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wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS)

05-04-2011 , 04:32 AM
heh, i like the pam pic.
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 05:16 AM
Your wife is acceptable. Bathe her, and bring her to me
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 05:37 AM
Good luck with the baby OP, hope everything goes great for you and your wife.

Is it your first child? if yes be prepared for no sleep, no money, no time to self, a house that looks like a creche for about 50 kids

Ignore the ******s on here, they don't know where babies come from, or how to make one.

They haven't got that close to a member of the opposite sex yet
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 05:46 AM
Solid 7?
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by Arthur Spoonerr
Gangsta. Wish I had a pic of my bro going Hulk Hogan ripping hist short in wo after a bad beat.
Originally Posted by Arthur Spoonerr
Originally Posted by Arthur Spoonerr
*ripping his shirt in two.

Nice forst 3 posts
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 06:12 AM
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 06:12 AM
First 3 posts
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 01:25 PM
Solid 7
lololol, i laughed till i cried when i saw that thread in 4L. the "on a scale from 7-277" is 'solid' gold.

@shoestring: thanks for the post man. i dont think im prepared to be honest.

@everyone else: cmon, i know this is bbv, but i know where i stand in life, and im VERY lucky for a 40yo. isnt the smashing of the keyboard interesting in any way? i havent lost my cool like that for a long time (though i will admit that wifey and i have heated blowouts about monthly). i was buzzed with alcohol, and drunk with rage, but i remember having that small sober place in the back of my mind after my first hit of the keyboard on a cement floor, and thinking "that didnt break enough. if im going to do this i need to really make it count". so i reloaded and really had a go of it. i actually cut my hand and fingernail. whatever, looking back it seems pretty ridic, but it was therepeutic in the moment.
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 03:53 PM
beat: pregnant wife
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by M.A.H.P.'s
lololol, i laughed till i cried when i saw that thread in 4L. the "on a scale from 7-277" is 'solid' gold.

@shoestring: thanks for the post man. i dont think im prepared to be honest.

@everyone else: cmon, i know this is bbv, but i know where i stand in life, and im VERY lucky for a 40yo. isnt the smashing of the keyboard interesting in any way? i havent lost my cool like that for a long time (though i will admit that wifey and i have heated blowouts about monthly). i was buzzed with alcohol, and drunk with rage, but i remember having that small sober place in the back of my mind after my first hit of the keyboard on a cement floor, and thinking "that didnt break enough. if im going to do this i need to really make it count". so i reloaded and really had a go of it. i actually cut my hand and fingernail. whatever, looking back it seems pretty ridic, but it was therepeutic in the moment.
with the average age here being like 23 you have to be a contender for oldest user

cya later granny
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 04:51 PM
with the average age here being like 23 you have to be a contender for oldest user
nah, but im faar above average. i wonder what the avg age really is? possibly less than 23. i guess its the reason for the amount of drivel.
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Ted_Bundy
bbv should be abolished completely
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by M.A.H.P.'s
nah, but im faar above average. i wonder what the avg age really is? possibly less than 23. i guess its the reason for the amount of drivel.
lol just joshing with ya the average age is probably 12 haha

gl with the kid sir
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 06:06 PM
'nother losing session today. starting to question all that is holy. will go drown my sorrows in massive beer and fast5 movi...
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Ted_Bundy
fast5 movi? and what do u mean by "massive beer"?
isnt ted bundy a mentalist? anyways back onto thread ya mentalist lolololol
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 06:23 PM
goin to fast 5 at a 21+ movie theatre that serves beer/alcohol.
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 07:06 PM
fast and the furious 5. its only the #1 movie this week? i think? going with a bunch of accountants; im not a big "go to the theatre" guy, in fact i hate it, but they want to go. at least there will be alcohol.
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 09:47 PM
first thoughts when seeing OPs original post was:

btw, ugly ass dog (inb4 someone says which one?)
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-04-2011 , 11:22 PM
Beat your wife or your KB hrmmm both beats if you ask me.
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-05-2011 , 02:32 AM
thanks for the post; did you win the seat in that bigtime tourney? possibly the b. friday thing had an impact on that, im not sure. anyway, good luck to you mr.
yes and yes lol. thanks. is ur SN on bodog outed? I might have played with you at some point.

So did you replace the keyboard? Any other updates from OP?
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-05-2011 , 05:55 AM
^^tbh, you have too many threads to wade thru, so im not up on the latest news, lol. regardless, what i did read was very good. could you pm or post here with a quick cliffs on your quest for that tourney and what ended up happening? i tried to vote once, but had to have an account or something so it didnt work.

i replaced the keyboard with one i already had sitting around. the new one (the one im using now) is actually better than the old one, which i sorta knew in the back of my mind when i was smashing it, but whatever.
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-05-2011 , 12:27 PM
For sure.

Spilling beer on the keyboard and smashing it is pretty hilarious. What type of beer was it may I ask?
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-05-2011 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by M.A.H.P.'s
anyway, i thought more about my 'incident' as i went to sleep. pretty funny. might need to go search for a thread on dealing with beats/the mental game. taking the weekend off of poker for a vacation. that will be good. fwiw, i think wifey is awesome for putting up with me and supporting me through everything related to this poker journey we are on. also a good sport for letting me make this thread.
Hey man, just wanted to recommend 'The Poker Mindset' by Matthew Hilger and Ian Taylor, it is a valuable and worthy addition to any players library. Just looked it up on Amazon, it's seriously cheap atm: - definitely worth the money imo.

Also I've got your RV thread all ready to go for when I have some time to have a good read, looks great so far! Keep on truckin!
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-05-2011 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by interix
beat: pregnant wife
what did she to do deserve that kind of harsh treatment?
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
05-05-2011 , 02:04 PM
I would like to have intercourse with your wife!
wifey poses with keyboard i just smashed (PICS) Quote
