Originally Posted by defauit
Congrats! very impressive.. Do you mind sharing your poker history?? thanks!
Pretty standard story. Started with ftp freerolls and free 50$ bankrolls on various sites in 2008 and eventually ran it up on party, and then moved up and started adding other sites.
Originally Posted by clintbygget
we played a bit vs eachother at midstakes on party in 07-09 somewhere. did you find that the game evolved extremely fast between 09-11? im one of those guys that made a killing for a while and like over night turned into a BE rb grinder and had to rebuild after black friday. did that ever happen to u?
its very inspiring to see that those winrates are still achievable! GG
I never really notice the games getting harder because its a gradual process but you can look at hands from 3 years or even 9 months ago and see how much better people have become. I would imagine if you went from making a killing to breakeven in a short period of time you were either running really well beforehand or really poorly afterwards or a combination of the two.
I did win less in 2011 than in 2010 which was kind of a wakeup call, so in 2012 i worked on my game a bit more, played fewer tables and game selected more.