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The Moderating in the Politics Forum The Moderating in the Politics Forum

10-11-2008 , 06:05 AM
But I think that the mod of the politics forum should try to be impartial.
In my first day of posting i recieved 30/100 points towards a permanent ban for 'anti-Republican Hyperbole'. These are my 'Hyperbolic' statements:

"Although you will see the right wingers say medicare/medicaid/emergency room treatment is a viable last resort for the poor, they would also be the first ones to get rid of it if they could.."

"The republicans will trot out any argument and use any method to disenfranchise voters, from throwing poor people in jail to purging election rolls to using rigged untraceable machines..."

I have seen the same group of posters in here for ages.. if Mr Wookie handed out infraction points to the Republican posters at even remotely the same rate he handed them out to newcomers? democrats?, they would all have been permanently banned long ago.

Mr Wookie, I know I am a beginner here, but all I ask is that you go a little easy on the infraction points, and try to be a bit impartial. I'll try to tone down the hyperbole as well!
10-11-2008 , 06:07 AM
But I think that the mod of the politics forum should try to be impartial.
In my first day of posting i recieved 30/100 points towards a permanent ban for 'anti-Republican Hyperbole'. These are my 'Hyperbolic' statements:

"Although you will see the right wingers say medicare/medicaid/emergency room treatment is a viable last resort for the poor, they would also be the first ones to get rid of it if they could.."

"The republicans will trot out any argument and use any method to disenfranchise voters, from throwing poor people in jail to purging election rolls to using rigged untraceable machines..."

I have seen the same group of posters in here for ages.. if Mr Wookie handed out infraction points to the Republican posters at even remotely the same rate he handed them out to newcomers? democrats?, they would all have been permanently banned long ago.

Mr Wookie, I know I am a beginner here, but all I ask is that you go a little easy on the infraction points, and try to be a bit impartial. I'll try to tone down the hyperbole as well!

P.S. sorry for posting this in BBV, but really, where else can I post it?
10-11-2008 , 06:18 AM
Beat: You look at/post in the politics forums?
10-11-2008 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by kaizhan

P.S. sorry for posting this in BBV, but really, where else can I post it?
About the forums forum

p.s. Mr. Wookie does a good job fighting the commies
10-11-2008 , 06:28 AM
I think that the mod of the politics forum should try to be impartial.

In my first day of posting i recieved 30/100 points towards a permanent ban for 'anti-Republican Hyperbole'. These are my 'Hyperbolic' statements:

"Although you will see the right wingers say medicare/medicaid/emergency room treatment is a viable last resort for the poor, they would also be the first ones to get rid of it if they could.."

"The republicans will trot out any argument and use any method to disenfranchise voters, from throwing poor people in jail to purging election rolls to using rigged untraceable machines..."

I have seen the same group of posters in here for ages.. if Mr Wookie handed out infraction points to the Republican posters at even remotely the same rate he handed them out to newcomers? democrats?, they would all have been permanently banned long ago.

Mr Wookie, I know I am a beginner here, but all I ask is that you go a little easy on the infraction points, and try to be a bit impartial. I'll try to tone down the hyperbole as well!
10-11-2008 , 06:30 AM
P.S. sorry for posting this in BBV, but really, where else can I post it?
About the forums, or send a PM.

I have seen the same group of posters in here for ages.. if Mr Wookie handed out infraction points to the Republican posters at even remotely the same rate he handed them out to newcomers? democrats?, they would all have been permanently banned long ago.
Wookie has a pro-Republican bias now? If you ask a bunch of people who have felt his wrath, you'll find out he's also biased against Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, moderates, anarcho-capitalists, Christians, atheists, vertebrates and probably other groups as well. It's amazing how his prejudice allows him to treat every group more harshly than every other group. I guess being impartial just allows you to bend the rules of math, huh.
10-11-2008 , 06:42 AM
typical righty mods have to go!
10-11-2008 , 06:51 AM
90/100 infraction points for me now, so i love wookie and i will shut up about my own opinions..
10-11-2008 , 06:53 AM
I got 5 infraction points once from iron but it was retracted cos I'm so awesome. True story.
10-11-2008 , 07:06 AM
I've still never had any.

(no i don't want any wookie)
10-11-2008 , 07:21 AM
typical righty mods have to go!
10-11-2008 , 07:23 AM
This reminds of one of those Zoo threads when someone complains about getting ripped off by Stars and doesn't provide full disclosure, undermining the complaint in OP. I don't read Politics so I have no idea if Wookie seems to have a right-wing bias, but I do know you left out more than half of content of the posts that you got warned/infracted for. Seems to me that you conveniently forgot to mention the most hypoerbolic things you posted.
Originally Posted by kaizhan
1- Osama Bin Laden denied involvement in 9/11.
2- Various videotapes have been released by 'Bin Laden', all of which corresponded with Republican talking points...
Originally Posted by kaizhan
The republicans will trot out any argument and use any method to disenfranchise voters, from throwing poor people in jail to purging election rolls to using rigged untraceable machines...
Why is it that while the democrats actively try to register new voters, the republicans actively try to STOP people voting.. hmmm...
Originally Posted by kaizhan
So much ignorance and hatred in this thread from the typical right wing crowd. You can see their complete lack of empathy for other humans in the responses..

Although you will see the right wingers say medicare/medicaid/emergency room treatment is a viable last resort for the poor, they would also be the first ones to get rid of it if they could..

After all, if you can't afford it, you deserve to die..

Health insurance companies exist to provide as little care for as much money as possible.. if people banded together, pooled their resources and negotiated as a nation, we could have universal health care.. increasing productivity, less bankruptcies, preventative medicine instead of reactive medicine.
Also, in before Bobo with "what was Wookie's response when you PM'd him with your concerns?"
10-11-2008 , 07:38 AM
OP, you repeated them so now you're on 60/100. Good job.
10-11-2008 , 07:45 AM
Pretty sure Wookie supports the same candidate as OP, and that any bias is directed towards OP's suckiness rather than his politics.

Also, lol @ starting 3 of these threads. Double lol @ posting one of them in BBV.
10-11-2008 , 07:46 AM
typical righty mods have to go!
10-11-2008 , 07:46 AM
the prescience of my post in "bad politics posters" astounds even me.
10-11-2008 , 09:29 AM
I'm fully serious about this. Mr Wookie abuses his power as a mod of the politics forum , plain and simple, much as Sarah Palin might, by applying the rules only in specific instances.

Or do I have to dig through his own posts / other peoples for "hyperbole" etc. I think the forum would be doing better un-moderated. It's like putting the 'wookie' in charge of the ewok house.
10-11-2008 , 09:48 AM

edit: my pony too slow
10-11-2008 , 09:49 AM
typical righty mods have to go!
10-11-2008 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Also, in before Bobo with "what was Wookie's response when you PM'd him with your concerns?"
What did Wookie say when you PM'd him with your concerns?
10-11-2008 , 09:53 AM

Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Prediction : kaizhan

book it and check the time stamp vs that of his 1st post.
Originally Posted by pvn
This new guy kaizhan has potential to be the next feltstein imo.
10-11-2008 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Mayo
typical righty mods have to go!
Oh no we have Mayo itt
10-11-2008 , 10:47 AM
I think that the mod of the politics forum should try to be impartial.

In my first day of posting i recieved 30/100 points towards a permanent ban for 'anti-Republican Hyperbole'. These are my 'Hyperbolic' statements:

"Although you will see the right wingers say medicare/medicaid/emergency room treatment is a viable last resort for the poor, they would also be the first ones to get rid of it if they could.."

"The republicans will trot out any argument and use any method to disenfranchise voters, from throwing poor people in jail to purging election rolls to using rigged untraceable machines..."

I have seen the same group of posters in here for ages.. if Mr Wookie handed out infraction points to the Republican posters at even remotely the same rate he handed them out to newcomers? democrats?, they would all have been permanently banned long ago.

Mr Wookie, I too know I am a beginner here, but all I ask is that you go a little easy on the infraction points, and try to be a bit impartial. I to will try to tone down the hyperbole as well! But it's not your job to take sides.
10-11-2008 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Mayo
typical righty mods have to go!

10-11-2008 , 11:12 AM
OP you suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk gahh its too early in teh morningz for reading 2+2
