will get very, very, very, itchy.

I promise you, if you ever make me green, and give me my own forum, I will be so ruthless against the racists and the sexists and the homophobes you will think MrWookie hacked my account. But I'd be fair.
06-20-2017 , 05:06 AM
Example #4237 why this has little to nothing to do with partisanship, rather you people are just terrible posters and terrible in general. I mean, if you're finding out that you all line up on one partisan side, that sounds like an issue you need to work out yourselves.
06-20-2017 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by master3004
Lol, zorkmad
Dr. Sebastian Zorka is running wild up in here.
06-20-2017 , 08:53 AM
Acute POGitis ITT

The forum's primary posting style suggests that everybody is completely tweaked out and/or in a manic phase.
06-20-2017 , 09:57 AM
Zorkman, how does the acha or whatever they are calling trumpcare make the world better for everyone?
06-20-2017 , 10:37 AM
Lol people think this is a politics thread. Lets debate the merits of healthcare reform somewhere else this thread is for zizak to own souls.
06-20-2017 , 10:45 AM
Just want to hear how making rich people richer and poors dead is a net benefit for everyone...
06-20-2017 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Just want to hear how making rich people richer and poors dead is a net benefit for everyone...
It's EZ math.

Let's say there's a 1000 rich peeps who are each X happy, and a million poor peeps who are Y unhappy because they got a life threatening medical thingee (that they need help paying for). That's the before.

The after is this: a 1000 rich people who are X+Z happy, Z being the marginal extra happiness rich peeps experience when getting still more richer... and the million poor people will have died off, removing the scourge of their Y unhappiness from the net joy to the world.

Simply put: Z > -1000Y (where Y>0, Z>0).
06-20-2017 , 11:46 AM
You forgot the rest of the poors and other non-rich who didn't die and are pissed at the rich.
06-20-2017 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
You're not even giving us credit for wanting a better world, world meaning everyone.

This is what we are up against, and the man has a banhammer at his disposal.

He can't even discuss this from a point of view of trusting the best of intentions on all sides. I'm willing to meet him. Here is the halfway point. Where is Wookie?
You are correct. I am unwilling to grant that the conservatives want to make the world a better place for everyone. I might be willing to grant that they ostensibly want to make Americans better on average, but that is a very different thing. We already have the health care example ITT, but here's another one:

How does denying gay people access to the legal institution of marriage make them better off?
06-20-2017 , 12:18 PM
lol this dude literally voted for the "America First" candidate and is now butthurt when others note that he only gives a **** about (some) Americans
06-20-2017 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You are correct. I am unwilling to grant that the conservatives want to make the world a better place for everyone. I might be willing to grant that they ostensibly want to make Americans better on average, but that is a very different thing. We already have the health care example ITT, but here's another one:

How does denying gay people access to the legal institution of marriage make them better off?
I can't discuss things--with you nor anyone else--neither here nor in a politics thread--unless and until you grant that I want a better world, starting with America first, and that my view is representative of the bulk of Trump's supporters in that regard [see edit notation].

You're asking the wrong hombre that last question. I agree with Trump (who, in turn, is probably not in step with most of the Republican party on this) when he said he is "fine with" it.

But let's not threadjack. This is the thread where we are waiting for you to make clear that your extreme political views won't color your modding decisions, and for you to convince us of that notwithstanding your actions (which do speak louder) to the contrary thus far.

Last edited by Zorkman; 06-20-2017 at 12:31 PM. Reason: it's easy to grant it if you remember that you may continue to disagree vehemently with how we "get there."
06-20-2017 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
lol this dude literally voted for the "America First" candidate and is now butthurt when others note that he only gives a **** about (some) Americans
Calm down.

It would probably be more fun for you if I were butthurt, but you don't get to make it so by saying so.

Clever lie embedded in a lie. Straight out of the party campaign press release guide book. (lie that is embedded: Trump doesn't care about some Americans; lie that is the main focus of the post: poster is butthurt)
06-20-2017 , 12:30 PM
Well, I will grant you I was butthurt about being misquoted, especially after having clarified it, but as a friend* recently told me about those two (master and monkey) "consider the source."

*another liberal poster on POG Politics who shall remain anonymous to spare him the ridicule of his fellow liberals, and no it wasn't eyebooger who is always a cool cat
06-20-2017 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
I can't discuss things--with you nor anyone else--neither here nor in a politics thread--unless and until you grant that I want a better world, starting with America first, and that my view is representative of the bulk of Trump's supporters in that regard [see edit notation].

You're asking the wrong hombre that last question. I agree with Trump (who, in turn, is probably not in step with most of the Republican party on this) when he said he is "fine with" it.

But let's not threadjack. This is the thread where we are waiting for you to make clear that your extreme political views won't color your modding decisions, and for you to convince us of that notwithstanding your actions (which do speak louder) to the contrary thus far.
What nonsense. You think you deserve a safe space free from any insinuation of ulterior motives just because you have ideas, and therefore they must be benevolent and good? And I have to agree as much without you even having to argue that your ideas are, in fact, benevolent and good before you would even speak? Hogwash. If you cannot argue that your proposal is for a better world, I don't have to grant it to you a priori.
06-20-2017 , 12:40 PM
What a ****ng snowflake
06-20-2017 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
What nonsense. You think you deserve a safe space free from any insinuation of ulterior motives just because you have ideas, and therefore they must be benevolent and good? And I have to agree as much without you even having to argue that your ideas are, in fact, benevolent and good before you would even speak? Hogwash. If you cannot argue that your proposal is for a better world, I don't have to grant it to you a priori.
I think YOU want a better world. I get it that you don't want to meet me halfway on this.

What we should focus our discussions and disagreements on is the best policies to achieve what I think we both want.
06-20-2017 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
What a ****ng snowflake
This is about as cogent as anything else the Left has thrown back at the Right's solid arguments.
06-20-2017 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
I think YOU want a better world. I get it that you don't want to meet me halfway on this.

What we should focus our discussions and disagreements on is the best policies to achieve what I think we both want.

Because you haven't defined your your terms snowman, we don't know what you mean by Better World because nothing Trump is doing is leading in that direction.
06-20-2017 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
This is about as cogent as anything else the Left has thrown back at the Right's solid arguments.
Lol, the only "Argument" you've made is that we have to accept your premise before you'll share your arguments for it.
06-20-2017 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
nothing Trump is doing is leading in that direction [of a better world].
That is a valid opinion to conclude.

What isn't valid, and what paralyzes discussion of important issues, is when you don't even grant that he wants a better world to begin with.
06-20-2017 , 12:59 PM
Again, if nothing he does leads in that direction he doesn't support it does he?
