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Things that amaze me about the so-called "online hot-shots". Things that amaze me about the so-called "online hot-shots".

05-28-2012 , 02:25 PM
Things that amaze me about the so-called "online hot-shots". Quote
05-28-2012 , 05:42 PM
Durr would bet kings into op's trup QQ imo

Things that amaze me about the so-called "online hot-shots". Quote
05-28-2012 , 09:47 PM
You're going to get raped.
Things that amaze me about the so-called "online hot-shots". Quote
05-28-2012 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by joseperez
Durr would bet kings into op's trup QQ imo

Things that amaze me about the so-called "online hot-shots". Quote
05-29-2012 , 05:20 AM
[x] OP once ate a squirrel alive for prop bet to afford weeks food shopping
Things that amaze me about the so-called "online hot-shots". Quote
05-29-2012 , 05:29 AM
Anyone who decides to brag about how good they are in the live world doesn't deserve any of our respect online or live. Let the stats speak for thenselves and don't try to sound like you can kill the online game because you will end up eating your own words
Things that amaze me about the so-called "online hot-shots". Quote
05-29-2012 , 05:51 PM
I just knew this was going to be a bad thread.... But with bad threads come funny pictures....well done OP
Things that amaze me about the so-called "online hot-shots". Quote
05-29-2012 , 09:14 PM
Is OP even replying to this thread?

Assuming its not a wind up.. which it probably is..

So called 'online hot shots' sounds like your mocking them, and yet theyve made millions from the game. So surely you agree they cant be that bad at the game?


1. Aggression will fail. Why? Because the counterstrategy is so simple yet beautiful. Passiveness and trapping. Just call durrrr with QQ+ and he will hang himself every time.
Do you not think durrr, a world class player, will not notice that you have sat there all day, played no hands, and then all of a sudden youve 3 bet the pot out of no where?? Do you not think this will ring alarm bells?

This happened to me in vegas... a guy sat there all day, i 3 bet all day, i had pocket jacks and 3 bet, he announces all in for like 250 more on my raise of 40 - so i insta fold, dont even need to think about it really. not saying im like durr lol, all im saying is, its an easy fold. hell he could have even had pocket 10s there, but in the long run hes not pulling that move with less than QQ

Further to this.. ok lets say Durrr calls your 3 bet.. and then the flop comes

Ace 4 6 rainbow - you bet the pot, Durrr re raises you to 4 x the pot - then what mr genius?? With your pocket queens waiting to catch durrr??

2. You can't beat experience. Like I previously stated I'm 49 years old. Been playing poker for 30 of them. Do any of you seriously think someone in there lower 20's can compete with that?
I know where your coming from with the experience thing.

However, you and I could practice the 100m every day for the next 15 years and we will never ever be as good as usain bolt (even if he didnt train once) - some people are just better and more talented than others
Things that amaze me about the so-called "online hot-shots". Quote
