Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Pretty accurate summing up imo.
Which is telling. Even if a guy dresses up in hate group garb. Spells his name indicating he is a member of the group. Has policies and rhetoric which matches up with them. Even if he supports a different hate group besides them. You and him call it hysteria and conspiracy to consider him a racist and white supremacists and member of that supremacist group and you have no understanding of others who might think differently then buying the cons excuses which you peddle.
Its either a troll game or willful ignorance or an agenda as far as i can tell.
I mean if it went more like yeah he does look like one and you are not being and a hysteric conspiracy nut for thinking it and here is why he is not...then ok i guess.
But no you and others paint anyone who dares to think the guy is a member of the hate group as a loons.
Do you know who uses and preaches that tactic?
Last edited by batair; 12-03-2017 at 02:07 PM.