haha, I was just thinking after once again reading a "level?" post that is the one thing I really can't stand about these forums. I'm sure I don't understand it entirely but it appears to be nothing more than either another term for "are you being sarcastic" which I guess means either the person posting sucks at sarcasm or you (the person making the level post) suck at understanding sarcasm either way just say, hey you suck at sarcasm or be quiet about not getting sarcasm. Or its just a lazy and unoriginal way to say you disagree with a post, or think its dumb. Again just post that instead of using the same god damned punchline again and again at least in the sports forum please.
I love leveling as much as the next guy
WTF does that mean? Do you even know or are you just to scared to go against the popular the trend and flat out say it sucks? If the next guy is me I assure you I do not love leveling.