Originally Posted by vittoleon
Hitting a ball is impressive? Americans lol . Go crazy over the most boring sport ever invented.
Originally Posted by vittoleon
I find it hard to call baseball a sport lol. Its barely a game. No wonder barely any country cares about it.
Originally Posted by jimmyvjv13
I actually don't like baseball, but doing anything that hasn't been accomplished in 45 years in professional sports is impressive to me.
For the baseball haters, figure it like this:
Football - I think we could all agree the quarterback is this sports hardest position. A quarterback at the top of the top has a completion percentage of about 65-70%. These are the best, remember, succeeding about 65-70% of the time.
Basketball - The best players in the league have a shooting percentage of around 55-60% (not a big bball fan, so this could be off alil). These players succeed a bit more than half of the time.
Baseball - The best of the best hitters have a batting average of bout 0.350. This means they fail about two-thirds of the time! That is insane! And just think about the average BA; maybe 0.260-0.280? These guys are failing nearly three-quarters of the time.
Baseball you can sit and take batting practice allllllll day. But each game situation can not be replicated by BP. You do NOT know if you are going to swing 1/3 of a second before the ball arrives, you do NOT know the location the ball will be in, and you do NOT know if the ball will be moving up down left right! On top of that, you have to hit this round ball, with a round bat, BUT hit is squarely!
Football and basketball are, in my opinion, very 'boom-boom' sports, meaning, things happen very quick. You take the snap and hit the guy in the flats, or you drive to the lane and hit the layup. Baseball, hitter take 20 seconds in between pitches to think/guess what is going to happen. You can really psyche yourself out.
When I have this friendly argument with ppl at the poker tables, many suggest golf and baseball being the toughest sport to succeed...Jimmy, we once played together in Hammond, and i vaguely remember you talking about golf...do I remember correctly? If so, whats your opinion?
(I know there are probably a bunch of counter-arguments, but lets not high-jack Jimmy's thread. I am open ears to other's thought and stances...feel free to message me or start a new thread. I bet we could get a good one going...)