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Things people do in casinos that tilt you Things people do in casinos that tilt you

12-14-2015 , 10:17 AM
When you 3-bet a nit with Aces and he calls and you flop top set.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-14-2015 , 10:23 AM
how does that tilt you?
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-14-2015 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by 18000rpm
When you 3-bet a nit with Aces and he calls and flops top set.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-14-2015 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by 18000rpm
When you 3-bet a nit with Aces and he calls and you flop top set.
I get it...
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-14-2015 , 04:51 PM
I don't get it Is it because you won't get any more action?
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-14-2015 , 04:53 PM
This is not really casino but anytime someone starts a play by play hand history. "I had this and he had that and the flop came...". And they say it as if it's really a wow story.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-14-2015 , 05:03 PM
Or when they start the story "Listen to this hand, the flop was K something something" and add absolutely no other context or detail you just know it's going to be a ****ing terrible story.
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12-14-2015 , 06:49 PM
To be fair any poker story I've ever heard around a poker table has been terrible
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-14-2015 , 08:38 PM
people being big 'ol babies at the poker table. like the sense of entitlement that some people have is annoying. i normally let this kinda stuff slide but last night i finally said something to this kid who is the biggest baby about poker. he just has that feeling of "oh i'm better than other people, i play better cards, and this pot/hand should be mine" and if it isn't or doesn't work out he gets pissy and annoyed.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-14-2015 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by UpHillBothWays
people being big 'ol babies at the poker table. like the sense of entitlement that some people have is annoying. i normally let this kinda stuff slide but last night i finally said something to this kid who is the biggest baby about poker. he just has that feeling of "oh i'm better than other people, i play better cards, and this pot/hand should be mine" and if it isn't or doesn't work out he gets pissy and annoyed.
I ****ing hate people like that... the overly entitled self proclaimed poker pro... aka the guy who CANT WAIT to play with the fish and run over the tables until they get sucked out by J4o or something and take the beat personally. Then they proceed to berate the **** out of the fish and chase them away
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-15-2015 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by MTT_9797
I don't get it Is it because you won't get any more action?
Yup. Nits will flat call your 3bet with KK QQ and jam on a low flop. When there's an Ace on the board they'll snap fold thinking your AK got there.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-15-2015 , 03:30 AM
But what if they got AK/AQ? Maybe they flopped or will flop a set also? True I don't like flopping sets of Aces. I prefer middle sets on dry boards. 77 on A75r is perfect
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-16-2015 , 04:33 PM
When a player make an aggressive bluff on a wet board, you get a read, you call them with a weak hand to win. The person then goes on and on about how stupid of a call that was and how you should have never called.

It doesn't put me on tilt, I am happy I won, I would rather not have to listen how my call was stupid but their bluff wasn't.

Last edited by KYFHO; 12-16-2015 at 04:41 PM.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-16-2015 , 07:40 PM
Thread Title - Things people do in casinos that tilt you

Originally Posted by KYFHO
It doesn't put me on tilt.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-17-2015 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by CleanoutKid
I ****ing hate people like that... the overly entitled self proclaimed poker pro... aka the guy who CANT WAIT to play with the fish and run over the tables until they get sucked out by J4o or something and take the beat personally. Then they proceed to berate the **** out of the fish and chase them away
i never 'go off' at anybody at a table, but i did say something to this kid after hours of his behavior. he won a hand that had the hands been reversed, he'd have did his whole whiney bs thing. i pointed it out to him and told him straight up he's the biggest baby i've seen at a poker table and the least self aware one as well.

just so amazing how people can act like that and think it's fine
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-17-2015 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by UpHillBothWays
i never 'go off' at anybody at a table, but i did say something to this kid after hours of his behavior. he won a hand that had the hands been reversed, he'd have did his whole whiney bs thing. i pointed it out to him and told him straight up he's the biggest baby i've seen at a poker table and the least self aware one as well.

just so amazing how people can act like that and think it's fine
Kudos to you for doing that, I always wanna confront them and beat their asses but I can't do that without risking getting banned or at the very least dealing with police bc these ppl usually snitch so I just try to get in pots with them and outplay them
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-18-2015 , 10:16 PM
[QUOTE=BlueLagoon32;48821462]Oh man...Have to get this off my chest!

Yesterday, playing 2/4, 10 of us at the table.

There was this guy there, looked exactly like this.[\quote]

I'm just loling at the fact that you google image searched a while to find a picture of a greasy old guy with glasses
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-18-2015 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by BlueLagoon32

I'm just loling at the fact that you google image searched a while to find a picture of a greasy old guy with glasses

I'm glad someone enjoyed the post
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-19-2015 , 04:57 AM
The preflop tanker. Every. ****ing. Hand.

When people don't follow the action and you have to tell them it's their turn.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-19-2015 , 07:02 PM
When my opponent with a clearly disadvantaged position tanks forever to make a move in Chess and immediately I can take a piece and fork queen and rook. And he immediately goes into the tank with about 3 legit moves available. ****ing resign already ffs.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-20-2015 , 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by MTT_9797
When my opponent with a clearly disadvantaged position tanks forever to make a move in Chess and immediately I can take a piece and fork queen and rook. And he immediately goes into the tank with about 3 legit moves available. ****ing resign already ffs.

Which casino do you play chess in?
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-20-2015 , 05:01 PM
Here's a new one;

Board was AK73Q rainbow.
I flipped KK proudly, thinking I was way ahead.
Other guy flips AA and my stomach goes cold, I say "nice hand" etc.
Wanting to curl up into a ball and eat some candy, some railbird makes eye contact with me and chimes in;

"Oh mate! You think that's bad? Last week: King Ten offsuit, board is Ace King Ten....blah blah blah..."

Yeah I'm really not in the ****ing mood to sympathize right now, mate.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-20-2015 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by BlueLagoon32
Here's a new one;

Board was AK73Q rainbow.
I flipped KK proudly, thinking I was way ahead.
Other guy flips AA and my stomach goes cold, I say "nice hand" etc.
Wanting to curl up into a ball and eat some candy, some railbird makes eye contact with me and chimes in;

"Oh mate! You think that's bad? Last week: King Ten offsuit, board is Ace King Ten....blah blah blah..."

Yeah I'm really not in the ****ing mood to sympathize right now, mate.
This reminds me of a spot that will pop up now and again. I bet on the river. And I know I'm betting for value here, I don't have the nuts, but I'm pretty sure when Villain only calls instead of raising that I'm good. Ex. AK3sss5x3x Hero has QTss and rolls it over thinking I've got , Villain after calling river turns over K3. And then some dumb explanation about how "oh I thought you must've had AA." or something dumb like that.
Things people do in casinos that tilt you Quote
12-20-2015 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by WarPig6565
This reminds me of a spot that will pop up now and again. I bet on the river. And I know I'm betting for value here, I don't have the nuts, but I'm pretty sure when Villain only calls instead of raising that I'm good. Ex. AK3sss5x3x Hero has QTss and rolls it over thinking I've got , Villain after calling river turns over K3. And then some dumb explanation about how "oh I thought you must've had AA." or something dumb like that.
Oh man....That happened like 3 times yesterday in the same session as the hand from my last post. I see it WAY too often;

- "If I bet/raised you would just fold anyway."
- "I thought you had AA!"
- etc

Far out. As long as they keep playing their monsters slow, and their bluffs, loud, we will mop the floor with these people. Oh and I ended the KK vs AA session up 1.2 buy ins so there's that.
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12-21-2015 , 02:46 AM
When there is a ton of multiway action on every street and you hold the virtual nuts, cannot think of a single hand that beats you. River comes and oops well there is ONE possible card that could beat you. And Villain will somehow have that card.

Wh: Flop A45r and you hold AA. There are not many hands out there that will think they're good really. There is action (bet and raise like you're squeezed in between) and you just call. No way anyone has 2-3 given the PF action. In the unlikely event, you can still boat up.

Turn: 6. Ok so now the 7-8 got there with a gutshot. 6-2 also but unlikely. More action and a quick call, you value-raise and get the call.

River: 8. Now all it takes is a 7 to beat you. One Villaun donk shoves for like 1/9th of the pot.

7-4 offsuit

Just feel robbed and cheated.
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