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My resignation as mod of the Elect Gary Johnson and Poker News, Views and Gossip forum My resignation as mod of the Elect Gary Johnson and Poker News, Views and Gossip forum

07-10-2011 , 12:38 AM
after reading this thread ,i've decided not to vote for gary johnson
07-10-2011 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
Hi Lovesantiques,

Really? Why bother with company towns? What about slavery? We use to have slavery in this country, and that has to be far worse than company towns. In fact, slavery was once widespread over the whole world, and it was that way through all of recorded history until something happened in the 1800s and it ended (in most places).

What caused the change? Could it had been capitalism and free markets, and the exchange of ideas and free thinking that are part of this process.

And what happened after the slaves became free? Did they immediately move into a great life with all sorts of luxury. No, they were still very poor and it would take time for things to get batter. In fact, all the typical ex-slave had when he became free was the clothes on his back. But I bet none of them wanted to return to the horrors of slavery.

What about the common man throughout all of history? Did he live a good life, or was his existence essentially in a state of "tyranny and misery." But in some countries, like the United States, things began to improve. Could it have something to do with the free market economy which was present throughout most of our history?

And what other system creates wealth and lifts people out of poverty? I don't know of any, and would you rather be a poor person living in the United States or in most other countries in the world?

Yes, the company towns were terrible. No one disputes that. But for many people at that time, they were better than the alternative. And more important, they were part of the process that helped to lift people out of poverty and create wealth.
How can you even say any of this with a straight face? To even imply that capitalism helped end slavery when it was the single most important factor that kept it going borders on madness. The reason that slavery ended was enough people decided that it was more important to treat human beings as human beings and not to exploit them for cheap labor. We fought the bloodiest war in our history over this and to cheapen it like this is insulting.

As for company towns helping to lift people out of poverty, that is only slightly less insane than your comment about slavery. The entire point of company towns was to enhance the profits for the company and make the employees into indentured servants.
07-10-2011 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
Hi Livra and Everyone else:

I want to bring up something that virtually no one on 2+2 is aware of. A number of years ago, my wife and I established our own private charity, and for those of you who want to look it up, it's called The Mason and Charmaine Malmuth Foundation and is registered in the state of Nevada. We use it to help fund a cause that we are interested in.

Furthermore, when our foundation was set up, our accountant did it in such a way that we can accept tax deductible donations from others. Yet, because of our no solicitation rules on 2+2, we have never mentioned it here and have never asked anyone else to participate. Furthermore, if we were to allow donations for charitable causes, The Mason and Charmaine Malmuth Foundation would certainly be a leading candidate for the one to allow first. So when we established these rule, which we feel are the right rules for a site like, they applied to me as well as everyone else.

Now this brings us to the Governor Gary Johnson for President Campaign. Why did we go against our rules here? The answer is simple, poker, which is the foundation of everything that 2+2 does, is in big trouble, and everyone here should know this. Then, totally unexpectedly, this opportunity comes along to have a former governor of a state, and a legitimate presidential candidate, speak out on our behalf. It's an opportunity that we feel is too good to pass on.

In addition, and we haven't announced this yet, so this is the first place it will be stated, we're not just doing this for 2+2. Over the next few weeks, the plan is to start rolling our instructions for other websites to do everything that we will be doing to help the Governor Johnson for President campaign. We're doing this not because it's good for us, which it certainly is, but because it's good for poker, and we want as many websites as possible to share in this effort and be part of any benefits that it may achieve.

Best wishes,

Mason, I'd like some clarification on your position of our annual reefdawg memorial tournament and charity thread.

All we in the BBV4L community would like to do, is openly have a thread organizing the tournament and donations, in honor of our deceased friend reefdawg, who we all loved dearly.

I may have misunderstood your post which I've quoted above, but I took it to mean "no."

Furthermore, if we were to allow donations for charitable causes, The Mason and Charmaine Malmuth Foundation would certainly be a leading candidate for the one to allow first. So when we established these rule, which we feel are the right rules for a site like, they applied to me as well as everyone else.

I've been speaking with Mat, and from what he has said, it seems as though you are willing to make an exception to the no charity rule in this case.

May we openly have the annual threads?

Thank you.
07-10-2011 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Thanks again Mat, I have just PMed Mason asking permission for our annual memorial threads, and have referred him to the recent posts in this thread.
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
Hi Livra and Everyone else:

I want to bring up something that virtually no one on 2+2 is aware of. A number of years ago, my wife and I established our own private charity, and for those of you who want to look it up, it's called The Mason and Charmaine Malmuth Foundation and is registered in the state of Nevada. We use it to help fund a cause that we are interested in.

Furthermore, when our foundation was set up, our accountant did it in such a way that we can accept tax deductible donations from others. Yet, because of our no solicitation rules on 2+2, we have never mentioned it here and have never asked anyone else to participate. Furthermore, if we were to allow donations for charitable causes, The Mason and Charmaine Malmuth Foundation would certainly be a leading candidate for the one to allow first. So when we established these rule, which we feel are the right rules for a site like, they applied to me as well as everyone else.

Now this brings us to the Governor Gary Johnson for President Campaign. Why did we go against our rules here? The answer is simple, poker, which is the foundation of everything that 2+2 does, is in big trouble, and everyone here should know this. Then, totally unexpectedly, this opportunity comes along to have a former governor of a state, and a legitimate presidential candidate, speak out on our behalf. It's an opportunity that we feel is too good to pass on.

In addition, and we haven't announced this yet, so this is the first place it will be stated, we're not just doing this for 2+2. Over the next few weeks, the plan is to start rolling our instructions for other websites to do everything that we will be doing to help the Governor Johnson for President campaign. We're doing this not because it's good for us, which it certainly is, but because it's good for poker, and we want as many websites as possible to share in this effort and be part of any benefits that it may achieve.

Best wishes,
Originally Posted by LirvA
So that is a no.

I think this is a very poor decision, and I urge you to reconsider.

Bad read Mat.

You'd think, right? Myself, a loyal user who has posted nearly every single day since 2007, owns around 10 twoplustwo titles, if I died tragically, and my friends tried to start a memorial thread and donate to a worthy cause in my honor, you'd think it would be allowed by the owner of the site, who apparently values a card game (re: Mason's money) over the lives of his customers, but no. The thread would be deleted, people would be infracted, and there couldn't be a mention.

Pretty ****ing sickening imo.

I will no doubt remember this the next time I think of purchasing a poker book.

Mason, with all due respect.

If all of your customers die, or are alienated, you will be out of business.

Originally Posted by LirvA
Mason, I'd like some clarification on your position of our annual reefdawg memorial tournament and charity thread.

All we in the BBV4L community would like to do, is openly have a thread organizing the tournament and donations, in honor of our deceased friend reefdawg, who we all loved dearly.

I may have misunderstood your post which I've quoted above, but I took it to mean "no."

I've been speaking with Mat, and from what he has said, it seems as though you are willing to make an exception to the no charity rule in this case.

May we openly have the annual threads?

Thank you.

I apologize, I did not understand the reason for your post Mason. Mat has just informed me that you are indeed willing to make an exception, and we can have our annual reefdawg memorial threads. For that, I truly thank you.

I thought your post was in answer to my question, not just a general post regarding the rules, and Mat was going to PM me the answer. So things have been clarified, and I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing us to hold the threads, and I truly apologize for the misunderstanding.

Thank you very much Mason, and Mat.

for reef, our dear friend

Last edited by LirvA; 07-10-2011 at 01:04 AM.
07-10-2011 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by Mutant K12
How can you even say any of this with a straight face? To even imply that capitalism helped end slavery when it was the single most important factor that kept it going borders on madness. The reason that slavery ended was enough people decided that it was more important to treat human beings as human beings and not to exploit them for cheap labor. We fought the bloodiest war in our history over this and to cheapen it like this is insulting.

As for company towns helping to lift people out of poverty, that is only slightly less insane than your comment about slavery. The entire point of company towns was to enhance the profits for the company and make the employees into indentured servants.
Why did England and France end slavery in the early 1800s? and why did Brazil end slavery over 20 years after we did? and why did all the other countries end slavery during this time period as well as Russia ending serfdom? I doubt that the war we fought had much to do with it.

But more important, what was it that made people all around the world realize that slavery was wrong? What changed to make people think different? Could it had been the industrial revolution and the accompanying free markets that came with it?

And what system do you advocate? Are you suggesting the countries of the world return to some other economic system that keeps people living in a state of tyranny and misery and assures that people never improve their lives.

Remember, Lenin was going to fix all of this. He made essentially the same arguments you have, and the result was the Soviet Union managed to kill 50 million, and perhaps more, of their own people. But then again, perhaps if their leaders would have been different, all else would have gone well.

Hitler and Mussolini were going to fix everything too. And Mao also did a great job. Is this what you're advocating? I for one like personal freedom and the ability to make your own choices unhindered by a government that knows better than you do. Obviously you don't, and you're certainly entitled to your opinion. That's what these forums are for.

But don't call me insane. Someone like you who's willing to ignore the history of the world and all the suffering and misery that the typical person has gone through does not get my endorsement. I'm in favor of the system that has actually helped the people, and I mean all the people, who have lived under it. And as the great Milton Friedman once said:

The society that puts equality before freedom will end up with neither. The society that puts freedom before equality will end up with a great measure of both.
07-10-2011 , 01:15 AM
England and France ended slavery because of societal pressures and not because of capitalism. Slavery was ended in the home islands in 1772, it took until 1832 for it to be outlawed in most of the other English territories.

England was instrumental in getting rid of slavery in a lot of other countries because of the restrictions on slavery built into their trading treaties.

Nice attempt at trying to make me a communist too, we already know you see them under every rock and behind every logo.
07-10-2011 , 01:18 AM
You also seem to completely ignore that it was regulations that stopped most of that misery and tyranny and not unrestricted capitalism. Maybe you should reread your history from reliable sources?

Please explain how free market capitalism (which caused most of the horrors of the industrial revolution) fixed itself? Or was it those pesky regulations on working conditions that did that?
07-10-2011 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by Mutant K12
England and France ended slavery because of societal pressures and not because of capitalism. Slavery was ended in the home islands in 1772, it took until 1832 for it to be outlawed in most of the other English territories.

England was instrumental in getting rid of slavery in a lot of other countries because of the restrictions on slavery built into their trading treaties.

Nice attempt at trying to make me a communist too, we already know you see them under every rock and behind every logo.
Does this guy know how to wiki or what!
07-10-2011 , 01:22 AM
Mason, the United States of America specifically and the west in general got rich though massive state intervention principally not free markets ... imo.
07-10-2011 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
Does this guy know how to wiki or what!
You sound like a communist, you must like Hitler.
07-10-2011 , 01:24 AM
What a bizarre argument guys.
First of all this is not the thread for this discussion.
And Mason, I don't think anybody here wants to end capitalism and replace it with communism or whatever.
But (I'm guessing) mutant doesn't want totally unchecked and unregulated capitalism either.
You know, not everyone who likes labor laws etc. is a follower of Hitler, Lenin or Mao.
07-10-2011 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
But don't call me insane. Someone like you who's willing to ignore the history of the world and all the suffering and misery that the typical person has gone through does not get my endorsement. I'm in favor of the system that has actually helped the people, and I mean all the people, who have lived under it.
Seriously? I am the one ignoring the history of the world? Is your argument that capitalism helped the slaves when it was what created modern slavery in the first place? Southern capitalism caused the Civil War because they didn't want to give up their money and power.

I am sure all of the people bought and sold over those many generations were so glad to be helped by the system. Just like all of the people forced to live in those factory towns were grateful to have the chance to die young for little pay to help the owners out.
07-10-2011 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
I apologize, I did not understand the reason for your post Mason. Mat has just informed me that you are indeed willing to make an exception, and we can have our annual reefdawg memorial threads. For that, I truly thank you.

good solid adapting/evolving here imo.
07-10-2011 , 01:35 AM
this thread is rolling hard, hopefully no moar lame appeals for memorials
07-10-2011 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by 11beatsperminute
What a bizarre argument guys.
First of all this is not the thread for this discussion.
And Mason, I don't think anybody here wants to end capitalism and replace it with communism or whatever.
But (I'm guessing) mutant doesn't want totally unchecked and unregulated capitalism either.
You know, not everyone who likes labor laws etc. is a follower of Hitler, Lenin or Mao.
Hush you, don't be all logical - its either one extreme or the other. Common sense regulation doesn't exist.
07-10-2011 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
lol at attention whoring bitchmade move.
I didn't think your post was that bad, but if it was attention whoring, you missed the mark I'm afraid.
07-10-2011 , 01:39 AM
I predict a landslide victory if Gary Johnson makes banning Mutant K12 and that Hannah person one of his first actions upon taking office.
07-10-2011 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth

And what system do you advocate? Are you suggesting the countries of the world return to some other economic system that keeps people living in a state of tyranny and misery and assures that people never improve their lives.
If you want to achieve this then promote a system that keeps the poor man down, by giving big businesses the freedom to exploit them for maximum profit. It is essential to support a system that furthers the disparity gap.
- Support an education reform that gives a fixed amount of money to each child to pay for tuition. Poor children will just have to settle for the cheapest schools. Wealthy families can easily supplement tuition to send their children to the best schools. It's essential to keep the poor child dumb if you want to exploit them.
- Now do away with child labor laws. The poor kids are already dumb anyway because of the horrible schools they attend. Why should they be wasting their time studying and preparing for a bright future when the financial situation at home is more dire?
-Get rid of all the silly regulations that were meant to ensure safety and fairness, because it's really just an excessive waste in spending.

We should do all we can to help the people who basically run America. They should have as much freedom as possible to gain as much as they want. What's the life of a poor man compared to the wealth of a rich man?
07-10-2011 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Mutant K12
Seriously? I am the one ignoring the history of the world? Is your argument that capitalism helped the slaves when it was what created modern slavery in the first place? Southern capitalism caused the Civil War because they didn't want to give up their money and power.

I am sure all of the people bought and sold over those many generations were so glad to be helped by the system. Just like all of the people forced to live in those factory towns were grateful to have the chance to die young for little pay to help the owners out.
Yes, you are ignoring the history of the world. Slavery existed for many thousands of years before capitalism came along. So you really could argue that capitalism stopped it!
07-10-2011 , 01:42 AM
I'm shocked:


Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 10,918
07-10-2011 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by tuq
I predict a landslide victory if Gary Johnson makes banning Mutant K12 and that Hannah person one of his first actions upon taking office.
07-10-2011 , 01:44 AM
Just want to say that I respect and appreciate the way Mat and Mason responded to my criticisms about Paul (reefdawg).
07-10-2011 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
Yes, you are ignoring the history of the world. Slavery existed for many thousands of years before capitalism came along. So you really could argue that capitalism stopped it!
Bad troll is bad... capitalism has existed every since people put value on something.

Also in related news... The Nazis helped out the Jews since they wouldn't have gotten Israel as a homeland without that whole Holocaust thing
07-10-2011 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
I'm shocked:


Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 10,918
yea, what happened there?
07-10-2011 , 01:47 AM
I dont even know what you're arguing about anymore lol. I don't think you do either.

Seek help immediately.
