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Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY

03-02-2009 , 08:47 PM
I just shipped $300 to you on FT.

My FT name is Poolside1

I hope your sleeping well
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-02-2009 , 08:52 PM
Wish I had 30k to bet on this, but can only 30$, it is too small ?
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-02-2009 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious
I think we need a new forum for prop bets, which has 2 sub forums.
The first sub forum is for proposing bets and should be moderated, which means all the posts need acceptance by a mod before they go through. The posts should only be about general rules of the bet and the like and interest in action. No comment what so ever about whether or not this bet is profitable. If people want to find out if the bet is +EV, they talk to people who know it or who they trust.

I know this would be a lot of work, but I think there are people willing to do that. It would be better for everyone involved.

I got discouraged by posts in prop bet threads and didnt bet, because I thought those people knew what they are talking about, as it turned out both prop bets failed miserably (I wanted to bet on two bets) and I missed out on an opportunity to win money, just because I thought someone knew what he is talking about.

Not only is it bad for people who get discouraged to bet and miss out on an opportunity, but the challenger himself loses tons of action (see Alobar's case).

The second sub forum should be the prop bets themselves, when it's all set and done and the prop bet starts. People can talk all they want, post whatever they want, no heavy moderation, except for thread opening rights.
agreed, i will moderate w u
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-02-2009 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by Deadcalm94
Wish I had 30k to bet on this, but can only 30$, it is too small ?
i think it's $100 min. but you can try it.

you can ship Boku $ on FT too (his name is in a previous post)
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-02-2009 , 09:40 PM
Shipped 30$ to P5contest

still hope you win though. Stars nick : pokEarl

Last edited by earl; 03-02-2009 at 09:49 PM.
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-02-2009 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by 2SHAE
agreed, i will moderate w u
i wont moderate, too much waste of time, but there are people on here who got that time
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-02-2009 , 10:27 PM
Can someone with sharkscope offer daily updates? (or will boku do this?) won't be able to rail & got some $ on this and no sharkscope subscription either. Also dont think opr is 100% accurate.
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-02-2009 , 10:56 PM
this isnt possible. i wish i had the bankroll to bet all against.
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-02-2009 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by LasFuentes
Can someone with sharkscope offer daily updates? (or will boku do this?) won't be able to rail & got some $ on this and no sharkscope subscription either. Also dont think opr is 100% accurate.

sharkscope isnt 100$ either...but whenever i open the thread i will post a graph
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 01:02 AM
I was going to bet a lot against boku when I first read this thread. But after seeing what he's capable of doing, I did not want to bet with 1-3 on my money. GL, and sleep well tonight!
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 02:04 AM
is it too late to bet on this? Honestly, I don't have time to read the entire thread and stuff, but it sounds like I would put a couple hundred against if all I have to do is transfer to the escrow? Or do I have to sign up somewhere else too? Sorry, I'm new to this stuff...
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 02:32 AM
It hadnt started yet, id transfer and send a PM to him. He was looking for more action anyways so im sure hes cool with it.
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 02:57 AM
Blog url?

Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 03:00 AM


GL in ur sngs, but not too much
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by Poolside


GL in ur sngs, but not too much
Having fun on the chat lol?
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 03:12 AM
The more I think about this, the more I think he could do it more easily than a lot of us think...Instead of putting money on it I will just root for ya Boku, gl. Eitherway, this will be INTENSE and I'm excited!
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 03:20 AM
eh screw it, I'll go in for 30 (BALLER!!), gl anyway though Baku! You will have a pm with my pokerstars name in a couple minutes
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 03:51 AM
I find sng based bets just a little more interesting for some reason. maybe it's the whole "oh he's out open a different table" factor and sharkscope giraffes that make it that way.

gl boku.
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 05:22 AM
I wish you good luck Boku ...
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 06:05 AM
i did the maths and I think it is quite possible...

lets say it takes him 2 day to get his roll up to playing the $16 games

If he plays 10 hours a day, he will have to make less than 5-buyins per hour, which 16 tabling the donkey SnGs is doable... The question is whether he can put 10 hours in per day everyday. I don't think it is quite as hard as some people think. Definately not easy, but I wouldn't bet against him with $1,000 if he knows how to multi-table properly
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 06:12 AM
Its gonna depend alot on how he runs during the starting few days.
Boku87 i hope you win this prop bet and im rooting for you

Just for the record Boku87 is 1 kind man.
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 06:18 AM
$150 sent to P5contest (isle om man) Tuesday morning 11:15 German time

We are going to meet a lot in the next 2 weeks i guess.

If you are going to win this bet i am sure you will be a great example for me.
If you are going to lose this bet i make some $$$ so it's great either way this bet is going to end.

GL though Boku87...
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 07:26 AM
35 minutes to go ...
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
03-03-2009 , 07:47 AM
This will be fun
Turning 100$ into 10000$ in 15 days LOWLIMIT ONLY Quote
