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Things people do in casinos that tilt you Things people do in casinos that tilt you

07-01-2010 , 10:12 AM
home games:

Guys fully drunk after 6 beers insisting they are "steady as a rock",
when you point out it is their turn after they think for 2 minutes , they rant and rave that they know and are thinking..after 5 minutes , the drunk folds preflop.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 10:16 AM
People who look like they're gonna call with chips in their hand, and then turn over their hand and check with their knuckles.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 11:35 AM
1/2 game. I'm shortstacked as hell ($40) after playing bad (because I am not very good, let's be honest) and I'm ready to leave. (I have a no-rebuy policy.)

I'm in MP with AQ. UTG raises to $12 and I decide to just put it all in. BB calls, UTG shoves all in for $250, BB calls all in, I flip over my AQ, UTG flips over JJ, BB just sits there clutching his cards for whatever stupid reason people insist on not flipping over their damn cards even though the betting is closed because everyone's all in.

Flop is all little cards, turn K, river Q. UTG looks sick to his stomach. BB sits there confused, studying all the pretty cards for another 10 seconds, trying to figure out who wins the hand. Obviously after this long, I think I'm probably good. Finally BB realizes he's got the best hand, and flips over AK.

Just flip your cards, you goddamn ******. I suck, I'm broke, and I need the bad news much quicker than that. Douchebag.

Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by ThatDutchGuy
People who look like they're gonna call with chips in their hand, and then turn over their hand and check with their knuckles.
People who reach out with a whole stack in their hand and drop 3 chips on the felt (just a call) like a bird crapping on the window. Chips across the line should be binding.

It doesn't really affect anything, it's just irritating.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Ace Jackoff
1/2 game. I'm shortstacked as hell ($40) after playing bad (because I am not very good, let's be honest) and I'm ready to leave. (I have a no-rebuy policy.)

I'm in MP with AQ. UTG raises to $12 and I decide to just put it all in. BB calls, UTG shoves all in for $250, BB calls all in, I flip over my AQ, UTG flips over JJ, BB just sits there clutching his cards for whatever stupid reason people insist on not flipping over their damn cards even though the betting is closed because everyone's all in.

Flop is all little cards, turn K, river Q. UTG looks sick to his stomach. BB sits there confused, studying all the pretty cards for another 10 seconds, trying to figure out who wins the hand. Obviously after this long, I think I'm probably good. Finally BB realizes he's got the best hand, and flips over AK.

Just flip your cards, you goddamn ******. I suck, I'm broke, and I need the bad news much quicker than that. Douchebag.

I know this has been said like 5 times in this thread but flipping over 1 card at a time/not showing has got to be the worst, close 2nd place is the check min raise.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 12:14 PM
People who win money against me tilt me ... just a little bit.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Ace Jackoff
People who reach out with a whole stack in their hand and drop 3 chips on the felt (just a call) like a bird crapping on the window. Chips across the line should be binding.

It doesn't really affect anything, it's just irritating.
Lol this happened to me for the first time like 2 weeks ago. Didn't tilt me, kinda thought it was funny.

So far the only thing that has bothered me enough to throw me off my game was some black guy that was being all aggressive and hostile after I hit my nut flush. He would point at me and say something to his girlfriend (yeah, he was one of those guys who get their girls to just sit there behind him for hours), then talk **** about me to the people sitting next to him. He kept saying **** like I was asking for it and he was going to take my whole stack, so I told the table adios and waved to him as I went to cash out his money. He starts ranting about how I'm hitting and running, even though I had sat there card dead for like an hour.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 12:41 PM
Ah the old check-min-raise, is there anything worst... how about the float play: Board is something like K-7-5-2, I c-bet, he ****ing floats flop, I check turn, he POTS IT. I mean WTF are you betting the DEUCE? If you called my PF raise with a King in your hand, why not just raise the mother ****ing flop?

But even worst than that is when you check and try to read the person, the first tell that hits you in the face is his eyes towards his stacks and him reeeecheeeing for chips.

When you bet the nuts and the first thing you see is your opponent peeling his cards horizontally.

When you throw a bluff out there and the first thing you see is him looking at his stack.

When you with a $10 pot and some douche tips the dealer for you. Or, when you win a decent pot and tip $1, someone tips an additional $1 to make you feel cheap. WTF do you want me to tip? 10 bucks?
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by afiguy357
^^ your avatar is so ironic considering your last three posts
yeah, here is another one from last night. See a guy who played with me the tourney before I was in. We both final table, he asks me if we want to go piece of each other. "$100 for the other if one doesn't make it" Never seen this guy before other tourney. Who the **** would do that with someone who doesn't know you!!!
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Ace Jackoff
1/2 game. I'm shortstacked as hell ($40) after playing bad (because I am not very good, let's be honest) and I'm ready to leave. (I have a no-rebuy policy.)

I'm in MP with AQ. UTG raises to $12 and I decide to just put it all in. BB calls, UTG shoves all in for $250, BB calls all in, I flip over my AQ, UTG flips over JJ, BB just sits there clutching his cards for whatever stupid reason people insist on not flipping over their damn cards even though the betting is closed because everyone's all in.

Flop is all little cards, turn K, river Q. UTG looks sick to his stomach. BB sits there confused, studying all the pretty cards for another 10 seconds, trying to figure out who wins the hand. Obviously after this long, I think I'm probably good. Finally BB realizes he's got the best hand, and flips over AK.

Just flip your cards, you goddamn ******. I suck, I'm broke, and I need the bad news much quicker than that. Douchebag.

In a cash game you don't have to show your hand. You only have to show your cards to take down the pot contested. It isn't like a tourney, where you go all in pre flop and you have to flip them up!!!
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by afiguy357
^^ your avatar is so ironic considering your last three posts
and even one more csb. This one guy last night gets bought a beer from another guy. The ordeal was something of a big one like he is in AA or something. I ask, "you don't drink or what?"

Big mistake that was. He goes on to talk about how he makes $250K/yr salary and can't risk his job because of a DUI. Not that I care because I don't drink, personally banana's are my thing, but how about responsible drinking. Don't drink and drive then, or did you just have to throw the subtle brag about you making $250K/yr. working pretty much part time.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by 3pears
If you called my PF raise with a King in your hand, why not just raise the mother ****ing flop?
Lol do you always raise the flop when you have top pair? Are you really that terrible?
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by bacats32
In a cash game you don't have to show your hand. You only have to show your cards to take down the pot contested. It isn't like a tourney, where you go all in pre flop and you have to flip them up!!!
Yes, I realize this.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Ace Jackoff
Yes, I realize this.
then wats the beef?
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by bacats32
then wats the beef?
You dont play live cash much do you.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-01-2010 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by 3pears
I check turn, he POTS IT. I mean WTF are you betting the DEUCE? If you called my PF raise with a King in your hand, why not just raise the mother ****ing flop?
OMG! He confuses you by mixing up his play. That is so low!
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-02-2010 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by TheGunner
OMG! He confuses you by mixing up his play. That is so low!
He wasn't making any more money on the hand. He either has a hand good enough to slow-play, a hand good enough to raise the flop but not strong enough to slow play or a hand too weak to call.

He pots the turn so he doesn't have a set or anything like that, he didn't raise the flop so it's not a big King. Betting a weak King on the turn is just mediocre and he's only gonna be called by a better hand. If he's bluffing, a flop raise would have accomplished just that. He is basically just pissing in my face.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-02-2010 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by bacats32
then wats the beef?
The beef is AK guy can see the other 2 players' cards. He should be turning over immediately when the river hits. What the heck was he waiting for? Did he seriously not know he had the best hand?
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-02-2010 , 06:34 AM
People who when second to act and think you might bet put there hand on there chips as if to say how much let me count it out now. Then if you bet they fold and if you check they check behind obv play I know.
Also people who at showdown throw there cards face down towards to when they have the winner as if to say you need to see this up close.
I have actually just described one annoying guy in my home game lol
Last night this guy screwed another guy as well. UTG shoves, MP calls guy in cutoff is thinking about calling while above guy is on button and counts out chips needed to call and places them seperate to his stack. Cutoff sees this and folds. Above guy then insta folds. UTG could have tripled up but instead just doubled and cause of above guy would have had a pretty big stack as a result of it. Above guy knew MP who called all in so could be deemed as collusion.
Basically the guy is a douche and probably doesnt even realise it
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-02-2010 , 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by flop_da_kapooriyas
People that blame the dealer for bad cards and actually make a verb out of it. "You are not giving me any good card!" - "Why are you screwing me over?" - "She (hot female dealer) knows I love her the most and she still won't give me cards but I still love her". <-- That one cranks me up. When I'm usually the one the hot female dealer has a crush on and I don't really give a ****.
Well done. We're all impressed from your bull**** story.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-02-2010 , 08:56 AM
I was playing at a live cash game and these two old guys were heads up to the flop which came 678. old guy A bets, the other one calls. turn is a K, old guy A bets, B calls. river is a deuce A bets again and B calls again.
Old guy A proclaims "I missed my straight" and flips over his cards so only a nine was revealing and the other one was hidden underneath. he then proceeds to slowly peel the cards apart with his fingers, and reveals a king for top pair. WTF? The other guy ended up having KJ (nice flop call) and scooped the pot.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-02-2010 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by 3pears
He wasn't making any more money on the hand. He either has a hand good enough to slow-play, a hand good enough to raise the flop but not strong enough to slow play or a hand too weak to call.

He pots the turn so he doesn't have a set or anything like that, he didn't raise the flop so it's not a big King. Betting a weak King on the turn is just mediocre and he's only gonna be called by a better hand. If he's bluffing, a flop raise would have accomplished just that. He is basically just pissing in my face.
This is just about the dumbest analysis of a hand i have ever heard. I bolded everything that is wrong
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-02-2010 , 07:58 PM
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-02-2010 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by gunn2122
I was playing at a live cash game and these two old guys were heads up to the flop which came 678. old guy A bets, the other one calls. turn is a K, old guy A bets, B calls. river is a deuce A bets again and B calls again.
Old guy A proclaims "I missed my straight" and flips over his cards so only a nine was revealing and the other one was hidden underneath. he then proceeds to slowly peel the cards apart with his fingers, and reveals a king for top pair. WTF? The other guy ended up having KJ (nice flop call) and scooped the pot.

haha SUCH a douche thing to do by "Old guy A" - Karma's a bitch
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
07-02-2010 , 11:01 PM
gotta say, im sure you wont agree, but i despise people who dont flip when they're all in
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
