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Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural"
View Poll Results: Do you think these Subforums should be created?
Yes, both
13 35.14%
No, none
22 59.46%
Just "the universe and aliens" should be created
1 2.70%
Just "the supernatural" should be created
1 2.70%

09-15-2015 , 03:49 AM
what about shraliens?
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-15-2015 , 05:56 AM
I see dead people.
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-15-2015 , 03:46 PM
So is this happening or what?
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-15-2015 , 04:32 PM
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-15-2015 , 04:38 PM
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-16-2015 , 01:02 AM
There's not enough bat **** crazy. Someone go recruit jiggs and deuces from the 9/11 thread.

Last edited by Majik19; 09-16-2015 at 01:10 AM. Reason: even the riggietard thread will do at this point
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-16-2015 , 10:57 AM
We could also call it "SMP unchained".
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-20-2015 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
We could also call it "SMP unchained".
Maybe more like RGT unchained.
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-20-2015 , 04:46 PM
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-21-2015 , 01:58 AM
^ Lool nice
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-23-2015 , 05:12 AM
Even for the Mirror that article is terrible.

How do even they get from Snowden talking about how alien signals are unlikely to be registered by us because they'll probably be encrypted to saying he claims aliens are trying to contact us right now?
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-23-2015 , 07:11 AM
If the Legend disagrees with the truth, print the legend!
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-23-2015 , 05:11 PM
I want to Bolieve imo
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-23-2015 , 08:28 PM
I was just trying to help the guy out.

@op I mean what the hell man? You make a new sub-forum suggestion and add zero content afterwords? Where are the links? Interviews? Photos? Email George Lucas and if, by some miracle he actually replies, post it here.

Apply yourself ffs.
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-24-2015 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by Majik1973
I was just trying to help the guy out.

@op I mean what the hell man? You make a new sub-forum suggestion and add zero content afterwords? Where are the links? Interviews? Photos? Email George Lucas and if, by some miracle he actually replies, post it here.

Apply yourself ffs.
The key to getting your thoughts regarding a certain concept going forward within a group is to let others come up to similar conclusions through some of their own ideas. My distancing from the topic was therefore thought out. The aliens topic is as fertile as it gets, if I throw up in here all my ideas and thoughts on possible topics then I'll be killing the fun for everyone, and for some eventual alien subforum creation.
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-24-2015 , 05:24 AM
09-25-2015 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Donkem
The key to getting your thoughts regarding a certain concept going forward within a group is to let others come up to similar conclusions through some of their own ideas. My distancing from the topic was therefore thought out. The aliens topic is as fertile as it gets, if I throw up in here all my ideas and thoughts on possible topics then I'll be killing the fun for everyone, and for some eventual alien subforum creation.

Still you could tell us your favorite Alien/Supernatural theory/thing OP? Alien Autopsy? Chemtrails? Hollow Earth? I personally like photos of time travelers.
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-25-2015 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
... I personally like photos of time travelers.
hmm...that was unexpected, I guess I'd have to say my favorite topic is when colorful beings atempt to pull a level or simply be funny and fail.
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-26-2015 , 03:02 AM
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-26-2015 , 04:28 AM
Dude thought we were on the same team, u don't jump off boat midway through u need to stick with your beliefs. (Even when OP says something that might point out that he's a "tool")

But in the case u were mildly expecting a serious answer...I'm not that much into aliens and stuff I'm simply a bit tired with the NVG, Politics, Religion, etc forums, I feel like all topics have become pretty much drained. I felt like an aliens subforum would refresh things up. Like I said it's a fertile topic imo however it doesn't look like it will be happening for now, maybe someone else will come up with the same suggestion in the future. Im not suggesting ideas because if I dont get to have the full experience then I rather not have the sample of it either. I prefer to wait and see if it eventually get's to happen.
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-26-2015 , 04:35 AM
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-26-2015 , 09:55 PM
My observation from the last 3 years or so indicate that motorcycle riding, meth dealing zombies are the only things that animate any excitement hereabouts.
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-29-2015 , 01:31 AM
I've discovered the absolute truth about aliens on earth after a couple days of browsing the internet. It's kind of shocking/disturbing, so you might not want to read the truth. Ill tell you guys the truth sometime tommorrow to put this issue to rest so you don't have to make a forum.
Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
09-30-2015 , 02:11 AM
oddly enough, my discovery about the truth began with debating some morons about Donald trump. my google searches led down ..a dark path. Some preface is required:

1. There likely is aliens somewhere in the galaxy. The universe is huuuuge there are literally trillions of planets. There are more stars than grains of sand. the odds of Aliens existing somewhere are high.

2. No credible discovery of alien encounters have existed on earth. No credible discovery of aliens has occured. In my view the discovery of bacteria on mars doesn't matter. A truly interesting discovery would be aleins at least as smart as squirrels if not way more intelligent than humans. This hasn't happened. IF aliens had cometo earthscientists would be thrilled to share that information. There would be at least a couple credible undeniable encounters. If you look at the evidence, there is no reason to believe aliens have visited earth.

3. but unfortunately the truth about Aliens runs much deeper than that. In spoilers I have decided to reveal the absolute truths about aliens. It has disturbing implications so if you're easily bothered you probably shouldnt readabout it.

The truth about aliens- This is kind of a long walk

1. In nature through evolution most mammals are black,brown and white. this is self explanatory; for example bears. Bears are mainly brown and black butthere are also lots of polar bears. look at mice. there are brown , black, grey, beige and white mice. There aren't green and purple mice. humans follow this trend. There are brown humans, black humans and white humans.

2. all three of the primary colors of humans and their various shades are natural (black brown white) but historically one is much rarer than the others that of white people. So what is the history of "whiteness". I'll just go ahead and say im white, I dont have an anti white or pro white agenda this isjust the truth. Humans originated about 100 thousand years ago in Africa. Originally most humans were black and then also shades of brown. The first humans were black. So.. how did white colored humans come to be? the true answer is undeniably that they are albinos.

Just to illuminate the truth a bit:

Albinos in tanzania

Albino family in india- these people look totally like europeans

an albino model with two chinese parents.

So even in all black communities about 1 in 10000 people is born albino or white. so if you have 10 million people birthing children who are brown they will produce 10000 albino children a year. These albinos escaped to the caucuses mountains about 20k years ago and started inter breeding. Darwin said that races were not a result of climate but of sexual selection. He was right. In the coldest regions of the earth people like eskimos lived not white people. white people get sunburned in the coldest regions. Obviously those in the caucusus mountains reproduced more with what they found attractive: for example blonde hair and blue eyes won out over red hair and red eyes.

And so caucasians were born. Im white skinned and totally ok with the idea that we came from albinos. albinos that came from humans that evolved from chimpanzee relatives from africa. That is the only truth.

The next part of the truth im going to mostly skip because blah blah racist/nazis- there ideas should not be promoted. but touching on it briefly when eugenics became popular there was other stuff going on besides just racism, there was a number of bizarre eugenics programs- for example stalin tried to breed humans with monkeys. stalin trying to make half monkey half humans

Part of these programs was the creation of a super intelligent and obedient subspecies. Its time to look at the stereotypical alien:




these proposed aliens were part of eugenics, not from space. The real truth is that people in dark rooms are not trying to convince you there are not aliens on earth and covering it up, they are trying to convince you that there ARe aleins on earth despite no evidence. This si what actually goes on in area 51; advanced spacecraft/aerospace engineering designed to complement hypothetical eugenics.

Eugenics is making a huge comeback and is inevitable in some form or another; for example cas 9 allows you to make your own dna, most down syndrome children are aborted and in south korea you can buy glow in the dark cats that have genes for glow in the darkedness asserted into them. look it up. Its obvious by these glow in the dark cats, dogs and fish that someone somewhere has made glow in the dark people- its only a matter of inserting the right genes. In the future no one will be human; we will be genetically and biomechanically engineered hom.o- evolvis people. It's pretty much inevitable since over time the benefits (super vision, super intelligence, longer life spans) will lead to others being like the amish. And so thats the real truth about aliens. In a sense everyone will be aliens.

So thats the real truth about aliens as of right now

Imo 2+2 should create 2 new subforums, "The universe and aliens" & "The supernatural" Quote
