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FYP policy FYP policy

11-14-2007 , 09:02 PM
I propose that users who do a "FYP" without putting the part of the post they fixed in bold receive a week long ban.

In addition to being a ******ed move, I feel there is a strong correlation between doing this and being an awful poster. CharlieDontSurf is a net negative on these forums and just did it today, in the myspace thread.

FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 09:03 PM
DcifrThs doesn't bold his FYPs and he's an awesome poster.

But I do agree, it's annoying, although a week long ban is lame.
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 09:10 PM
I propose that users who do a "FYP" without putting the part of the post they fixed in bold receive a week long ban.

In addition to being a ******ed move, I feel there is a strong correlation between doing this and being an awful poster. CharlieDontSurf is a net negative on these forums and just did it today, in the myspace thread.

FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 09:12 PM
Post deleted by iron81
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 09:20 PM
ATF is the best of all these forums. The responses in this thread will be awesome.

FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 09:20 PM

there is a policy against saying things like kill yourself, or die in a grease fire. The odd thing is - its actually enforced. Just thought you should know before your in over your head by accident.
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 09:23 PM

fall off a log and skin your knee
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 09:23 PM

kill yourself, or die in a grease fire.

How can you say such things!?!? So mean..
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 09:24 PM
DcifrThs doesn't bold his FYPs and he's an awesome poster.

If you are purposely attempting to level me, kill yourself.

If you really believe the above, kill yourself.
Maybe you don't agree with him? I do and I enjoy reading what he posts. It is no level, but I do know on times he hasn't bolded what he fixed. I don't see where the level could have come into play. I was trying to be on your side. Thanks.
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 09:28 PM
I propose that users who do a "FYP" without putting the part of the post they fixed in bold receive a week long ban.

In addition to being a ******ed move, I feel there is a strong correlation between doing this and being an awful poster. CharlieDontSurf is a net negative on these forums and just did it today, in the myspace thread.


You know usually when convicts get released on parole, they don't go around snitching on other persons and suggesting that they be incarcerated. Did your long ban so embitter you that you wish to visit that horrible punishment on others as a type of revenge on other posters?
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 09:35 PM
I propose that users who do a "FYP" without putting the part of the post they fixed in bold receive a week long ban.

In addition to being a ******ed move, I feel there is a strong correlation between doing this and being an awful poster. CharlieDontSurf is a net negative on these forums and just did it today, in the myspace thread.


FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 09:39 PM
that horrible punishment
Trust me, it's really easy once you get the hang of it.

FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 09:43 PM

So basically you are just admitting what was already generally known, or in fact rubbing the admins' faces in it, that you weren't an exemplary prisoner and constantly sought to escape, and that in between escape attempts, you got high in your cell. Is that correct?
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 09:44 PM
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 10:07 PM
I propose that users who do a "FYP" without putting the part of the post they fixed in bold receive a week long ban.

In addition to being a ******ed move, I feel there is a strong correlation between doing this and being an awful poster. CharlieDontSurf is a net negative on these forums and just did it today, in the myspace thread.


coming from nielsio, this is awesome
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 10:09 PM
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 10:21 PM
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 10:22 PM

kill yourself, or die in a grease fire.

How can you say such things!?!? So mean..
Troll - please to be reporting me to Mike Haven
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 10:25 PM
I just want to add that I'm surprised the "new" and "rehabbed" istewart doesn't seem to be on his best behaviour here. He gets released from the joint and he's out spitting on the sidewalk and jaywalking at every opportunity. Since he's probably holding, it just doesn't seem wise to ask to be patted down by the green police.
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 10:27 PM
I just want to add that I'm surprised the "new" and "rehabbed" istewart doesn't seem to be on his best behaviour here. He gets released from the joint and he's out spitting on the sidewalk and jaywalking at every opportunity. Since he's probably holding, it just doesn't seem wise to ask to be patted down by the green police.


PS: Welcome home!
FYP policy Quote
11-14-2007 , 11:44 PM
I propose that users who do a "FYP" without putting the part of the post they fixed in bold receive a week long ban.

In addition to being a ******ed move, I feel there is a strong correlation between doing this and being an awful poster. CharlieDontSurf is a net negative on these forums and just did it today, in the myspace thread.


coming from nielsio, this is awesome
And perhaps just a touch hypocritical?
FYP policy Quote
11-15-2007 , 12:20 AM
I propose that users who do a "FYP" without putting the part of the post they fixed in bold receive a week long ban.

In addition to being a ******ed move, I feel there is a strong correlation between doing this and being an awful poster. CharlieDontSurf is a net negative on these forums and just did it today, in the myspace thread imo.

FYP policy Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:20 PM

There is a policy against saying things like kill yourself, or die in a grease fire. The odd thing is - its actually enforced. Just thought you should know before you're in over your head by accident.
FYP policy Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:26 PM
So I was walking around the mall doing a little Christmas shopping. I wander into some store and I see this sign: "$20 Every Jean".

Anyway some little teeny bopper who looks about 16 comes over and asks me if she can help with anything. I was in kind of a goofy mood so I said, "So if every jean is $20 off then every pair of jeans is $40 off right?"

She just gives me this completely confused look. She clearly has no idea what I'm talking about. I thought it was kinda funny so instead of just dropping it, I said it again. She still had no idea what I was talking about so I decide it wasn't as funny as I thought it was and decide to drop it.

Except that some other guy overheard me, and says, "Yeah, I thought the same thing." So he starts in on the poor girl. I thought he was kidding at first, but he keeps going on and on about getting $40 off. He demands to talk to the manager, who's only about 19 himself, and starts in on him about "false advertising". It becomes clear that the customer is maybe 5 IQ points brighter than the girl i had first talked to.

The poor manager kid was doing the best he could to calm the guy down, while explaining he couldn't give him $40 off on his jeans. Anyway, the guy was getting pretty beligerant, and all the kids working there were looking really nervous. One was standing with her hand on the phone like she was going to call security. So I walked out feeling pretty satisfied with the whole thing. Job well done.
FYP policy Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:30 PM

some [censored] old oot post
break your nose in a dogpile.
FYP policy Quote
