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Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye...

08-23-2009 , 01:44 PM
pics or ban
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Cusipz
pics or ban
read or ban

actually, just ban.
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by br3nt00
read or ban

actually, just ban.
pics of manies w/cup, of course....obv the chick is someone else.
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 02:00 PM
Beat: No action with the girl.

Brag: Found mob money.

Variance: Story had penthouse forum potential.
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 02:37 PM
God your sister sucks. Jealous of you stealing her friend? she some fat smelly self conscious dog?
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 02:56 PM
lol Karma. Along with with jeebus, ghosts and aliens.
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 02:58 PM
ya poeple leave 7500 dollars laying around story is bs thanks for wasting our time douche bag
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 03:08 PM
So let me get this straight? You have an attractive, ditzy, drunk blonde, with nice C rack and you don't at the bare minimum try something? Man, you've either got no imagination or no game.

Also, "pinky". WTF?

Meh, I declare shenanigans, OP. FAIL
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 03:19 PM
Do the right thing and return the money and his belongings.
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by mikekelley
Originally Posted by Architect75
I get plenty more pussy than 75% of you over-confident internet nags.
75% of 0 is still 0
While your math skills are obviously intact, you clearly lack basic reading comprehension. Try again sir.
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 03:44 PM
a nice girl who likes you and a bag full of money....karma is a bitch -.-
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
thank you for posting cliffs, now I dont have to read what is surely a craptastic story. Why do these things always involve OP not doing what everyone knows he should do? Jesus, if you arent going to **** the girl, dont post the story. I should teach a class in TR, cuz I think all the ones ive posted I eff the girl
not in this one....
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by br3nt00
read or ban

actually, just ban.
Lol wp. Imo anyone that loses 7500 in hundo's is a ****** and doesn't deserve money. For all op knows guy is some ruthless drug dealer and just kill him for taking it in the first place duh. Your pot committed OP, now you gotta go all the way. I mean if your thinking this now you shouldn't have taken the bag. Also wtf to not banging excited and drunk 21 year old hottie when your 34 wtf. All options are bad tbh. Stay away from casino for a few months, don't ****ing talk about maney, don't piss off girl so she can't narc and become scarface ldo. This isn't a concern of ethics ok. People who carry 7500 in benjamins isn't someone you wanna fk with.

Edit- haven't any of you seen 'next Friday' with pinky's record store lol. 'Say something again bitch I'm pinky'

Last edited by killer_kill; 08-23-2009 at 04:04 PM.
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 04:19 PM
But the government and banks cheat us and steal our manies from us blind. That's why they have so much of it. You don't get rich by giving something back.

But forget that, why didn't you tap that pussy?
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 04:39 PM
Put $3750 on Red, if you win keep the extra £3750 and return the monies. If you lose put the remaining $3750 on Red, If you win return the monies, If you lose well..Cry. That way you only have a ~25% of not returning the money, and a ~50% chance of gaining $3750. SHIP IT!!!!!
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 07:51 PM
If u dont need the money then go and give it to charity.
Or return it to the owner

U know there are still ppl starving
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 08:08 PM
This really is an epic fail. I know everyone says epic fail al the time, but.... i mean.... you did it wrong. All of it. Im surprised you trying to drive a sailboat to the casino wasn't the opening of your story.

Also, I know when I let someone live in MY house and they give me a black eye there would be some serious making up to do, getting her friend back there, put in a good word on the work project, maid service for the whole house for a month or SOMETHING. Black eye is way uncalled for.. unless you bruise like a peach... which it sounds like you might.
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 08:20 PM
mmmm c cup breasts
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 08:22 PM
prolly fake
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 08:47 PM
Do some research:

1. Surely with a nickname "Pinky" and a driver's license you can find out if this guy is a major tool/douche/trust fund punk, etc.. If so, keep moneys, clear conscience.

2. If he turns out to be a mob guy/MMA star or any other type of badass with a connection to the security cam operator at the casino pay that man his maneys (with vig) and lay low.

Re the chick:

3. Hit that this time, clear conscience.

4. Post pics, send link to sis, profit.

Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 08:59 PM
Why would your sister be so mad? Is she ghey for this said girl or something, the whole thing makes no sense
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 10:14 PM
1. Keep the money and take it to the casino with sisters friend
2. Win monies
3. bang her
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 10:46 PM you didn't get laid?
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 10:51 PM
"i am a good guy with good morals"

methinks you believe this to be true. but I think u are incorrect.
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
08-23-2009 , 10:58 PM
good read lol
Walked out of casino with <img , Arrived home with 00 Cash Money n a black eye... Quote
